Lag since the Dragon Festival
Anyone else find it ridiculous? I logged in tonight and immediately received two disconnects. Many of my guild members have been disconnecting 4-5 times in about a half hour...
More reconnects than I've ever had to use, constantly getting hit with lag spikes. Real fun when both of the monks in the group would disconnect at the same time.
Stolen Souls
Having a lot of problems here, too. Thought I'd get some farming in tonight. Got started, about 5 minutes in stopped moving/"Network Error". Reconnected, about 5 minutes later, same thing. Reconnected again, and a few minutes later...same thing. Gave up for now.
Tiny Killer
I report the same. So far it has been about every 10-15 minutes over the last 2 hours or so.
Personally, since the festival ended any latency or connection issues I had cleared up. However, a few of my allies occasionally report that they are having issues.
I have to reconnect my friend list every 15minutes.
No problems at all here, connected via XS4ALL internet in the Netherlands, using European GW districts. Yes, I had a lot of problems at the DF weekend, but it was solved for me in the week after.
Operative 14
I havn't had any problems with GW lately or ever as far as lag or disconnect. At least not to an extent I would think unreasonable for an online game. It seems, however, like a lot of people on these forums report lag and disconnects and that really is a shame.
No problem here as well, high ping here and there but low ping rate overall. Haven't got any err 007 at all for sometime now. A bit of lag in AB but that's about it.
I have only had one incident of lag.. I had a 151 000 ping and I disconnected.
Five minutes later I reconnected and haven't lagged since, which leave me to believe it was a problem with my ISP and not the GW servers.
Five minutes later I reconnected and haven't lagged since, which leave me to believe it was a problem with my ISP and not the GW servers.
Andisa Kalorn
I've been having lag spikes of usually 1-3 seconds about every 5 minutes or so for the last few days. And every now and then it disconnects me (about twice a night). I haven't had lag like this in a long time. I can't even remember the last time I had an err 7.
I suspect it's a server between me and the GW servers. I think it's a server in California... it seems unstable when I ping it, and it does the same for my boyfriend. He hasn't been having the lag I've been having, and he's not routed through that server.
I suspect it's a server between me and the GW servers. I think it's a server in California... it seems unstable when I ping it, and it does the same for my boyfriend. He hasn't been having the lag I've been having, and he's not routed through that server.
I know I've got disconnected 4-5 times in the past week. I've rarely had this many problems in months before.
I've noticed it too though it seems to be getting better.
Gaile Gray
Have you guys submitted support tickets? We're going into a maintenance period (should last <8 hours) this evening at 10:00 PM Pacific, in about 2 hours, but if you could support a ticket even now or after the upgrade to the support system, that would be marvelous and would undoubtedly help many players!
Phoenix Avenger
one wierd thing that happens to me is that me and my friend get disconnect at the exact same time. he lives on the east coast, i live in the midwest. another guy we were playing with had no problems at all. its all kinda freaky...