Update GW Vanilla and Factions Character creation hair/color
after checking the idea thread (and i am not allowed to use the search function) i have found no one having sugested this.
Update the amount of character cration hair and hair color in GWvanilla, please.
When you consider how much character customisation at creation exists for both factions and especialy, Nightfall, compared to basic versions for GWvanilla, it seems wrong.
(yes, i understand that the other games came later, and thus, had access to better models,better mapping, textures, hair models ect)
Now, i am hoping that they will update or at lest, tweek this when GW:EN is released, considering that they are releasing a special pack of both GWvanilla and GW:EN together, but i do not konw if they will even consider this.
(they will have a lot more things on their minds, i understand, than giving us oldtimers some new hairs/shades to poke through when making new characters in the old pre-searing)
but it stands to reason that, since the newer editions of GW have benefited from increased coloring and styling at char creation, that they should be backwardsly compatable with the original version (specialy since we have been updated and patched to accomodate those same extras)
Im not sugesting In-Game hairstylists,Salons or Barbers or even simple bottles of Hair-Dye (which, im sure, have already been sugested...done to death, more likely, as often happens in MMO games forums)
just an increase in the hair colors and hair styles available in the original game character creation.
(the color amounts drop drastically for any player that does not wish to make an Elementalist or Necromancer. Infact, the Necromancer is the only character with a reasonable selection of colors.)
If they will not consider just doing it for GWvanilla, can you at least improve character creation hair/haircolor for both factions and vanilla?
or perhaps for all three?
(perhaps a few cross profession hairstyles and hairshades? some basic styles and basic shades for all genders that cross the profession boundries?)
GW in general is very charater customiseable friendly, when it comes to faces,skintone and the ability to dye your clothes and some wepons, but when it comes down to character creation, we're let down, Especialy! in GW vanilla.
Update the amount of character cration hair and hair color in GWvanilla, please.
When you consider how much character customisation at creation exists for both factions and especialy, Nightfall, compared to basic versions for GWvanilla, it seems wrong.
(yes, i understand that the other games came later, and thus, had access to better models,better mapping, textures, hair models ect)
Now, i am hoping that they will update or at lest, tweek this when GW:EN is released, considering that they are releasing a special pack of both GWvanilla and GW:EN together, but i do not konw if they will even consider this.
(they will have a lot more things on their minds, i understand, than giving us oldtimers some new hairs/shades to poke through when making new characters in the old pre-searing)
but it stands to reason that, since the newer editions of GW have benefited from increased coloring and styling at char creation, that they should be backwardsly compatable with the original version (specialy since we have been updated and patched to accomodate those same extras)
Im not sugesting In-Game hairstylists,Salons or Barbers or even simple bottles of Hair-Dye (which, im sure, have already been sugested...done to death, more likely, as often happens in MMO games forums)
just an increase in the hair colors and hair styles available in the original game character creation.
(the color amounts drop drastically for any player that does not wish to make an Elementalist or Necromancer. Infact, the Necromancer is the only character with a reasonable selection of colors.)
If they will not consider just doing it for GWvanilla, can you at least improve character creation hair/haircolor for both factions and vanilla?
or perhaps for all three?
(perhaps a few cross profession hairstyles and hairshades? some basic styles and basic shades for all genders that cross the profession boundries?)
GW in general is very charater customiseable friendly, when it comes to faces,skintone and the ability to dye your clothes and some wepons, but when it comes down to character creation, we're let down, Especialy! in GW vanilla.
Hello, what the $%!%! is GWvanilla??
Good question, what is Vanilla?
Uber Mass
Vanilla is the first one hence prophecies its a common saying in gaming world.

Originally Posted by Uber Mass
Vanilla is the first one hence prophecies its a common saying in gaming world.
![]() |
i'm sorry, but i just cant spell the damn word, hence my use of vanilla.
vanilla is used in a lot of the games i play to mean the original or first version, so i used it here.
ahem..is this better...?
aw, gife better hair for my guildwars profesis, casue i dont like it like it is, nuf said?
vanilla is used in a lot of the games i play to mean the original or first version, so i used it here.
ahem..is this better...?
aw, gife better hair for my guildwars profesis, casue i dont like it like it is, nuf said?
