Originally Posted by countesscorpula
"Fixed the skill "Vampirism" so that it now steals the correct amount of damage. "
Still doesn't trigger "Painful Bond" anymore. Bloodsong does, and it's darn near the same wording. Any chance this will get fixed before another fortnight passes? |
Game updates august 3rd
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
On the contrary, PvPers tend to push for nerfs on skills that AREN'T used tactically. Grenth's dervishes, for example, allowed you to mindlessly mash on buttons until a trained target died. This took away from the tactics of melee, people no longer had to change targets, spike things, interrupt monks, etc.
Miral-just out of interest: how would you beat hexway?
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by Miral
PvPers tend to bitch that everything they don't specifically use is both effortless and overpowered. PvPers also tend to use their own specialized effortless overpowered builds while bitching about everyone elses.
From my many hours in PvE, I'd say it's PvE that is more tied to it's beloved builds. This is why hardcore PvE people claim the sky is falling whenever their beloved and holy build gets a nerf. To be honest, I'll bet you've got yourself whipped into a fervor because some overpowered build you ran got smacked by the nerf bat. I'm sorry your build got killed, but honestly.
On vampirism - It's not a projectile, which does have some bonuses. It attacks through walls, and kd's/interruption don't stop the damage. Still wish they'd fix it, though. Someone find an exploit for the nonprojectile thing so it goes up on the priority list

Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
Actually, you have that completely wrong. PvPers are capable of switching builds faster than you switch arguments. Most good guilds are capable of running just about every template that sees play at any given time. Some things, like ritspike, aren't fun for anyone involved, but you run them because you want to win. PvPers would like a nerf to ritspike because it's a boring metagame. It's just not fun to either run ritspike or a counter to ritspike.
From my many hours in PvE, I'd say it's PvE that is more tied to it's beloved builds. This is why hardcore PvE people claim the sky is falling whenever their beloved and holy build gets a nerf. To be honest, I'll bet you've got yourself whipped into a fervor because some overpowered build you ran got smacked by the nerf bat. I'm sorry your build got killed, but honestly. On vampirism - It's not a projectile, which does have some bonuses. It attacks through walls, and kd's/interruption don't stop the damage. Still wish they'd fix it, though. Someone find an exploit for the nonprojectile thing so it goes up on the priority list ![]() |
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
On vampirism - It's not a projectile, which does have some bonuses. . |
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
It attacks through walls, and kd's/interruption don't stop the damage. Still wish they'd fix it, though. .
Would be nice to have it fixed, or in a worse case have an update note stating/explaining the change from projectile to non-projectile.
Dr Strangelove
Originally Posted by countesscorpula
It attacks through obstacles, it is affected by knock down (confirmed on warrior level of Dragon's Lair), didn't test interuptions. |
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
It's just not fun to either run ritspike or a counter to ritspike.
God I hated Mirrodin Block.
Pandora's box
Why do so many of you hate hack & slash builds? They are the core of every rpg and mmorpg. I strongly suspect this hatred is equally proportional to the failure of those players to make good chr's in hack & slash games. So better skilled players now rule? C'mon lol! The only thing you need to know is how to aggroo.
This has nothing to do with skills, its just another attempt of Anet to make players socialize and stick together in parties. A bad sign of GW2. Because the vast majority of online gamers are causual players who like to play every now and than for an hour or so, and don't have time to look for parties.
This has nothing to do with skills, its just another attempt of Anet to make players socialize and stick together in parties. A bad sign of GW2. Because the vast majority of online gamers are causual players who like to play every now and than for an hour or so, and don't have time to look for parties.
Originally Posted by Pandora's box
The only thing you need to know is how to aggroo.
Go somewhere else, where you know what you are talking about.
Originally Posted by Miral
As I've pointed out, the skills themselves are NOT overpowered, it is how they are being used that might be powerful. but its not overpowered either! slap some prot magic on and ZOMG THE SPIKE DID NOTHING! kill off their spirits with spiritual pain and ZOMG THE SPIKE DID HALF OF WHAT IT NORMALLY DOES!
Balance doesn't have to be about all numbers. buff doesn't have to mean it does 1000 damage. "Some mesmer interupts can now interupt chants" remember that update? A buff to mesmers to combat a paragon team build. THAT is acceptable balance. just give a class a way to strip weapon spells in PvP, or give rangers a spirit that keeps other spirits from being summoned in the area, or give a class a skill that does something like "if attacker is under the effects of a weapon spell, all damage against target is reduced by x.....y. or, change the rules of combat in the battle areas themselves. either with environment effects, or hard caps on what can be done within the arena. don't nerf what isn't overpowered because of its potential in certain situations. It is perfect as is outside of that specific build. |
Also, on a serious note, atm I think WoW<GW because locks are ridiculous. dot/lifetap lol wut gg?
