As I specifically want to explore non-elite forms, I suggest this mantra: give with one hand and take with the other, something of equal worth.
Basically, a Form shouldn't be a straight power-up, it should be a change that is double-edged to the user. On one hand there should be something good that is awesome and can be built upon. On the other, there should be a serious weakness that is the bane of that form. I'll offer up some examples but I hope people will post their own ideas. One caveat - please keep the power levels sane, and make the form risky and exciting at the same time!
I'll scale the abilities for levels 1-15 rather than 1-12 because 15 is a nice number for scaling

High Concept
This Form allows a primary or secondary Ranger to become a werewolf, go melee and unleash the rage at the expense of casting any Spells.
Skill Description
Beastmastery: 15e, 2s activation, 30s recycle.
For 10...90s you assume the form of a werewolf. While in this Form you fight as a Dire Pet, and all your weapons and their bonuses are disabled. Any Pet skills you activate that would normally only effect your Pet effect you instead. You cannot cast any Spells while in this Form.
Concept Analysis
So ok, what this Form does is it lets you use Pet skills for yourself instead of for your Pet. You don't need a Pet unless the skill specifically calls for it, such as Heal as One or Symbiotic Bond. What you get is the ability to Poisonous Bite or Ferocious Strike for yourself and go berserk in Tiger's Fury. I'm uncertain if I should allow the use of the powerful Beastmastery Shouts or if they should be disabled along with Spells (which I am already disabling as the penalty for this Form). L20 Dire Pets count as a 20-40 base damage weapon with an additional 15% damage bonus. Counting werewolves as Elder Pets instead would remove this bonus.
Chaos Gate
High Concept
This Form allows a primary or secondary Mesmer to become an incubus or succubus, and use their seductive power to drain energy and adrenaline from foes at the risk of losing their own energy when attacked.
Skill Description
Domination Magic: 5e, 2s activation, 30s recycle
For 10...60s you assume the Form of a demon of seduction. You steal 1 energy from your target each time you cast a Spell on a foe, but each time you are hit with an attack you lose 3...1 energy and your attacker loses 1 strike of adrenaline.
Concept Analysis
This Form transforms the primary or secondary mesmer into an incubus or succubus, depending on gender. Offensive Spells gain a 1 point energy drain effect on the enemy, which reduces the cost of offensive Spells as long as the target has energy. Getting hit by attacks causes the mesmer to lose energy, but their seductive form protects them from adrenaline users somewhat by inhibiting adrenaline gain. This makes the form useful to spellcasters providing they stay out of harm's way, and there is some double-edged protection against warriors and paragons. An adrenaline user can also make use of this form by deliberately placing themselves in harm's way, inhibiting enemy adrenaline gain at the cost of losing energy. Break points for energy loss when hit are at 8 and 13.
I'm going to have a break and think up some elemental forms and some kind of vampire. Please feel free to comment and add your own tweaks and ideas and I will add my caveat again - please try to keep power levels sane, and make the form risky and exciting at the same time! I'll add good ideas with credit to this post as long as I can still edit it