One of the things that has always frustrated my in my many months playing GW is lack of armor sets that I find appealing due to fixed coloration in the designs. I would like to suggest a few changes that I think would improve the situation:
1) Don't include permanent bits of low res grey or an abundance of brown in armor sets.
In Prophecies, it seems that grey is the more abundant design choice and that it got switched to brown overload in Factions and Nightfall. Now, I personally hate brown, so this rules out a LOT of armor sets for me. Some examples:
- Warrior: Nothing bothers me too much on these - prob due to the fact that I expect it to look bronze/steel colored. They tend to look funny when dyed tho, almost like the colored bits are thrown on as an afterthought.
- Ranger: This is one of the worst classes to get decent armor on in my opinion. I love my Elite Druid's, but that's about it. Most of the other sets are brown leather overload, even when you color them. I understand that rangers and leather go together, but leather should come in a variety of basic colors (black, white, gold/yellow, etc)
- Monk: These poor guys seem to get an abundance of dull off white fabric (Proph) or brown bits (others). Same advice as Rgr.
- Necro/Assassin: I tend to like more of these sets as black/grey are the permanent colors so it works for me. In keeping with the theme, flexibility wouldn't hurt tho...
- Mesmer/Ele: There is too much low res looking grey on Proph armor - perfect example being that the regular enchanters female looks better than the elite due to the added grey on the elite set. Cantha sets are actually not bad, but we get into the brown problem in Elona.
- Ritualist/Dervish: The ultimate brown offenders. Example of screwing up a set with permanent color is Luxon Female Rit to Luxon Elite Female Rit (why go from black to brown?). Vabbian derv is the only set i like for them bc of the brown on everything else.
- Paragon: White overload! LOL Again, like the warriors, I usually feel conflicted because adding colored trim feels like an afterthought.
2) Allow 2 levels of dying on armor - Main and Trim
This would provide an option to improve a lot of the existing sets out there if the permanent bits were changed to the Trim category. If I could change the brown to another color - even if it was restricted to black, gold, white, etc, it would make many more of the armor sets much more appealing to me. Maybe this ability should only be available on elite armor too... doesn't matter to me and gives a slight incentive to get it (besides prestige).
Now, I am not sure this is doable for GW1, but GW2 is coming and I think this would be a great improvement and allow more customization/personalization. No offense is intended to the designers with any of my comments - you guys do great work. I would just like the ability to make my armor as cool and detailed as many of the NPC/hero sets that are not saddled with the problems listed above.
Apologies if anyone has posted something like this before... I didn't see anything on search (but I didn't spend forever looking either).
Improvement to Armor Skins
Whisper Evenstar
well i agree....personally, i miss the bleach we used to hav befor the grey dye was addedd...(though, gods forbid we go back to the slap-dash old dye mixing fiasco)
hm..i remember the trim part being sugested...but it was nearly 2 years ago, before factions and nightfall were even a gleam in the Devs eyes
(it was a sugestion to allow something similar to the dye1 and dye2 system neverwinter used to use, however, trim and main are much easier to understand and visualise)
allowing the background (main) part of the armour and the trim part (that which changes color now) to dye seperately would be a fantastic move.
not only would it allow for more individuality, especialy with the collectors armours (i see many necro tyrian stuff in black/red and thats about it, cept for the black/black and black/white that are now popular)
but it would mean we needed twice as many dyes to dye our stuff if we *wanted* to do so.
however, i think they would need an armour updateor NPC in all the main areas, and for ether a nominal fee (50gp) or for free (less likely) they would update your old armours(probably the ones your still wearing...although, i think a lot of ele women would not need to pay to have them fixed, specialy pre-searing GW ones lol)
*this would eliminate the need to buy replacements, the need to complain about having to replace/re-roll for the new armours and those that simply say no if they cant have it handed to them*
personaly, i would love to be able to dye the black parts of my bonelace necro a nice grey-blue, so that is compliments my pain blue.
hm..i remember the trim part being sugested...but it was nearly 2 years ago, before factions and nightfall were even a gleam in the Devs eyes

allowing the background (main) part of the armour and the trim part (that which changes color now) to dye seperately would be a fantastic move.
not only would it allow for more individuality, especialy with the collectors armours (i see many necro tyrian stuff in black/red and thats about it, cept for the black/black and black/white that are now popular)
but it would mean we needed twice as many dyes to dye our stuff if we *wanted* to do so.
however, i think they would need an armour updateor NPC in all the main areas, and for ether a nominal fee (50gp) or for free (less likely) they would update your old armours(probably the ones your still wearing...although, i think a lot of ele women would not need to pay to have them fixed, specialy pre-searing GW ones lol)
*this would eliminate the need to buy replacements, the need to complain about having to replace/re-roll for the new armours and those that simply say no if they cant have it handed to them*
personaly, i would love to be able to dye the black parts of my bonelace necro a nice grey-blue, so that is compliments my pain blue.
