How awsome would it be for there to be a online sweep stakes where they hand out only 1 ONE ONE ONE ONE mini pet. one unique minipet that you can only get this way and not making anthor. My suggestions for what they could be:
Grown up Gwen
afflicted ritualist
Anyone agree? anyone who agrees got any other ideas for the minis?
The minipet
imo it should be customized to the account then. otherwise it'll just be another one of those stupid things that people try and trade for profit.
Orange Milk
Sorry the Devs are busy bashing the Glad title to shit and can not make anymore worthless minipets atm, im sure after they do this test HA weekend the will put all those minipet Devs they have back to work on them, lord knows there are more of those guys than Devs that work on fixing the game
I hate minipets
I hate minipets
i love minis, and i would like to see a mini monolith lol. that transforms
Mini Junundu FTW.
But yeah, this is a pretty good idea... and I agree with holymasamune, customization is a must. Then it would only be the people who gather minipets because they're awesome, instead of because they want more money.
But yeah, this is a pretty good idea... and I agree with holymasamune, customization is a must. Then it would only be the people who gather minipets because they're awesome, instead of because they want more money.
Diddy bow
yea it should be customised or its "WTS big gwen 100K+1750E!!" and i think just one for a sweepstake is a bit extreme. Espically how sweepstakes can never be in America or euro for some reason. Give it to a random monster to drop on a 1/100 rate but once its dropped its never dropped again like the great mini pet hunt ^^.
I guess it is a good idea to have it customizable to account but then what happens if that account gets banned or something like that? a waste of a entire sweestakes. Maybe they shouldnt and who cares if someone is selling it for 25000 ectos?
Originally Posted by SPIRIT OF THE SEA
Maybe they shouldnt and who cares if someone is selling it for 25000 ectos?
Kinda sounds similar to the current system of Birthday minis. like a sweepstakes every year old and at least everyone's included. except ofcourse it's not one unique mini.
Millions of players around the world....creating one of a one of a kind...ppl would revolt.
*A grown up Gwen mini would be a nice addition for the 3rd yr old collection (Gold?Green?
Millions of players around the world....creating one of a one of a kind...ppl would revolt.

*A grown up Gwen mini would be a nice addition for the 3rd yr old collection (Gold?Green?

Im not liking these mini pets that are exclusive to special events because I am not paying thousands of dollars to travel across the world to be there for the events or spending my GW money on it. I don't like the promotion pets because they are a very desired item that just isn't fair to the people who can't make it there. I would be interested if there was way you could earn mini pets like a corresponding title achievement or something like that In game wise.