Uber Mass
well i hope they give the whole face part better texture in prophs then
Thank You! Uber...at least SOMEONE understands what i mean.
its not that difficult, people. my factions and nightfall boxes say nightfall and factions, but my original GuildWars says just that..Guild Wars.
i bought it the day after it was available, it was simply the first ga,e, they had no metion yet that there would be any others.
THEN they have to go give it another bloody tital.
even the WoW players know the term vanilla lol.
ok, you two do know about the original, the word original ring a bell?
the first one, the one with only the 6 BASIC proffessions in it. the one that was split up into two time periods, the one they are setting GW:EN in?
*hopes they do*
well, when you make a new charater in THAT version, you have maybe 6 hair colors to choose from, unless you make a necromancer or elementalist, and only THOSE two classess have any bright, colorfull hairstyles.
I ended up a Necro/Monk, with my main character becasue i couldnt have a blue haired monk..i couldnt realy even have a HAIRED monk in GW back then, its only the factions or even just nightfall that has any hair's for monks that arent all shaved.
as i said above....Im not sugesting in game hair alterations, since there will allready have been those threads.
im asking that, for those who still have not got and/or, do not want to make Nightfall based new characters, they add more variety to the character creation hairstyles and colors.
i realy do NOT like the nightfall characters....especialy the necro, i like my necro's to look pale and deathly, not dark and swarthy (unless im making a drow type, then the darker the skin, the better) but the choice of pale skins there is about 2 and both of those are not pale enough for me.
yes, i understand that elona is a hot region, and darker skins will be more natural, but i started with necros and monks that were so pale, they need sunblock to travel there (and i HAVE traveled there in game with my necro lass...thak goodness for collectors armour from Tyria is all i can tell you....if she got a tan from her travels, how is Claude going to like it? he likes then pale and dead-interesting hehe)
so, to summerise in words that might be understood by those above.
please increase the number of hairstyles and hair colors available at character creation to those who are not using Nightfall
better? no vanilla references?yes?
its not that difficult, people. my factions and nightfall boxes say nightfall and factions, but my original GuildWars says just that..Guild Wars.
i bought it the day after it was available, it was simply the first ga,e, they had no metion yet that there would be any others.
THEN they have to go give it another bloody tital.
even the WoW players know the term vanilla lol.
ok, you two do know about the original, the word original ring a bell?
the first one, the one with only the 6 BASIC proffessions in it. the one that was split up into two time periods, the one they are setting GW:EN in?
*hopes they do*
well, when you make a new charater in THAT version, you have maybe 6 hair colors to choose from, unless you make a necromancer or elementalist, and only THOSE two classess have any bright, colorfull hairstyles.
I ended up a Necro/Monk, with my main character becasue i couldnt have a blue haired monk..i couldnt realy even have a HAIRED monk in GW back then, its only the factions or even just nightfall that has any hair's for monks that arent all shaved.
as i said above....Im not sugesting in game hair alterations, since there will allready have been those threads.
im asking that, for those who still have not got and/or, do not want to make Nightfall based new characters, they add more variety to the character creation hairstyles and colors.
i realy do NOT like the nightfall characters....especialy the necro, i like my necro's to look pale and deathly, not dark and swarthy (unless im making a drow type, then the darker the skin, the better) but the choice of pale skins there is about 2 and both of those are not pale enough for me.
yes, i understand that elona is a hot region, and darker skins will be more natural, but i started with necros and monks that were so pale, they need sunblock to travel there (and i HAVE traveled there in game with my necro lass...thak goodness for collectors armour from Tyria is all i can tell you....if she got a tan from her travels, how is Claude going to like it? he likes then pale and dead-interesting hehe)
so, to summerise in words that might be understood by those above.
please increase the number of hairstyles and hair colors available at character creation to those who are not using Nightfall
better? no vanilla references?yes?
Unless we also get a way to change our existing looks, I'm against this because it would be forcing me to chose between deleting a character nearing 2 years or not getting access to the new looks. But the players with younger characters have less to lose from deleting their characters, so its basically saying they are more worthy than the players who have been here longer (which include the players who paid more for a Prophesies CE).
But with a hairstylist NPC, this complaint goes away. Then I'll be one of the people wanting more hairstyles/ colour added.
Use Google for spell checking. Just enter the word into Google search, then Google usually suggests the correct spelling. Then just copy (highlight and press ctrl-c) and paste (ctrl-v) it into your posts. Though even if you misspelled it you would of been understood better than by saying vanilla.
