The progess one has on the Luck title tracks should effect not only the chance one has to break a lockpick on a chest, but ALSO the kind of loot one gets from the chest. Higher luck=better loot.
For me, it seems that the higher my luck title gets, the worse my drops become from the chests. I'm doing the same run over and over and over, and the loot from the chests keep getting worse and worse and worse. Have I run into some rogue anti-farming-chest-run code?
Luck title should effect chest drops
I don't think this is going to happen because of the Lockpicks that are available now.
Luck determines whether you keep them or not, the more chests you open with the lockpick, then you have a higher chance of getting better things.
Luck determines whether you keep them or not, the more chests you open with the lockpick, then you have a higher chance of getting better things.
Yeah, let's give better drops from chests to afk-ers. Brilliant idea.
woohoo lets give the already insanely rich ppl who afk on the boardwalk every festival even the best drops
Yup, lets give those bots a fun playing experience. I mean why not? Computers should be able to enjoy the game like human beings, right?
Yup, lets give those bots a fun playing experience. I mean why not? Computers should be able to enjoy the game like human beings, right?