Revert the party window change!
I'm sure someone thought this up in a shower and figured it would be the most useful thing ever. "No more scrolling! They'll all be so happy."
Pretty much the opposite.
For a real brief example, play the Venta Cemetary mission.
Notice anything?
The expanding party window -completely- covers up the "mission progress" bar when, for example, approaching a Sentry Trap. For someone who hasn't done the mission before, they'd wind up taking all kinds of damage and never even knowing why. So now I'm shifting the whole damn window over and taking up a huge chunk of screen real estate to see when I wander into their perimeter. There are other places this can happen, of course, but this is a right-from-the-start example.
One of the saving graces of the game is that pretty much every last bit of the UI can be resized and moved to wherever you want. So to now REMOVE that bit of choice - I LIKE being able to scroll down and only care about the allies, OR expand the window and see everyone at once - seems bizarre.
Please either revert this change, or introduce a simple behavior checkbox into Options/Interface to allow a player to choose (Scroll/Auto-Expand).
Pretty much the opposite.
For a real brief example, play the Venta Cemetary mission.
Notice anything?
The expanding party window -completely- covers up the "mission progress" bar when, for example, approaching a Sentry Trap. For someone who hasn't done the mission before, they'd wind up taking all kinds of damage and never even knowing why. So now I'm shifting the whole damn window over and taking up a huge chunk of screen real estate to see when I wander into their perimeter. There are other places this can happen, of course, but this is a right-from-the-start example.
One of the saving graces of the game is that pretty much every last bit of the UI can be resized and moved to wherever you want. So to now REMOVE that bit of choice - I LIKE being able to scroll down and only care about the allies, OR expand the window and see everyone at once - seems bizarre.
Please either revert this change, or introduce a simple behavior checkbox into Options/Interface to allow a player to choose (Scroll/Auto-Expand).
/signed, I don't like that I can't control how much space the party window takes up. Scrolling is FINE. Once you have a huge chunk of allies in tow, byebye to anything important that's displayed in the corners.
/unsigned, I like this way a lot better, at least give us the option to keep it like this.
/signed.... the new party window SUCKS
aaje vhanli
/unsigned just move your party window to a better spot.
I have no problems with this update. In fact, it has solved the problems I have had with the Party window.
I have no problems with this update. In fact, it has solved the problems I have had with the Party window.
really don't like it
really don't like it
Operative 14
I like customizing my Screen
(And for anyone who reads these forums a lot, yes, this is my third post to that effect)
I like customizing my Screen

(And for anyone who reads these forums a lot, yes, this is my third post to that effect)
Effendi Westland
I hated the constantly resizing party window when zoning in and out of town.
I hated the constantly resizing party window when zoning in and out of town.
/not signed
I love the new party window, having to resize all the time was so annoying!
I love the new party window, having to resize all the time was so annoying!
Miss Eisei
if they make the UI customizable
then it should be customizable, otherwise remove the layout option from F11 all together
and why NOW, after 2 years should this be introduced
i agree 100% with the OP, even tho i dont have it in just that place im very picky about my placement and size
but like someone said, make it optional, so ppl can have autorezise if they want
dont just give us half the cookie
give us both parts pretty pls
if they make the UI customizable
then it should be customizable, otherwise remove the layout option from F11 all together
and why NOW, after 2 years should this be introduced
i agree 100% with the OP, even tho i dont have it in just that place im very picky about my placement and size
but like someone said, make it optional, so ppl can have autorezise if they want
dont just give us half the cookie

Tark Alkerk
my solution?
a check box which reads:
Disable party window resizing
a check box which reads:
Disable party window resizing
Legendary Battousai
Originally Posted by Tark Alkerk
my solution?
a check box which reads: Disable party window resizing done. |
This solves all of the problems this ordeal has created.
/unsigned, unless there'll be an option to disable/enable party window resizing.
Originally Posted by Tark Alkerk
my solution?
a check box which reads: Disable party window resizing done. |
/unsigned to a full revert. I like the new party window.
However I will /sign for the option to chose between them, as I can see how people might not like the new party window.
However I will /sign for the option to chose between them, as I can see how people might not like the new party window.
/not signed for a revert.
The new system is handy thanks.
For those clammoring for a revert.. how about not asking for a revert, but instead asking for a tweak, with a smile :P
ANet are listening.
Gail's full post is here fyi
The new system is handy thanks.
For those clammoring for a revert.. how about not asking for a revert, but instead asking for a tweak, with a smile :P
ANet are listening.
Gail's full post is here fyi
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Hey, guys,
The interface changes that I've seen remarked about most are the change to the party window, so that you can't extend and compress it, and the placement of the different windows. (And, sometimes, those sub-windows being resized.) We will be sure to point to this thread in the Community Summary, so that the designers can read your input on the changes. Clear, concise, I like this, I don't care for this and would suggest [this alternative] is very appreciated, as it allows the designers to read through quickly and really see the crux of your comments. ....thanks for your constructive comments and suggestions! |
Heh this very similar to my thread of about the party window here.
which was made before this one.
But this one seems to of attracted more people to it.
They either revert it back, or give us that optional button, if they don't do either. I'm thinking of leaving GW, it just really screws up my mind for some reason when I attempt to play GW with it like that. Also it does not good for my custom layout.
which was made before this one.
But this one seems to of attracted more people to it.
They either revert it back, or give us that optional button, if they don't do either. I'm thinking of leaving GW, it just really screws up my mind for some reason when I attempt to play GW with it like that. Also it does not good for my custom layout.
/ half signed. I did like being able to resize myself, so in my opinion they should keep the automatic sizing of the screen, but also give you the option of resizing it from the corner as per usual once the maximum party size has been reached.
That way both parties are happy...
That way both parties are happy...
I kinda like the new party window, you can collapse the allies part anyway so it doesn't really block anything on my screen but having an option seems like a better idea, sometimes it's just inconventient to not being able to reize and/or scroll.
Check the last line of my post; I'm totally fine with a customisation option to let a person pick, so, no worries there.
I swear they make this kind of change just to see if their customer base is paying attention or if they've fallen asleep. -.-
I swear they make this kind of change just to see if their customer base is paying attention or if they've fallen asleep. -.-
Never! I HATED the old party window!
Not it resizes and you can hide/show the parts anytime.
It's not fun when a dumb monk puts somebody hidden due to scrollbars.
Now everyone is show always.
If your party window overlaps with other panels, just move them to other place. The party window have to stay entire and complete, like now. You can still set the width.
The whole arty should be shown constantly so people is aware of how the party is doing easily.
It's perfect like now.
Not it resizes and you can hide/show the parts anytime.
It's not fun when a dumb monk puts somebody hidden due to scrollbars.
Now everyone is show always.
If your party window overlaps with other panels, just move them to other place. The party window have to stay entire and complete, like now. You can still set the width.
The whole arty should be shown constantly so people is aware of how the party is doing easily.
It's perfect like now.