But with a hairstylist NPC, this complaint goes away. Then I'll be one of the people wanting more hairstyles/ colour added.
Originally Posted by Rayea
i'm sorry, but i just cant spell the damn word, hence my use of vanilla.
well one, i never said there shouldnt be a styleist/hairdresser/hair-dye in game.
but thats for someone else to sugest.
gees, i know its been a while since i posted in sardelac, but c'mon, even the dumb warcraft players (those that constantly make threads with geif this or geif that as the tital, i mean)understand the concept of vanilla, meaning the basic version.
excuse me for not bothering to spellcheck every word i use, especialy, considering i had to re-write the whole damn topick already once becasue the server crashed after i made it(sarcasme off)
since when is it more important to use the local phraseolagy or language rather than get your point across, especialy when people use text or leet language as a way of getting people to like what they say?
(imaterial of whether or not this particular forum allows such words and usage)
besides, im not always using my home machine, and the machine at work dosent allow (read, cannot handle) having more than one page open at a time.
added to the fact i would probably get flamed or insulted for miss spelling....
oh stuff this, fine call it fecking profesis or prophesis or just plain GW, for all i care...
whether or not someone else sugests in game hair salos or dye is for someone else to have already posted.
would i use it? YES
will i sugest it? NO
its probably already been sugested, a hundred times already, as it is so frequently on any and all other mmo games.
besides, whats wrong with the word vanilla? dont tell me someone had deemed it politically incorect to use the word in relation to anything other than ice cream and the flavouring it is named from?*rolls eyes*
but thats for someone else to sugest.
gees, i know its been a while since i posted in sardelac, but c'mon, even the dumb warcraft players (those that constantly make threads with geif this or geif that as the tital, i mean)understand the concept of vanilla, meaning the basic version.
excuse me for not bothering to spellcheck every word i use, especialy, considering i had to re-write the whole damn topick already once becasue the server crashed after i made it(sarcasme off)
since when is it more important to use the local phraseolagy or language rather than get your point across, especialy when people use text or leet language as a way of getting people to like what they say?
(imaterial of whether or not this particular forum allows such words and usage)
besides, im not always using my home machine, and the machine at work dosent allow (read, cannot handle) having more than one page open at a time.
added to the fact i would probably get flamed or insulted for miss spelling....
oh stuff this, fine call it fecking profesis or prophesis or just plain GW, for all i care...
whether or not someone else sugests in game hair salos or dye is for someone else to have already posted.
would i use it? YES
will i sugest it? NO
its probably already been sugested, a hundred times already, as it is so frequently on any and all other mmo games.
besides, whats wrong with the word vanilla? dont tell me someone had deemed it politically incorect to use the word in relation to anything other than ice cream and the flavouring it is named from?*rolls eyes*
Looks should be updated, but I doubt they will. Anet is lazy.
Shadow Kurd
There not lazy, there busy trying to finish GW:EN.
And i doubt they will add/change, there are bigger problems
And i doubt they will add/change, there are bigger problems
Neo Nugget
i agree 1000% but only if we dont have to recreate to get these options.
Originally Posted by Rayea
well one, i never said there shouldnt be a styleist/hairdresser/hair-dye in game.
but thats for someone else to sugest. |
since when is it more important to use the local phraseolagy or language rather than get your point across, |
besides, im not always using my home machine, and the machine at work dosent allow (read, cannot handle) having more than one page open at a time. |
Forums can easily handle people having days between their posts, so a few hours won't make much difference.
gees, then goddess help YOU if you ever come where i live, since you would have to talk in text-type language and chavspeak.
fine, bilaralrope.
sheesh. No, my boss will NOT get angry if he sees me posting a topic on a forum, since he is usually too busy browsing the Auto-Trader websites himself, so its pot calling kettle, and at least i am trying to add sometihng to a comunity.
also....whould you object to a sugestion for say, adding extra things like tatooes on characters, if someone sugested in THEIR topic that thay be added to char creation, even if 90 othe people had ALREADY sugested that same idea IN-GAME?
at the top of the forum,, theres a large Linked Topic that says not to post similar topics and make new topics on the same thing.
