Hey everyone, il go straight to the point, just about every game i run that has open spaced areas (such as guild wars) are suffering from constant object and texture flickering.
In Pre-Sear i get loads of trees, rocks, mountain textures, popping up, then getting invisible again, then popping again, simply when i go towards them or move my camera.
Its as if, i have to get the character close to the tree for it to apear.
And it sucks badly when just about 10 secs into playing an FPS game i zoom in with my sniper and see texture flickering and changing.
Bellow, is an example, also, this same tree displayed its water reflection on the river when it was there, and when it vanished so did it its reflection.
Ive tried everything, testing with the settings in the nvidia control panel, upgrading drivers, heck i even had great graphics card (geforce 8600gts) and thought it was broken, so it being in warranty i went to trade it for a cheaper one (8600GT), the problem remained and i can longer handle this as this was a custom made computer for gaming and its driving me nuts not being able to enjoy this fully as I invisioned.
Here are some sample pictures:
Ive suspected this is something to make it so that the graphics card isnt pushed as much, since if im far away i wouldnt be taking the detail, but in open areas like guild wars has where i wish to enjoy the environment, this problem is horrific ( and this didnt happen in my old crappy comp )
So the problem in essence is:
-Loads of Objects Flickering
-Textures apearing at Very low res from a distance ( all pixelated ) and as i take one step closer and pass a line, textures suddenly become more detailed and flicker madly if i take a step back, then one forward (as if crossing a line)
Ive atached a full Dxdiag text file for the pros over here to analyse if they wish
If you need more info il be monitoring this thread like 24/7
Also, i thought it would be important for me to say that this problem is happening in every game i have, mostly games like The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Guild Wars where you can really see very far.
Please help me solve this =(
Edit: Updated Correct and full Dxdiag report.
Objects and Textures Flickering Madly =(
I almost didn't notice the difference. O_o, that's quite a problem.
The thing is, whenever i take a screeshot, most textures "refresh" and apear perfect, but the actual in game playing is disastrous with constant flickering and objects popping in and disapearing a second after.
Ive noticed it only happens when my camera is moving or if the character is moving.
Ive noticed it only happens when my camera is moving or if the character is moving.
I almost didn't notice the difference. O_o, that's quite a problem.
Originally Posted by mrmango
I almost didn't notice the difference. O_o, that's quite a problem.
Im thinking it might have to do something with this series of graphics card, seeing has 8600GTS and 8600GT (the one i currently have) gave exactly the same issue.
My drivers are the most recent so i cant see how i could possibly fix this, maybe trough overclocking my comp?
This also ocurred on my last HP prebuilt comp (which i traded back for all the hardware necessary to build what im running right now)
So im almost pretty sure it has to do with the graphics card or its drivers, or some simple option i have to turn on or off, but i cant figure out what it is!
*shootshead* ~.~