Closing party formation -panel
Thalzion Nightsword
I decided to play GuildWars for a change. But there is one problem: I can't close party formation -panel. I searched all the options and asked for help, but it didn't work. I can close any other panel from options, but not party formation -panel. Ok, some people say that it should not be able to be closed, because you need a party anyway and the panel is not too big. But I find the panel annoying and I am not forming any party at least in the beginning of the game when I am just looking around. The panel does not force me to quit playing, but I find the panel so annoying, that it is disturbing. Everything is fine, but the #¤& panel is open. It ruines the good feeling of the game. Majestic background songs does not help, if you can't close a panel when you want to. Surely I can close the panel when I leave a town, but its still an issue for me. While this might not be a bug, I did not find any better place to post it.
When you are not in an outpost, P closes the partywindow
Thalzion Nightsword
Yes, thanks, but I would like to know how to close the party formation -panel in an outpost. I think it would be fine if there were a setting that disabled the party formation -panel popping open every time I come to an outpost.
its a game mechanic... you are not allowed to close the party window in an outpost, its not a bug.
Thalzion Nightsword
Originally Posted by fikusan
its a game mechanic... you are not allowed to close the party window in an outpost, its not a bug.
Also, it might not be a bug, but steering the character is not as good as it could be. When I left click and then right click, the character does nothing. But when I right click and then left click, the character starts walking. Why not both ways?
Or if I left click and rotate, nothing happens. Why only right click and rotate rotates?
And why if I right click and zoom, nothing happens? But why left click and zoom zooms? Shouldn't it be logically that left click + zoom doesn't zoom because right click + zoom doesn't zoom either? But I would like that left or right click + zoom zooms. Then I would not have to release any click before zooming. And also that way I would not have to remember which click or what I have to do when I want something done.
Originally Posted by Thalzion Nightsword
Anyway, where else could I post this?
The lack of ability to close the Party Formation panel in outposts is not a bug, however, you are free to suggest that the ability be added to the game. Just be sure to stick to the Sardelac Rules.
The issues you are stating in regards to steering... That's a game mechanic. If you left click on a spot your character moves there no need to right click first and if you press and hold right mouse then move the mouse around you'll rotate the camera angle (unless you are moving forward at which point it changes the direction the character is moving)