Luxon vs. Kurzick oddities
Anyone else find it odd that of the 12 human controlled players on each side of an alliance battle, none are Luxon or Kurzick by heritage! Why are we fighting their war for them??? They should fight their own war, those lazy bastards...
Eclipsed Murder
Ever heard of allies?
yes, and it looks like their allies are doing all the work
Have you looked at the Luxon/Kurzick NPCs in the alliance battles...
See... makes perfect sense (but it was a good point)

Onarik Amrak
Swords for hire.

Jecht Scye
Because you want faction.
Because the Guild Wars lore is more pourous than a broken sponge.
you got 3 at each shrine protecting the ones you cap save the res shrines. Who really cares though? You are getting faction thats the main point...
xDusT II
Solution: Make AB's NPC vs NPC
Oh wait..
Oh wait..