More storage for GWEN?
With the last storage update, we were given extra storage for each campaign we owned. Will Eye of the North result in another storage tab in the chest storage? I know its an add-on and not a campaign but I am still hoping for more storage. There are just so many collectable items I am saving for rewards in the game its hard to save space. From what I read about the game I don't recall anything about more storage, but if I am wrong and missed it someplace then I apologize for this thread.
This really about the only question I have concerning GW:EN right now. We were given a new tab for each or the campaign's we owned. I hope we do get another tab for getting GW:EN.
Roo Ella
Dunno but Hope so as there might/would be different collectible drops from monsters in GW EN??????????
i doubt it.. but who knows... would be awsome if they did
no new storage, i beleive it was confirmed by Gaile.
Could you post a link to where she said this. Because I don't see why they wouldn't give us it, I mean we payed for GW:EN too.
you belive? thats not reasuring.Until i see her post it i wont belive it.I hope we get another tab.
Patrick Stealthwind
i was in kammy id1, i heard gaile say "no more storage for EotN" i mean, dont u think they given us enuf alrdy? they quadrupled the amount of storage we were first given. if u arent satisfied with that then ur crazy.
No idea but when you think about it, we will not be using old items. So what I do is just sell what stuff i gathered from previous chapters and just make room for GW:EN.
Originally Posted by Buster
No idea but when you think about it, we will not be using old items. So what I do is just sell what stuff i gathered from previous chapters and just make room for GW:EN.
We'll still be able to use our old items/weapons from previous campaigns in GW:EN, everything we own will be able to be used in GW:EN so there is no need to sell your old items unless you really haul a crap load of things and have no room of course
only fools sell items... i only got what i want for my self and i dont like that i wont be getting more storage.Somehow anet never fails to dessupoint.
Originally Posted by HKSdivision
We'll still be able to use our old items/weapons from previous campaigns in GW:EN, everything we own will be able to be used in GW:EN so there is no need to sell your old items unless you really haul a crap load of things and have no room of course
True forgot about that for a sec but really, once you get a max weapon from GW:EN, do you really need to keep the old stuff ? And yes I'm one of those pack rats who keeps everything for a rainy day, so yeah I'll be doing a house cleaning before GW:EN gets here
Tide to Go
character slots -campaign
new continent- campaign
new storage -campaign
get the picture???
i dont think expansions will give anything be suprised if it does
GWEN is on it dosent count as a new continent
new continent- campaign
new storage -campaign
get the picture???
i dont think expansions will give anything be suprised if it does
GWEN is on it dosent count as a new continent
I so would rather have an extra char slot over an extra storage slot ^^
Well of course Groovy. With bags and runes of holding, another mule character is better then a storage slot
As much as they are charging for a simple "expansion" you'd think more storage or extra slot would be included, but I doubt it.
Roo Ella
Well there are diff monsters Right?
So I'm sure so these will have diff drops to what we get now need space for them
OR are they the same creatures in Tyria and they never added any new ones?
So I'm sure so these will have diff drops to what we get now need space for them
OR are they the same creatures in Tyria and they never added any new ones?