this is 3rd double champ point weekend anet has made, the first was ok because of the larger number of guilds in champ point range with old rating system.....with this current rating system there are approx 80 guilds currently in champ point range (a lot of whom currently inactive i might add)
its only making the elite champ point people more f***ing elite, its hard enough for people to get champ points with the current rating ladder and so few top guilds competing....
so....good f***ing game areanet making a weekend not "anyone" is able to participate in
all other weekends may be useless to most , BUT they have a chance to compete in it and be able to get full use of the weekend eg. double glad...sure not everyone pvp's....but at least they can all try for it
as it stands, f*** all people will gain full advantage of this weekend
its a useless weekend for most people
double champ....good f***ing luck being a nobody and getting into champ point guild for a champ point match
double champ point weekends promote gimmick builds from ALL guilds way to ruin the guild ladder and make it harder for the smaller guys anet
(and this is coming from someone who has a champ title myself, so i know how hard it is to get the title)