Chronos the Defiler
Just use texmod and make your armor look how you want it to look....i don't think too many people have a problem with this.
So just use the modding tools to change it to look exactly the way your describing. Rayea making the bonelace that way would not really be hard either. I doubt they will revamp the game mechanics and armor mechanics to just appeal to color changes.
So just use the modding tools to change it to look exactly the way your describing. Rayea making the bonelace that way would not really be hard either. I doubt they will revamp the game mechanics and armor mechanics to just appeal to color changes.
Yargh... all armors should ve completely revamped.
Although they may com,e now died in grey, the roiginal color stays the same.
Dye a Mesmer armor, and there will still be green bits in many spots.
The same for Blue in Dervish...
The Krytan Elementalist armor is a great example of this. If you use silver+yellow, you don't get Gold. You get a pale greish. To get Gold, you have to add green! Nonsense!
Basic colors die correctly, but if you use multiple dyes, the base color of the armor seems to merge with the dye (hard).
This is not a problem of old armors, newly created come this way.
It actually affects the color.
The colors should be modified so each material had a base color.
That is, bring back the Dye remover, make 'grey' the color on purchase, but make the not-dyed skins have those base colors.
So, if you buy a Warrior armor, it will come dyed grey, but it you use the dye remover, the color under the gry won't be the Yellow they currently have, but a base color for metal, something like 'iron' or 'raw steel'.
Cloth, Leather, Metal, etc...
You can use textmod, but you will be the only one to see the change. So the soultuion would be worse than the problem.
And for the main and tream... I think that should be dependand on th armor... for example... Normal ones having two colorable areas, and Elite ones 4.
Although they may com,e now died in grey, the roiginal color stays the same.
Dye a Mesmer armor, and there will still be green bits in many spots.
The same for Blue in Dervish...
The Krytan Elementalist armor is a great example of this. If you use silver+yellow, you don't get Gold. You get a pale greish. To get Gold, you have to add green! Nonsense!
Basic colors die correctly, but if you use multiple dyes, the base color of the armor seems to merge with the dye (hard).
This is not a problem of old armors, newly created come this way.
It actually affects the color.
The colors should be modified so each material had a base color.
That is, bring back the Dye remover, make 'grey' the color on purchase, but make the not-dyed skins have those base colors.
So, if you buy a Warrior armor, it will come dyed grey, but it you use the dye remover, the color under the gry won't be the Yellow they currently have, but a base color for metal, something like 'iron' or 'raw steel'.
Cloth, Leather, Metal, etc...
You can use textmod, but you will be the only one to see the change. So the soultuion would be worse than the problem.
And for the main and tream... I think that should be dependand on th armor... for example... Normal ones having two colorable areas, and Elite ones 4.
Completely agree with you on rangers. My ranger wears Shing Jea because as far as I could tell, it has the most colorable areas so I didn't have to stare at so much BROWN.
Exotic Rit's pretty bad too; you can NOT get rid of those brown stripes/leopard spots. Blue/purple look awful, and green's kinda messy. I had to go for an unusual dye combo to make a warm, salmony shade (it looks better than it sounds, I promise) since I loved the exotic look but didn't want to be Red or Orange Exotic Wearer #15,683.
I can understand why they don't want to make every piece of every armor changable to every available color, but if (as you said) you could just switch it from brown to black/white/silver/gold or something, I could improve so much of what my characters wear.
Exotic Rit's pretty bad too; you can NOT get rid of those brown stripes/leopard spots. Blue/purple look awful, and green's kinda messy. I had to go for an unusual dye combo to make a warm, salmony shade (it looks better than it sounds, I promise) since I loved the exotic look but didn't want to be Red or Orange Exotic Wearer #15,683.
I can understand why they don't want to make every piece of every armor changable to every available color, but if (as you said) you could just switch it from brown to black/white/silver/gold or something, I could improve so much of what my characters wear.