Originally Posted by Risky Ranger
Edited from Wikipedia
A flame may have elements of a normal message, but is distinguished by its intent. A flame is typically not intended to be constructive, to further clarify a discussion, or to persuade other people. The flamer is simply a closed-minded or biased individual whose conviction that his is the only valid opinion leads him to personally attack any "dissenters."
I think your last line falls into this category.
I think suggesting I am "simply a closed-minded or biased individual whose conviction that his [sic] is the only valid opinion..." falls into that category.
Myself suggesting, that for me personally, reading fanboy sycophancy is not as much fun as reading complaints, is self professed opinion. Not that I have anything against a well produced 'flame' - read *funny* - it's just that, to quote Christopher Hitchens - "I haven't even taken my pants off yet".
All else aside, my post was made with an (albeit casual) argument to support it, even though it was always expressed as my personal view. Your post appeared to have no other purpose than that of a vague ad hominen attack. If I was prone to flaming I
might label you a pretentious idiot.*
I apologise to any who consider my post questioning the usefulness of a double xp for capping elites weekend lacking in much detail, I guess I didn't want to put more work into it than Anet put into this weekend's special event.
* NB: that's a Risky Ranger style 'flame', but executed more forcefully and with the courage of personal conviction. : )