Originally Posted by spawnofebil
Miral-just out of interest: how would you beat hexway?
hehe i love choking gas
a while ago in my old guild there was this guy that had a N/E high damage build that he could beat almost anyone with... well I went in scrimmage with my ranger and a personal choking gas build and made him look like level 1 fodder

Originally Posted by Miral
hehe i love choking gas
![]() ![]() |
Don't post about PvP unless you play it. Your suggestions to beat Rit Spike are terrible.
Still need to take out Heroes from GvG...otherwise seems like nice update...
cg rangers are only good for interrupting ghostly heroes.
Originally Posted by Miral
why not make it so assassins and elementalists and rangers can't spike either? since we're on a nerf what hurts ya run.
Originally Posted by fenix
You mean you read about the N/E build on guru, and you read about Choking Gas on guru, and made up a story about you scrimming with it.
Don't post about PvP unless you play it. Your suggestions to beat Rit Spike are terrible. |

Suppose you've never heard of choking gas. not only does it work on hexway but tons of others combine with dual shot for more fun. Then I suppose those will be considered as overpowered now seeing the number of builds it can stop, granted not on there own but highly efffective. |
Faintheartedness on the cgas, covered by price of failure, parasitic bond and a bunch of other crap.
You arrows how shoot once every 232513461 years. Have fun trying to interrupt someone with that.
Oh, and cgas will probably get dshotted. GG
Originally Posted by RhanoctJocosa
do you see groups of 8 assassins/elementalists/rangers running around tombs winning via 3, 2, 1?
1. preparing a build to be ready for what you may face
2. reaction time (and connection speed)
3. tactical timing.
if you think you have a build that can be powerful and somehow requires more than that in the way of skill, feel free to post it. but with the way guild wars is set up, most of it comes down to timing, which is exactly what a spike utilizes to its fullest advantage.
oh and yes, PvE comes down to those three things as well, with of course the added element of casual storytelling. main difference of course being that you start with a decent idea of what you will be facing, making the first point a bit easier.
Originally Posted by spawnofebil
Right, here's what would happen with choking gas:
Faintheartedness on the cgas, covered by price of failure, parasitic bond and a bunch of other crap. You arrows how shoot once every 232513461 years. Have fun trying to interrupt someone with that. Oh, and cgas will probably get dshotted. GG |
Yes, but what happens if they have 2xaegis+2xdanthem+2x"Shield's Up"+both cgas rangers get DDoS'd?
the problem is that they balance everything around what weak useless PvPers that can't come up with counters and scream for nerfs to everything they don't play think.
just stop and think for a minute. over the past 2 years, how much has been nerfed? how many skills have gone from being popular to completely obsolete? and how balanced is the game now? The same old crap, people complaining that build 24152 is overpowered. Its not balance my friend, its shifting to a new FOTM, and people who used those skills outside of the FOTM build are the ones who suffer for it.
just stop and think for a minute. over the past 2 years, how much has been nerfed? how many skills have gone from being popular to completely obsolete? and how balanced is the game now? The same old crap, people complaining that build 24152 is overpowered. Its not balance my friend, its shifting to a new FOTM, and people who used those skills outside of the FOTM build are the ones who suffer for it.
Originally Posted by spawnofebil
Yes, but what happens if they have 2xaegis+2xdanthem+2x"Shield's Up"+both cgas rangers get DDoS'd?
Originally Posted by Miral
the problem is that they balance everything around what weak useless PvPers that can't come up with counters and scream for nerfs to everything they don't play think.
just stop and think for a minute. over the past 2 years, how much has been nerfed? how many skills have gone from being popular to completely obsolete? and how balanced is the game now? The same old crap, people complaining that build 24152 is overpowered. Its not balance my friend, its shifting to a new FOTM, and people who used those skills outside of the FOTM build are the ones who suffer for it. |
remember when oov + oop stacked? and when eviscerate was MASSIVE? and when ias skills stacked? and when iway was ridiculously good? shit like this HAS to be nerfed, because its ridiculously overpowered and forces you to play counters- you try going into tombs back when iway was dominating without a tainted warder, hexes, etc.
Originally Posted by Miral
the problem is that they balance everything around what weak useless PvPers that can't come up with counters and scream for nerfs to everything they don't play think.
Originally Posted by Faer
A team of 4 PvP players cleared Tombs very shortly after it became a PvE area. Please, don't insult people who are obviously better at your side of the game than most of the people who play it.
Originally Posted by RhanoctJocosa
2 cg > 2 aegis, 2 curse necros who arcane echo vocal minority and who also have blinding flash for your cg
Originally Posted by Faer
A team of 4 PvP players cleared Tombs very shortly after it became a PvE area. Please, don't insult people who are obviously better at your side of the game than most of the people who play it.

And as far as aegis goes. its called barrage/splinter and ty very much aegis for the extra damage. then throw in nightmare weapon with dual shot for extra measures and viola. And yes it is leathal I've takin out more N/Mo abusing S/R than ud believe.
Originally Posted by Miral
oh I'm not saying all PvPers are bad, not at all. just the ones who scream nerf everytime their virtual egos are bruised by being killed by a better build. those who just have fun at let others do the same, and embrace good sportsmanship without constantly trying to make everyone else weaker, I like.
