After taking some time to get in touch with my inner Dervish, I figured it was time to put another video out. So, without further ado... here's another video.
Actual frame-grab from the HD video (CLICK FOR BIG)
This one is a bit different. There's some pretty drastic changes in the next episode, tentatively named "Episode Seven," including a few staff changes we've been preparing for in the past few months.
So, here's a promo video explaining/hinting at some of the changes being made. You may notice it is now available in HD - enthusiasts of the series will find that the extra download time is worth it. It's so worth it, it was even worth the trouble of completely overhauling the layout and design of the display to accomodate the new aspect ratio. AWESOME.
HIGH QUALITY DOWNLOAD (1024kbps - 33.5 MB)
Additionally, while I have everybody's attention (everybody being all 16 of you that follow STAR), I figured I would also mention that episode seven is written and fully filmed, and will document the recent Dragon Festival. I'll be at GoonCon2007 in Montreal next weekend (July 27-29), so I'm aiming to have that episode out by then. BE ON THE LOOKOUT.
(P.S. - because this video is being presented in widescreen, it has not been submitted as a streaming video on IncGamers because their applet attempts to format the video into 4:3 definition, which would force-skew the video itself)
Edit by Unlucky Slayer: Even though the awesomeness of HD has come to Starnews, we gotta keep pictures to the forum size rules. Thank you.
Edit by TRUEgamer: My bad, sorry. Fixed it so there's a thumbnail now instead of the actual huge image.
STARNEWS23 Promotional Episode 6.5
Unlucky Slayer
Even with the lack of any actual news, this one was still pretty good. Cant wait to see the new one.
Can't wait for episode 7.
Stalker Haras
lol these have always been awesome
Thy Shadow Wolf
Loved all of them so far and great news to hear that you're soon to be releasing a new one
(Oh, and if you ever need an extra in some future episode.... I would gladly offer my services

excellent ep!!!! cant wait for the next one!!!
first one I've seen and I like it!
Jaythen Tyradel
Can't wait for the next one!
Missed the StarNews23 team.
Missed the StarNews23 team.