I met acouple of cool ass grentches a few hours ago, we were chillin'
Well...a few spiked eggnogs and a dance fest later...
Hell of a night. Going to bed after this shit.
Chillin' with Grentches
Beasty Ham
lol, thats funny
ROFL!!! Did you check to make sure none of the grentches stole your wallet?
Brian Fuller
LOL, looks like those Grentches know how to party.
Hey, if only I knew, I'd have been joining Grentches'parties as they still were in Ascalon!! XD
lol im not one for parting with grenchies, i like my killer parties of 25 or more lvl 13 minions, lvl 18 bone horrors/fiends. now thats a party
well its more of a moshpit than a party
well its more of a moshpit than a party
Fear The Destroyer
That's pretty funny.
Sounds like you had a good time, but yeah. You sure they didn't sneak a few platinum from you? Also, you did some nice editing - but the no-anti-aliasing bit burns.