In game dye and hair stylists have ALWAYS been sugested, right back to the days when everyone was still running about in pre-searing and there were no titals or bots even.
so, making YET ANOTHER sugestion for these things is pointless.
however, reminding the Devs of the fact that they have not updated the char creation of GuildWars or Factions since Nightfall had everyone making dervishes and paragons with LOTS! of hair color options might remind them that BOTH sugestions need implementing.
ah, yes, forums handle days between posts...yes, they get burried, usually at the bottom of the next 2-3 pages by new topics.
granted, there arent as many topics per page in THIS forum as in some, but still, a lot of people just look at the first page of a sugestion forum.
ah, wait, i guess everything you reply to probably depends on whetehr or not YOU are alowed to use it.
so if someone sugests a sugestion that would have nothing to do with any of your charaters, perhaps becasue it was not tied to a proffesion that you use, you would nay-say, simply becasue you might have to remake a character to use it?
thats like me saying no to PvP items, simply becasue, as a total non-PvP'er, I CANT USE IT!
fine, bilaralrope.
sheesh. No, my boss will NOT get angry if he sees me posting a topic on a forum, since he is usually too busy browsing the Auto-Trader websites himself, so its pot calling kettle, and at least i am trying to add sometihng to a comunity.
also....whould you object to a sugestion for say, adding extra things like tatooes on characters, if someone sugested in THEIR topic that thay be added to char creation, even if 90 othe people had ALREADY sugested that same idea IN-GAME?
at the top of the forum,, theres a large Linked Topic that says not to post similar topics and make new topics on the same thing.
In game dye and hair stylists have ALWAYS been sugested, right back to the days when everyone was still running about in pre-searing and there were no titals or bots even.
so, making YET ANOTHER sugestion for these things is pointless.
however, reminding the Devs of the fact that they have not updated the char creation of GuildWars or Factions since Nightfall had everyone making dervishes and paragons with LOTS! of hair color options might remind them that BOTH sugestions need implementing.
ah, yes, forums handle days between posts...yes, they get burried, usually at the bottom of the next 2-3 pages by new topics.
granted, there arent as many topics per page in THIS forum as in some, but still, a lot of people just look at the first page of a sugestion forum.
ah, wait, i guess everything you reply to probably depends on whetehr or not YOU are alowed to use it.
so if someone sugests a sugestion that would have nothing to do with any of your charaters, perhaps becasue it was not tied to a proffesion that you use, you would nay-say, simply becasue you might have to remake a character to use it?
thats like me saying no to PvP items, simply becasue, as a total non-PvP'er, I CANT USE IT!
I totally agree. It has been suggested before, but I still agree. There's no reason they can't pool the character creation into one big lot and let you choose your campaign after.
That said...I've got to join in the 'vanilla being weird' camp. Never heard it before... When I read your original post I thought it was one of those dares where you have to end every sentence in something silly like "not without my pants".
I totally agree with you about NF characters. Honestly, the only good looking characters were in prophecies. Factions had the best hair though. Seriously, what were the dev's thinking when they made it almost impossible to create a NF character with long hair? It really pissed me off.
Also, even though they're not core, the extra professions (i.e. paragon, ritualist, assassin, and dervish) need some more creation options. It sucks that your options are so limited with them, it means it's far more likely there's going to be dozens of clones running around. Especially with the ritualists. They all have such ugly faces that I couldn't bring myself to create one, especially since everyone else playing ritualists chose the only vaguely pretty face as well. Seriously, if I had a face like some of those girls have I'd make sure I wore a paperbag over my head for the rest of my life...
That said...I've got to join in the 'vanilla being weird' camp. Never heard it before... When I read your original post I thought it was one of those dares where you have to end every sentence in something silly like "not without my pants".
I totally agree with you about NF characters. Honestly, the only good looking characters were in prophecies. Factions had the best hair though. Seriously, what were the dev's thinking when they made it almost impossible to create a NF character with long hair? It really pissed me off.
Also, even though they're not core, the extra professions (i.e. paragon, ritualist, assassin, and dervish) need some more creation options. It sucks that your options are so limited with them, it means it's far more likely there's going to be dozens of clones running around. Especially with the ritualists. They all have such ugly faces that I couldn't bring myself to create one, especially since everyone else playing ritualists chose the only vaguely pretty face as well. Seriously, if I had a face like some of those girls have I'd make sure I wore a paperbag over my head for the rest of my life...