Heres a build i came up with because of my favorite elite
Radiants Armor with around 500 health and 30 energy.
Critical Strikes 11+2
Dagger Mastery 9+1+2
Wind Prayers 8
Earth Prayer 8
Zealous Enchanting Daggers are not mandatory.
[skill]Golden phoenix strike[/skill][skill]horns of the ox[/skill][skill]falling spider[/skill][skill]twisting fangs[/skill][skill]whirling charge[/skill][skill]mystic regeneration[/skill][skill]aura of displacement[/skill][skill]resurrection signet[/skill]
It has self heal and it has whirling charge which is a nice IAS for kiters. And AoD is just about the best utility ever.
It has a bit of energy problems so you can switch to your defensive set without the zelous daggers and remove aod after your spike.
Comments and suggestions appreciated.
Aura of Enchantment A/D
Kiba of hidden leaf
I'd use fortitude as daggers, not enchanting, because you have rather low health
IMO, Natural Healing as the self heal rather than Mystic, but other than that it's a pretty good build.
6 pips of regen isn't a lot you need more
Kiba of hidden leaf
For PvP use Natural Healing instead of Mystic Regeneration, and for PvE use Critical Agility instead of Whirling Charge.