Are you upset because one or more balance changes made to improve the PvP portion of the game drastically changed the way you played the PvE portion, causing your previous builds to function differently, or not at all?
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
lets not forget the PvE's that solo it
![]() And as far as aegis goes. its called barrage/splinter and ty very much aegis for the extra damage. then throw in nightmare weapon with dual shot for extra measures and viola. And yes it is leathal I've takin out more N/Mo abusing S/R than ud believe. |
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
lets not forget the PvE's that solo it
![]() |
Originally Posted by Miral
oh I'm not saying all PvPers are bad, not at all. just the ones who scream nerf everytime their virtual egos are bruised by being killed by a better build. those who just have fun at let others do the same, and embrace good sportsmanship without constantly trying to make everyone else weaker, I like.
A single run generally looks something like heroway, heroway, rit spike, random trash, a good balanced, heroway, rit spike, rit spike, random trash, rit spike, etc.
Between a PD that doesn't suck, a decent SB and a good infuse or a good SB and a decent infuse, rit spike gets rolled... easily. That doesn't make it any less boring to do it. Consider for a second that there are people who play HA for the thrill of the fight, rather than strictly for the fame. When all you have to do is spank the vitaler it gets real boring real fast.
If I wanted to fight the same things with the same skills, using the same way to beat them every single time, I'd be playing PvE.
I wouldn't expect you to understand this though, considering the quality of your wonderfully insightful posts.
Originally Posted by Faer
Rt Spike is not "good sportsmanship". Paraway is not "good sportsmanship". Zergway is not "good sportsmanship". Heroway is not "good sportsmanship". Builds similar in concept to those I just mentioned are not "good sportsmanship". They aren't even "good", however they are effective. They are effective because they are broken, or imbalanced, however you wish to describe it. Therefore, PvP players "scream nerf" because, unlike some people, they actually want the PvP side of the game to be fair and balanced, instead of full of gimmicks that require little to no skill and virtually no real coordination outside of mashing a pre-defined series of buttons at a pre-defined point in time. They want people to really learn to play, instead of continuing to practice sucking. Now, after all of this arguing that has happened so far, I'm fairly sure you are going to take this the wrong way. But, alas, it's something I feel I need to ask. I mean no offense by it, however I would very much like an honest, clear-headed answer.
Are you upset because one or more balance changes made to improve the PvP portion of the game drastically changed the way you played the PvE portion, causing your previous builds to function differently, or not at all?[/FONT] |
A thread that talks about the pvp and pve tombs and refers to them both as tombs makes my head explode in confusion. Wut.
Originally Posted by Miral
i understand what you are saying and I agree with you that some BUILDS are overpowered. but the problem is that the individual skills used in the builds are not overpowered.
If the players that play rit spike are good players they will adapt to builds that arent as overpowered. If however they rely on the build rather than their own skill then they will be in trouble and probably spam forums about what they see as unecessary nerfs.
I'm sure if signet of ghostly might took longer to get nerfed it would get a fan base who would describe the player skill needed to use it.
Originally Posted by countesscorpula
"Fixed the skill "Vampirism" so that it now steals the correct amount of damage. "
Still doesn't trigger "Painful Bond" anymore. Bloodsong does, and it's darn near the same wording. Any chance this will get fixed before another fortnight passes? |
Dr Strangelove
Another note on this update besides the whiny nerf idiocy-
In for aspenwood, turtles no longer use their cannons, they just charge in and spam carrier defense (which they seem to use with zero recharge time). Throw in the random glitching of the luxon warriors, it's become painfully easy to win on kurzick.
Of course, this is possibly balanced by the juggernaut and the gatekeepers running all the way out to the mines with the slightest provocation, gunther loving to camp in AoE, and the general low quality of kurzick NPCs.
Personally, I'd be happy if they just made all the AI not act completely retarded.
In for aspenwood, turtles no longer use their cannons, they just charge in and spam carrier defense (which they seem to use with zero recharge time). Throw in the random glitching of the luxon warriors, it's become painfully easy to win on kurzick.
Of course, this is possibly balanced by the juggernaut and the gatekeepers running all the way out to the mines with the slightest provocation, gunther loving to camp in AoE, and the general low quality of kurzick NPCs.
Personally, I'd be happy if they just made all the AI not act completely retarded.
Originally Posted by tacitus
One person shouting 3.2.1 spike is not a way to judge individual skill from all 8 ppl. In the same way that most Iway warriors c spaced and won several games not because of player skill but because of an overpowered build.
If the players that play rit spike are good players they will adapt to builds that arent as overpowered. If however they rely on the build rather than their own skill then they will be in trouble and probably spam forums about what they see as unecessary nerfs. I'm sure if signet of ghostly might took longer to get nerfed it would get a fan base who would describe the player skill needed to use it. |
Nemo the Capitalist
wow PvP :P Hero way gone i cant farm anymore fame