while i was cappig skills like mad this weekend going through various areas, i had a couple skill ideas. im not sure if anyone has mentioned these before, but here it goes.
as you know, we have Fire Storm, very nice if used right.
how about Ice Storm or Hail Storm, since water magic is mostly about reducing movement and knockdowns, either could work nicely.
how about Lightning Storm, kind of like meteor shower. like for 10 sec, lightning strikes random targets every 3 sec for X dmg while in the storm.
couple skill idea's
Mystic Reaper
So more of the same but different elements? I'm not really into the idea, maybe you should wait for GW:EN and see if they've already made it so.
Curse You
There's hardly any point making skill suggestions at the moment. They've already made all 100 skills that are going to be in EotN. Maybe when it gets closer to GW2 being released.
Here they are: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_...e_North_skills
Here they are: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_...e_North_skills
yea and ill say one more thing..... just one of my pet pevs..... AIR IS NOT AOE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA yea ahem yes