Lag and Virgin Broadband - -

brave bern

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005


Fun With Blood (SuK)


Please sign here if you are experiencing lag and your ISP is Virgin (formely Blueyonder or NTL). My problems started a couple of months back, I had some really odd things happening like massive white square heads on random chars - After some investigation by ANET they blamed my ISP - my ISP blamed ANET - then it went away so all was ok for a while. However lag was still an issue -I used a variety of broadband tests and all the results were fantastic - all other games played smoothly, my Xbox online games were superfast, CSS, HL2 - (only one online game looked crude ugly and unplayable then I realised someone put WoW on my PC) - but seriously.

Then today at work I managed to sign in using a dial up isp with poor performance but the kind of lag one would expect from a dial up - at the same time my son could not sign in at home on our 20 mb Virgin Media service.

In another thread I noticed a trend, Virgin - - - So I am wondering about other UK users? I am in the South East using Virgin Product - -
If there is enough of us, maybe as a it maybe recognised as an issue - I understand ANET have some problems too at this time and that is indeed making things unbearable. So PLZ post.

Malice Black

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Join Date: Oct 2005

Thats not lag, thats graphic problems. I have Blueyonder/Virgin and I experience no lag.

chemical range

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2007



i think you need to upgrade your computer / drivers. Most likly it is your graphics drivers or gpu not handling this game.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Birmingham, England

Build Wars [gg]


I also have Virgin and experience no lag issues.