I was recently thinking. since i spend a fair bit of time on wikipedia
i couldn't find much to suggest it was planned and did a search but get nothing
is it planed/possible
to intergrate (merge) the official guild wars wikipedia with the actualy interface of guild wars?
like this
in it's own window.
this would be great becuase it means the wiki is in the same window as the game so you can browse it while still reading chat or watching over things. you'll basicaly miss alot less
the picture is a quick concept thing. it's only a minute cut and paste.
it would probably be better if it could be edited to black and blue coloring like in the help panel (that should be easy by just editing the CSS) anyway i think it would work..
Good Idea:
Wikipedia (Help) interface
Redeem Gamma
It'd save me time since I sometimes need to look up a map (terrible sense of direction ftl) or something, but I'm not entirely sure how difficult or even possible this would be.
That however would mean they have to effectively merge an internet client directly into the guild wars client, or at least the API's for one. Not a good idea IMO, as a bug in a webpage on the wiki could potentially crash your whole client.
Just open the wiki in a restore down'd window
Winter Lady
I love the idea, my only concern is the practical side of things.
Like what dargon said, I wouldn't want to risk it if it crashes my game especially if I'm in the middle of a mission!
Like what dargon said, I wouldn't want to risk it if it crashes my game especially if I'm in the middle of a mission!
Redeem Gamma
well.. yes. that was my first thought. if there did go into play you could do things as crazy as browsing your guilds forums through the game (gotta admit it's another similar and good idea but a bit OTT)
perhaps to solve such a sollution it could simply display a database which is just a rip of the wiki and update reguly and have that displayed in game. of course there is still potentional for bugs but that's why you test these things
and honestly if it does crash your computer or game then you don't use it.. but it's there for those who's it doesn't
perhaps to solve such a sollution it could simply display a database which is just a rip of the wiki and update reguly and have that displayed in game. of course there is still potentional for bugs but that's why you test these things
and honestly if it does crash your computer or game then you don't use it.. but it's there for those who's it doesn't
I've seen that already in Flyff.
So it can be done.
So it can be done.
Redeem Gamma
Flyff's a sad game but it has some good Interface idea's to it

/signed this would be great