General Suggestions...

Master Kaii

Master Kaii

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2007



Suggestions :
Guild Wars Factions - Elite Mission 'The Deep' : In the final aspect, In the chamber with the final boss Kanaxai.. The Area Effect is still taking place after we have killed Kanaxai, whereas in every other chamber the aspect ends. I suggest that the aspect should end after the boss has been killed, and that also the aspect boss of every other room, that still remains should be killed or ended when Kanaxai himself is defeated.

Rule Change - Excessive Chat : I was banned yesterday for about 80 hours.. when i was trying to sort out a 12man Team to do a mission. As sorting out 12 individual players to get the correct skill bar and weapon set, is quite stressfull and requires a lot of typing and communication... i feel my ban was un-nescessery, and should be lifted. The rule should be looked at in the future, and chat be monitered rather than a chat limit auto.

Elite Skill - Rampage As One [Beast Mastery : Ranger[ : I feel the energy cost is extremely high for this skill, and should be made a lower energy cost, or decreased to a Normal Skill. 25 Energy on a low lasting time such as that, is rather unfair in my eyes.

Paragon+Ranger Attack changes - Range Increase : Depending on a players rank in 'Spear Mastery' or 'Marksmanship', the range on which the projectiles can cover, and the speed on which they are fired should Increase with a higher level of the class.

GW:EN Map Change - Seperate Maps : The original tyria map should be kept, with a arrow at the top of the map, allowing the player to switch to the Northen Half of the new map [The GW:EN Area], when the expansion is bought. Players who do not have the expansion, will therefor have the normal tyria map they are used to. Also, the new blurr effect used to cover un-explored areas of Tyria, is ugly, and should be reterned to how it was before.

Filling In Missing Areas Of The Map : Their are many Non accessable areas of Tyria, Cantha and Elona that cannot be explored, and are always left as a blurr on the map. In future updates, i suggest new towns, explorable areas and arenas, Take the place of the bluurs to give players what they really want, more area to explore on their existing characters. This will give a similair effect as GW:EN, but on a lesser scale.

New Title Suggestions :
Craftsmanship Style Title : You Recieve 1 Point Towards the title track, for every weapon or peice of armour that remains intact after a perfect upgrade/rune has been salvaged.

Underground Explorer : Same style of tracking as the current explorer titles, But the title is specially for Underground areas, that do not count as part of the continent exploraiton titles. I feel this would be great for the new Dungeons In GW:EN, And good for existing campaigns in areas such as The Underworld, The Fissure Of Woe, The Deep, Urgoz Warren, The Undercity, Sorrows Furnace and Dragons Throat Challenge Mission.

Title Changes :
Survivor Title : Once A character Has died, the survivor title resets to 0xp, and the player has endless chances to pursue the title track. Because of this change, i reccomend Increasing the experiance needed to get the survivor titles, or add a 4th and 5th level to the title.

Thanks for reading, please post your comments and ideas regarding my suggestions.

Master Kaii

Amon Warrior

Amon Warrior

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006


As I recall from the rules of this forum, you should place each idea in a new thread or in one that already exists.

Use the search option; many already are being discussed in different threads.

Like this you're very eligible to get your thread closed by an administrator...


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2007

Sons of Metal


About your GWEN and Tyria map suggestion. There are parts of GWEN that take place in the southern half of the map, along the Southern Coast below the Maguuma Jungle and I believe in part of the Southern Shiverpeaks. They cannot be separate.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

32??45′26.49″N, 97??19′59.45″W

Some Like It Hot [sake]

Originally Posted by Master Kaii
Suggestions :
Rule Change - Excessive Chat : I was banned yesterday for about 80 hours.. when i was trying to sort out a 12man Team to do a mission. As sorting out 12 individual players to get the correct skill bar and weapon set, is quite stressfull and requires a lot of typing and communication... i feel my ban was un-nescessery, and should be lifted. The rule should be looked at in the future, and chat be monitered rather than a chat limit auto.
The only way I can see you getting a temp ban for too much chat is if you did it in Local chat, which is not where you should be typing to get your teams' skill bars straight.

Originally Posted by Master Kaii
Filling In Missing Areas Of The Map : Their are many Non accessable areas of Tyria, Cantha and Elona that cannot be explored, and are always left as a blurr on the map. In future updates, i suggest new towns, explorable areas and arenas, Take the place of the bluurs to give players what they really want, more area to explore on their existing characters. This will give a similair effect as GW:EN, but on a lesser scale.
Not really sure to what extent you're wanting "new towns, explorable areas and arenas", but this seems far-fetched. New areas take a lot of designing, especially if there are quests to go along with the npcs. Places like Sorrow's are large updates. Besides many of the blurred areas are cut off by geological structures (i.e. mountains, rivers, etc.). Seems obvious that there will always be areas that are inaccessible on the map.