More Realistic Effects.
Just a Simple Idea that could make the Game more Realistic
Like for Example.
Warrior Chars Wearing Heavy Plate Armor should have a Reduced Running Speed. Like Who really can run fast when Wearing a full suit of Plate Armor. Also at Guild Halls etc Like Uncharted Isle witch half the BattleField is almost up to Ass Deep Water Characters wearing Heavy plate armor shouldent be able to run threw it at normal speeds like they were running on concrete. Or when running threw Sand-Snow Etc.
Also Attack speeds on diffrent Weapons should be increased and decreased like if your using some sort of glads armor your not wearing much so it should be easyer and faster to swing a sword then if your wearing full platemail armor.
To balence out something like that the Armors should have Reduced stats and Increased stats Depending on what set of armor it is.
Just a Simple Idea.
Also On Rangers they shouldent be able to shoot Infinite amounts of arrows..... Like where the hell are these Arrows coming from? and Theres no Qiver wat so ever to even hold Any Arrows to Begin with. Also Incase i havent Noticed theres No BowString wat so ever on any Bow. Unless its so Tiny and im Blind People usng Bows are Basicly Using the Air and Half a Peice of Wood to shoot Arrows.
Like for Example.
Warrior Chars Wearing Heavy Plate Armor should have a Reduced Running Speed. Like Who really can run fast when Wearing a full suit of Plate Armor. Also at Guild Halls etc Like Uncharted Isle witch half the BattleField is almost up to Ass Deep Water Characters wearing Heavy plate armor shouldent be able to run threw it at normal speeds like they were running on concrete. Or when running threw Sand-Snow Etc.
Also Attack speeds on diffrent Weapons should be increased and decreased like if your using some sort of glads armor your not wearing much so it should be easyer and faster to swing a sword then if your wearing full platemail armor.
To balence out something like that the Armors should have Reduced stats and Increased stats Depending on what set of armor it is.
Just a Simple Idea.
Also On Rangers they shouldent be able to shoot Infinite amounts of arrows..... Like where the hell are these Arrows coming from? and Theres no Qiver wat so ever to even hold Any Arrows to Begin with. Also Incase i havent Noticed theres No BowString wat so ever on any Bow. Unless its so Tiny and im Blind People usng Bows are Basicly Using the Air and Half a Peice of Wood to shoot Arrows.
If it were "realistic" we'd die from a single blow from any weapon or's a fantasy game with a simplistic, accessible fast-action combat engine more akin to Diablo than Dungeons and Dragons.
I'm glad i don't have to buy 30 arrows before every battle or worry about encumbrance or dexterity. If i did i'd be playing Neverwinter Nights or Oblivion instead.
I do however agree, there should be penalties and benefits associated with different armour types - eg Platemail is better vs Physical, weaker vs Elemental (rust, lightning, fire), drains energy in the desert. Glad's allows you to swing faster with lighter weapons, better dodge (i know the mechanic has gone), worse vs physical, drains energy in the cold. So not only do you need to consider your enemies when selecting a skillbar, you need to consider the environment when selecting your armour.
Armour benefits / penalties was in part true before insignia were introduced (Platemail +vs physical, Glad's +energy) but now there is absolutely no benefit to having one armour or weapon skin over any other therefore no real incentive to collect them all. Storage and the ability to generate wealth are the limiting factors.
I'm glad i don't have to buy 30 arrows before every battle or worry about encumbrance or dexterity. If i did i'd be playing Neverwinter Nights or Oblivion instead.
I do however agree, there should be penalties and benefits associated with different armour types - eg Platemail is better vs Physical, weaker vs Elemental (rust, lightning, fire), drains energy in the desert. Glad's allows you to swing faster with lighter weapons, better dodge (i know the mechanic has gone), worse vs physical, drains energy in the cold. So not only do you need to consider your enemies when selecting a skillbar, you need to consider the environment when selecting your armour.
Armour benefits / penalties was in part true before insignia were introduced (Platemail +vs physical, Glad's +energy) but now there is absolutely no benefit to having one armour or weapon skin over any other therefore no real incentive to collect them all. Storage and the ability to generate wealth are the limiting factors.
Em.... its a copmuter game, not real life!
Those suggestions would just make things very fiddly. What is a ranger meant to do if he runs out arrows mid fight?
Those mechanics are fine as they are.
Those suggestions would just make things very fiddly. What is a ranger meant to do if he runs out arrows mid fight?
Those mechanics are fine as they are.
No, I dont think that's a good idea.
Do you really think that a tatoo or a scar or just a panties can provide any kind of armor?
This is a simple game, let it be.
Do you really think that a tatoo or a scar or just a panties can provide any kind of armor?
This is a simple game, let it be.
the Puppeteer
would that make naked character run the fastest?

Prof Of Black
Well ok, it is realistic.
But hey, the game should be fun, I dont see running slower as fun
But hey, the game should be fun, I dont see running slower as fun

Plz don't make GH's more imba.
I don't play GW from realism thats what real life is for
well this would be reallly annoying after a while.
If you are carrying five hammers (massive sledge hammers .... not those little carpet tack hammers) in your belt pouch you keep falling over to that side. LMFAO!
If you are carrying five hammers (massive sledge hammers .... not those little carpet tack hammers) in your belt pouch you keep falling over to that side. LMFAO!
GW is not like that.
Go again to the isle of nameless and review some tutorials and manuals.
Go again to the isle of nameless and review some tutorials and manuals.
No thanks, if you want realism, get yourself a life.
Making warriors perminately snared would ruin PvP (it would be incrediabley easy to kite them).
If you, the OP, have no what I just said, then you shouldn't be making posts that would affect the game balance if you don't understand the PvP meta.
Making warriors perminately snared would ruin PvP (it would be incrediabley easy to kite them).
If you, the OP, have no what I just said, then you shouldn't be making posts that would affect the game balance if you don't understand the PvP meta.
Amon Warrior
Too much realism would spoil the game.
However, some environmental effects related with location could add strategic depth.
- Archers could get a bonus for shooting from a higher place.
- Defenders for being on top of a hill or protected by trees or walls.
- Attackers charging from a higher point.
- ...
However, some environmental effects related with location could add strategic depth.
- Archers could get a bonus for shooting from a higher place.
- Defenders for being on top of a hill or protected by trees or walls.
- Attackers charging from a higher point.
- ...
Rangers do get a bonus for shooting from higher ground... they get longer range.
And you can already use environment to cover from projectiles.