Guild for Mature Player(s)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2007

Hi. I am looking for a guild of comprised of mature people looking to run the prophecies content (as its the only chapter I own) and generally have a good time. My highest character so far is level 14 W/Mo. I live in the eastern U.S. and mostly play during weeknights.

By "mature" I don't necessarily mean age, but if your guild/team chat looks more than less like Ascalon City's local then that's probably not the right fit for me. I'm a long time gamer with RP and MMORPG (City of Heroes/Villians) experience, but I'm not necessarily looking for an RP guild. I've been playing GW on/off casually for about a year. I'd be interested in some light PvP, but haven't done any so far and would rather finish the PvE stuff first.

I usually team with my fiance and some random friends, but it would be nice to have other humans to help. Thanks for reading.