I am looking for Core for gvg.
The guild has a past and I am looking to rebuild.
I am the leader, my IGN is: Fickity Twists.
FYI: I am a woman leader. I do not play during the day, this would be an evening only guild, unless I can get ppl to play during the day on satudays.
I do need ppl that will fit these reqs.
I am not really strict, I just expect you to try your best and to be honest with me about your experience.
-Top 1000 exp
-at least 300 thousand balth ( exceptions may be made, but contact me in game or by PM here for info and why I should wave this.)
-Vent and Mic
-17+ years old ( Mature)
-Listens well
-Active Daily ( We gvg late 9pm-3 am EST)
-Knows what to do without being told. ( If we give you a bar, and need you to spike on 1,that you will be spiking on 1 or telling us you are unable to. In other words, be vocal about anything that will hinder your performance in game: Hexes, conditions, ability to make it to target by 1.)
-No raging
- Must be a good sport in matches ( no taunting or talking smack, even if you know the ppl on the other team).
-If you are a frontline player, calling and strat is a helpful tool, but is not required.
-Ability to play 2 professions well and all 3 expansions (Prophecies Factions and Nightfall) Please note: This means you have all weapons, runes and insignias unlocked for that each of them as well.
-Must be a Team Player
We are an american guild.
Inner City [Smrt] Recruiting Core