Country: USA
Timezone: Eastern (GMT -5)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
In-Game Hours: 1560 hours over 12 months
Current PvP Titles:
Hero (52 fame, r1)
Gladiator (27 points, r1)
Luxon Supporter (111,000 faction transferred, r1)
Champion points: 0 Sad
Total Acquired Faction:
745,000 balthazar
not UAX, but have most of the skills for every profession except Ritualist, Monk and Assassin (don't have monk because I've never backlined :P)
What Classes and Roles I Play (from best to worst):
Necromancer (most roles)
Elementalist (damage roles are a preference, also good with party support and snaring)
Mesmer (degen, shutdown, less interrupt experience than other roles)
Assassin/Ritualist (would possibly need advanced notice to get unlocks)
Monk (never played a monk in GvG other than a flagger)
Positions order of preference:
Frontline, Midline, Flagger, Backline
Play Times:
I generally play evenings and am usually available anytime from 6/7pm - 3/4am. Come August I'll probably have to call it a night around 1/2am since I'll have school again

GvG Experience:
Have been GvGing seriously since November (aka I've been GvGing something like 8 months). Started as a midliner (and I was always best at damage eles and necros, especially characters with some utility) and switched to frontline in June. Currently I'm enjoying frontline much more but I wouldn't say no to a midline spot in a good guild. And throughout that I've randomly run flagger, but never more than a night here and there when we needed one. I do not have much experience as caller but have done it in the past and am willing to take that role.
Guild History:
nothing that has been in top 500.
GvG guilds starting with the most recent:
Procrastinators Unite In Ten [Mins] - was a decent guild for a while, we experimented with a lot of non-meta builds and did pretty well with them. We had a steady core and were about to start ATing when one of our members left and was replaced by a girlfriend... and we haven't played as well since. Currently the guild isn't looking like it'll get above rank 1000 anytime soon and is having too much e-drama. Have been with them almost two months. This is the guild I started frontlining with.
Onslaught of Xen [XoO] - I was only here for about two weeks. Wasn't too impressed with anyone except Billiard.
Its A Trap [trap] - was a decent guild as well, but everyone knew each other outside of GW and there was always those two people who didn't show improvement. Never managed to get much better than rank 600. Played with I Angra I in this guild and he recently left Team Savior when they fell apart, is now in Tactical Concealment [TC].
The Legion of GX [GX] - the guild I started GvGing in. Had a few bad players, the better players split off and formed Its A Trap.
What I’m Looking for in a Guild:
Mainly I'm looking for a guild that can be competitive in GvG and that will AT. By competitive I don't necessarily mean a certain rank, but I do expect players to accept criticism and be willing to improve. The key to this is that I want to play with people who both want to play and want to improve their game. A guild around rank 500 or better would be preferable, though we all know rank isn't that important anymore :P I'd prefer a guild that is low on e-drama and will play often, if not nightly.
I would be willing to join an HA guild, if no GvG guilds will take me :P
I'm comfortable with most builds as long as they work, meta or no. I can handle raging but try to avoid doing it myself.
Angra (IGN: I Angra I or Angra Dos Reis)
Muse (IGN: Musey Juicy or Divine Muse Too)