I write this on behalf of the leader, so any proposals for allaicne etc are not to be directed to me
I'm here to try and persduade you to join [Emo]! Currently, we are a new and small guild (6 membs) so if your not looking to join a guild that is currently hoping to expand, we aren't for you (yet!)
We are currently aiming to create a nice, friendly, relaxed community focusing mainly on Missions, Farming and Help with titles. When we have a few more members to help out, we'll also be holding a variety of events, such as:
Underworld/Fissure Of Woe Parties
Campaign Pushing (A weekend helping our members getting through quests and missions with the entire alliance)
Elite Mission Weekends (Mainly Mallyx)
Also, as i said earlier, we aim to create a friendly, chatty enviroment so you'll never get lonely!
We're looking for loyal, chatty people to join our guild that can help us get organised with events, and of course participate in them ^^
Also, we don't want to recruit anyone that begs to be an officer, as the officers are chosen selectively to those who have contributed and helped.
All recruits are asked to join our new forums, as event listings and announcments will be on there and updated regularly.
Do we sound good? Want to join? Post here:http://z11.invisionfree.com/Strife_A...hp?showtopic=2 and someone will get back to you shortly!
I hope you enjoyed reading this, and maybe see you soon =]
Strife And Tension [Emo] Is Recruiting!