Lag Since end of dragon Fest
Srry is My Trademark
So here's my story, since lag fest, oh i mean dragon fest ended the lag hasnt, i keep freezing during gaming every few seconds, this is new to me and has never happened before(all otehr games run as normal too). When i freeze i can move screen and hear sound but not do anything. I have tried everything said in the GW thread, Contacted Anet (with no reply sinc 2 weeks ago), and i have contacted my net supplyer. So my question is how do i fix this lag?
Scorpion Boy
This won't help very much atm, but you'll need te be (more) patient. I had it to, it was gone the day after. Think I was just lucky with that. So there's no other option then waiting and see what happends since Anet can't do anything about it right now.
Battle monkey one
Hmm strange this sort of happened to me, dragon fest seems to be the last time i remember running fine, after that iv been getting pings of 1000-50000ms and it used to be 100ms so really bad lag, i did get a new modem and that sorted it for a couple of days after that bang! welcome back lag!
So im preaty much stumped at what to do
So im preaty much stumped at what to do
Yeah i know what u're saying... i've had the anet tech help me as well... we did everything we could and at the end they said that i had to change my ISP... which i'm not willing to do since everything else works fine except GW. I would rather quit GW than pay more for another new ISP
Crom The Pale
I was having lots of lag, until yesterday. Not sure what they did but I'm not getting much lag even with a ping average of 500.
There have been a few threads on lag and they must be working on it, perhaps region by region.
Best of luck to you
There have been a few threads on lag and they must be working on it, perhaps region by region.
Best of luck to you

Same problem here.
No desire to play guildwars for now... I'm sticking to my games that run smoothly. I want to have fun; not get a headache.
No desire to play guildwars for now... I'm sticking to my games that run smoothly. I want to have fun; not get a headache.
ive also been lagging since dragon fest. never lagged b4 and anet support said it was my isp not them. i know many ppl who are on different types of isp and they are having the same lag. ive done every thing anet asked for 2 weeks with no improvements. i dont think they have checked their own servers.
I have lag problems mostly in AB or Aspenwood... For awhile, but recently it gets worse...
I'm always having lag in the main city of Faction (other chaps are laggy but Faction lag the most) Both pve and pvp....
My DSL connection are fine.... and I used to have no lag problems.... Dunno what happened to ANET now. (I noticed whenever they are preparing a new chapter.... or when a new chapter release, my Guildwar gets VERY VERY laggy)
I'm always having lag in the main city of Faction (other chaps are laggy but Faction lag the most) Both pve and pvp....
My DSL connection are fine.... and I used to have no lag problems.... Dunno what happened to ANET now. (I noticed whenever they are preparing a new chapter.... or when a new chapter release, my Guildwar gets VERY VERY laggy)
Srry is My Trademark
Originally Posted by Matfei
Same problem here.
No desire to play guildwars for now... I'm sticking to my games that run smoothly. I want to have fun; not get a headache. |
Dervish Gnome
All you are having the same problem? THANK GOD! I thought I was all alone.