they could but dont forget FRIES has to charge state sales tax.................oops to make the price even with the online store they have to charge the same price LESS TAX
if online there is SHIPPING PLUS TAX.....double oops.
real life example why i am using the online store is i SAVE 10 DOLLARS AND POCKET CHANGE over my usual online/retail store.
if the online store was the same retail bargain price the retailer which is over 96 percent of their sales would lose money on every copy by meeting the price than giving free tax and shipping at the retailers expence. losing money on each copy sold
The majority of purchases in the continental US by US citizens online from businesses within the US are tax free. States can not levy taxes on interstate commerce, and unless you happen to live in a real hotspot for businesses, and even if you do, most of the time when you shop online, you're not going to have to pay any taxes.
For in-store vs shipped online, it's a bit of a toss-up. For a purchase of a $29.99 game, you'd pay $2.50 in taxes about, at my state's tax rate, and shipping would either be free, a common promotion for some online businesses, or $3.95 for standard shipping costs.
As a general rule, it's a better deal to get the game from a third party when possible, particularly at the point in time where stores begin to sell them cheaper, which is not going to happen in the online store, as with that Nightfall promotion, selling it for $20 a while back, I think. Might have been $30, but the specifics really aren't important.
The online store is still nice. You can get the game almost instantly, no hassle, no worrying about whether or not the local store has it in stock, or the third party online business is going to rip you off, and I used it for Nightfall, with no regrets.
This is getting a bit off-topic, however.