In need of PvE build
Well.. I just made a Dervish the other day, and I was thinking to myself: WOW avatars look so cool! So I'm looking for a build that includes avatar in it. Any ideas? Should I go with scythe mastery or wind prayers/earth prayers or what ? Thanks very much!
Mysticism : 12+1+2
Scythe Mastery: 12+3
[skill]Avatar of Lyssa[/skill][skill]Eremite's attack[/skill][skill]mystic sweep[/skill][skill]victorious sweep[/skill][skill]heart of fury[/skill][skill]Zealous renewal[/skill][skill]Resurrection Signet[/skill] +Sunspear Skill (reloads all D skills after 10s, including Avatars)
This is what first comes to mind, it has zero utility, but some energy management and huge damage potential.
Scythe Mastery: 12+3
[skill]Avatar of Lyssa[/skill][skill]Eremite's attack[/skill][skill]mystic sweep[/skill][skill]victorious sweep[/skill][skill]heart of fury[/skill][skill]Zealous renewal[/skill][skill]Resurrection Signet[/skill] +Sunspear Skill (reloads all D skills after 10s, including Avatars)
This is what first comes to mind, it has zero utility, but some energy management and huge damage potential.
^ It doesn't get much better than Lyssa + Heart of Fury. Maybe ass in Lyssa's Assauly for added E-management?
Hm.. what kinda build would you guys use if you wanted to use avatar of balthazar, or of grenth?
~ Dan ~
Originally Posted by Ri3tN
Hm.. what kinda build would you guys use if you wanted to use avatar of balthazar, or of grenth?
don't, they both suck. dwayna and lyssa are the outstanding avatars imo.
grenth doesnt suck, atleast in PvP it did not, now that it lasts that short time, it still doesnt suck much as balthazar. For balthazar build ask 1 random dervish in PvE areas and they will probably have one ready in skill bar.
aww.. i was hoping for balthazar/grenth build. they look so cool! but thank you guys for responding
Balthazar is better than grenth, is just looks but lyssa and dwayna are good too
Stormlord Alex
alas, Ri3tn, the problem is that you don't need the heavy-enchant stripping of Grenth at all in PvE, and Balthazar sucks... Especially when we could take Lyssa or Melandru (Eviscerate on 6s recharge = win)
The only place I've ever found Avatar of Grenth to be useful, in PvE, is the Desolation, for dealing with all the dirty Vow of Silence Dervishes.