Im not sure if this have been Discussed allrdy Not that iv seen but here gos..
I do Think that Anet needs to Enforce Rules they Say that you can be "Banned" or "Suspended" Such for Example is the "New" Trade Channal So called "Rule"
I will admit I still use the "Local Channal" to sell Stuff. So does the other 60% of the People who play in the American Sever. But then again If "That" Many People Bitched and Complained to the Point where A-net Actually Took the Time to put up a new Update Notice saying that you Will be "suspended" And They Dont Enforce such a Rule then What the hell is the point of Having it?
So Far this "New Channal Rule" Seems to me to be an Empty Threat on A-nets part to Shut up the Bitchers and Force the Gullable ones into using the trade channal to keep it so They dont have to do anything More. But This Doesent Seem to be the Soluation to the Problem does it? We still have the Other 60% to Deal with.
Sure at Times It Gets Annoying And you see the Rule abiding People spamming Local Chat saying to Sellers/Buyers
"Use the Dam trade Channal we have one for a Reason sort of thing"
but then Again I ask Why the Hell should we Have to if A-Net is not going to enforce it? Then I ask Why doesent those Annoying Noob Guild Spammers Have to use a Recruitment Channal? Or why those Dam Runners Dont have to use a Service running channal? Then again when you ask these Runners on that Trade Channal Rule they Aruge back that the Rule says that Selling and Buying is to be done in Trade Channal and Running People is a Service not something you Give and Recive thing. Then Again if you Read the Whole Rule it says That Local Chat is for Talking and Communicating etc etc.
SURE Maybe one or Two people Got Suspended Iv Testest This meh Self iv Reported and got another Friend to report another one of meh Friends Selling in the Local Chat channal and for 2 weeks Now nothings Been Done about it!
So an Easy and Faster Way to Solve This Problem I might say is Create
A DAM Filter For the Local chat channals Witch Would ID and Block Anyone Trying to Buy/Sell. We have a Filter like this for Swearing and then again People find a way to do it. Today I had someone say "Puck you" to me... And Im going What the Hell is Puck you?
But then Again How Hard can it Be to Filter out "Selling "Buying" "WTS" "WTB" "WTT" Or wat ever , Much Less then Swears and Curses Id say.
Also To Create a DAM Recruitment and Running Services Channal. If Local Chat is for Talking and Communaicating Only then Enforce the Dam Rule on Everybody not 2 or 3 people Or Get Rid of it all together.
Post what you Think.
Enforcing Rules that Should of allrdy been Enforced
Ment to say Local chat channal when i said we tested it. Said trade channal by mistake.
I think you should open your eyes. As long as this rule has the "gullible" using the channel and telling others who "aren't gullible" to use the channel, it has achieved its purpose. Now that it's on the front page of the game, anyone who doesn't use the trade channel is simply a moron. Empty threat or not; they're defying the rule that's in plain sight and is seen every time they log in.
As far as I'm concerned, if we can socially outcast these people and keep annoying them by telling them to use the trade channel, they'll conform. If they keep using local chat, oh well, and if they don't get banned either, it's no big deal. It's a matter of controlling the populace, not slamming down on it with an iron first. If you were automatically banned permanently for accidently sending "W T B" in local, wouldn't you feel pissed?
By the way. Say it like a man (edit: or a woman. Someone who doesn't mind swearing. You get my drift.) "Damn," you hear me? It's damn! You're doing the same thing as Mr. Puck. Really, swearing doesn't matter anyway as there are filter levels in the game. You can turn it off if you want. Swear how you want; just swear properly. The people who don't want your crap can avoid it, and those who can take the punishment will see it. If you're just trying to get around the filter and make some sensitive kid's parents angry, that's just negatively affecting the game. The game which you obviously care about since you're concerning yourself so much with the goddamned chat channels.
As far as I'm concerned, if we can socially outcast these people and keep annoying them by telling them to use the trade channel, they'll conform. If they keep using local chat, oh well, and if they don't get banned either, it's no big deal. It's a matter of controlling the populace, not slamming down on it with an iron first. If you were automatically banned permanently for accidently sending "W T B" in local, wouldn't you feel pissed?
By the way. Say it like a man (edit: or a woman. Someone who doesn't mind swearing. You get my drift.) "Damn," you hear me? It's damn! You're doing the same thing as Mr. Puck. Really, swearing doesn't matter anyway as there are filter levels in the game. You can turn it off if you want. Swear how you want; just swear properly. The people who don't want your crap can avoid it, and those who can take the punishment will see it. If you're just trying to get around the filter and make some sensitive kid's parents angry, that's just negatively affecting the game. The game which you obviously care about since you're concerning yourself so much with the goddamned chat channels.
Umm... I'd read the Q&A section more closely. Every other day somebody is complaining about how they got banned for spamming in local.
It is being enforced. It isn't universal or instantaneous, but I'm sure that sooner or later spammers in local will all get temp banned sooner or later.
It is being enforced. It isn't universal or instantaneous, but I'm sure that sooner or later spammers in local will all get temp banned sooner or later.
That's a lot of unhappy players if they get banned by a silly All Chat thing.