I had 2 thoughts...
1st point i think their should be a separate tab for each guild in your alliance...Maybe not as detailed as time last longed on which is mostly for guild purposes (seeing whos most active and who hasnt been on in awhile). This way you can see what players are online in your alliance because for me I'm in a 6 guild alliance and I talk to my alliance more than my guild and I cannot fit all the names on my friends list. This way you can see the players that are on in your alliance in an organized fashion. Maybe have a drop down list when you look at your alliance faction tab? or maybe a friends list with tabs for alliance?
2nd point is about moral boost for pve...I think it sucks that if you die once you get a 15% dp and then when you kill a boss it just adds 2% meaning ur dp is now 13%. I think if you have a dp and you kill a boss it takes away up to 15% of that dp but you cannot go over 0. Meaning if you have a 5% dp or a 15% dp and you kill a boss you are back to 0. If you have a 20% dp then after you kill a boss your dp should be 5% and if you kill another one your back to 0. The only exception is if you have a 1% and then you kill a boss you should then get a 1% morale boost. If this is confusing I will try to explain it more.
Any comments...thanks guys
Alliance bar and moral boost
delete this post because i posted it twice by accident...thanks