Shattered Eloquence [Ron] Roleplaying Guild



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shattered Eloquence [RoN]


"We are those that were cast off by society! We are those that wish for peace and refuge from all that wish harm upon the weak. United in brotherhood, forged in comraderie. Shattered I name you!"

Guild Name and Tag: Shattered Eloquence [RoN]
Guild Leadership Name: The Senate
Senators: Casaunda Deathwrite, Catsohori Nicoli, Garan Faelblood, Ii Hate Ii

Guild Founding: October 16, 2006
Roleplay Styles: Freeform, Canon, Non-Canon, Open Canon
Supported Games: Currently Guild Wars, Hellgate London once it releases.
Forums: Shattered Eloquence Open Forums

How to Join:Our guild has several forms of recruitment, we though will only accept members through applications. And once they are approved recruits are then interviewed depending on their application. This is not a guild to join if your looking for Hardcore PvP or for Farming of any type.

Joining Links: You can check out form and rules on application along with our code of conduct here. Or you can just check out the general Enlistment Table forums and view other accepted applications by clicking here

Roleplay Requirements: Guild Members are not required to Roleplay but we hold our own events and usually Rp with each other. We participate in other held events not controlled by our guild also.

OOC Background: Shattered Eloquence the Guild was founded after long negotiations between a small alliance of three guilds. The members of this alliance were, The Whirling Saints [WS], Whispers In The Darkness [WtD], and The Wayward Shadows [TWS].

The guilds in question decided that after nearly a year of friendship that they should combine to form one much larger guild. The resulting community and Roleplay guild is Shattered Eloquence.

The guild itself has several experienced members who have Rolepaly from forums, tabletop to even in some cases LARPing.

IC History: The Kingdoms of the West and the great civilizationis of old have fallen. The peoples of Tyria have separated themselves through strife and prejudice. Others rise up to fight back coming chaos and then at the same time ridicule those that are different.

From the lands of the world refugees disappear and find solace in their trek. For they wish for a life where there is balance, where the hatreds of old do not lie, and where they can find friendship and family. From the Ashes of the Fallen Kingdom arose the small but wise nation of Natlin. A small light in a sea of chaos and disloyalty, a place where outcasts, exiles, and refugees find hope from the dark tides.

IC Information: Shattered Eloquence is what remains of several guilds united to stand one the boundries of our world. Where the unexplained and the strange rules, and where all do not fall into the direct lines of common nature. They are called the Shattered, a people from many paths and faiths. All united in a beautiful epithany of expression known simply as the Eloquence...

Ballad of the Eloquent
Fallen land did I once love...
Fallen path did I once walk...
Wandering in the endless sea...

The Eloquence is for me...

Seeking safety from shadow...
Seeking life that is peaceful...
War and Death I did not wish...

The Eloquence is for me...

Find did I a brotherhood...
Defend I do with hearty blade...
Shield and Spear do I take up...

The Eloquence is for me

Shattered I am and Shattered I be...
Fighting for Love and Family...
Honor and Justice I do redeem...

The Eloquence is For me...