The Gladiator, the other new profession?
Kate Bloodspirit
My guess is the other new profession is gonna be a bare hands fighter, it'd be really funny if some sort of roman gladiator and the skills were like:
"Kick in the jaw", "punch in the face", "Elbow in groin", "arm lock", "step on feet", "flying kick"
hahaha =D
"Kick in the jaw", "punch in the face", "Elbow in groin", "arm lock", "step on feet", "flying kick"
hahaha =D
Did you just dream that up :P
Don't forget "poke in the eye"

Pretty weird dream if he/she did... I think they would model it on Tifa from FF7 she had awesome hand to hand combat skills. Gladiators used weapons and such.
i dunno, the poke in the eye brings back fond memories of larry, curly, and my personal favorite ... moe.
Capitan Del Queso
I really hope the other new class isn't anything like that, because between the war, ranger, and assasin, physical combat is gonna be pretty well covered. The addition of yet another figher class would be really redundant. Hopefully the other new class will be more innovative like the mesmer instead of like the same trite classes found in most mmorpgs.
However, one thing to think about is what madness would ensue in GW if a hot new class everyone wanted to play that didn't promote spending hundreds of platinum on a perfect golden req 8 weapon with a cool skin was added.
However, one thing to think about is what madness would ensue in GW if a hot new class everyone wanted to play that didn't promote spending hundreds of platinum on a perfect golden req 8 weapon with a cool skin was added.
If anything it's the warrior who should be given a new skill line for hand to hand combat.
Malevolent Anarchy
Do i dare want to think what the elites would be lol
Juicey Shake
I'm hoping a chocolatier is added, yesss....
Well, look at it like this, as is there are:
Sooooo, two new physical-based classes would be a nice even-out.
Was it said that only TWO new classes were to be added?
Well, look at it like this, as is there are:
Sooooo, two new physical-based classes would be a nice even-out.
Was it said that only TWO new classes were to be added?
Dont forget the "kick in the nuts" skill now that would be funny
Warrior's have gladiator's armor and gladiator's defence already.. so I don't think there's going to be a gladiator profession in the game.
R. Mindwalker
Break Neck as Elite.
Target suffers from broken neck. (same to daze)
This attack hits for X damage. It can't be evaded or blocked.
Target suffers from broken neck. (same to daze)
This attack hits for X damage. It can't be evaded or blocked.
I think assassin will be the only new close combat type , I maybe wrong , maybe they will add a Barbarian that can stomp the ground and make knockdown , and drink blood from the bodies when he has killed them .... and of course he can use 2 weapons
Maybe a bard? With a ukelele? Tiptoeing through the tulips of Kryta?
As is well known, all monsters become nauseous and try to flee ukelele music.
As is well known, all monsters become nauseous and try to flee ukelele music.
why not go for the glory and just add Chuck Norris?
That would be unfair, because as you all know nothing and I mean NOTHING can defeat Chuck Norris.
Dont forget the "Nipple Twist"
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