Well last night I wastrying to PuG in Ruins of Morah. Tried three times (as a monk) and the PuGs failed to kill varesh the first time and I got frustrated. Wanted to jsut get through so I was willing to pay for a run. A guy in town offered for 2k so I took it.
We get in and this dervish asks if he needed help and the runner said "No stay back" which the derv quickly ignored and ran in and stole the aggro of varesh off the 55 Monk. Now if you are familiar with most 55Mo builds you know taking hits gives energy that w/o you can't maintain enchants. So it didn't take long before our runner was dead. I was left thinking another PuG failure and I paid for this one
I managed in the flury of events that followed to get the runner back up and his hero luckly didn't die but the rest of the PuG (runnies?) did. so of course I left them that way and the runner was able to finish run, with a little extra healing help from me, mainly Healing seed. (we did save Masters too

So is this common for Runners? Or was this just a Noob who didn't understand the concept?