As I was reading this bolded line caught my eye. "Children under the age of 13 are not permitted to play". I thought that was interesting. I see kids around 8 or 9 years old in the game every night. And a bunch of players that just act like they're 8 or 9. We have 2 10 year olds that I know of in my guild. Granted, both of them are heavily supervised by their parents when they are online. (Yes, I know this for a fact. Daddy's in the guild too.)
Is this new, or have all the games come with that restriction? Yes, I know the games are rated T for Teen, but that's never stopped a younger child from playing if his parents buy the game for him. I've always thought the T rating was equivalent to a PG movie. Kids are allowed into PG and PG13 movies without parents.
Why have a restriction that is absolutely unenforcable? I can understand saying "This game is not recommended for children under 13", and I'd have to agree with that recommendation, but that's different from saying they cannot play the game.