Move the res-point in unwaking waters, to OUTSIDE the harvest temple, PLEASE!!!
The existing res-point exists right at the end of the anti-clockwise path in unwaking waters. If your faction owns that location, its fine because you are ressurected there.
But if your faction doesnt, it means once you die you are automatically kicked out of the instance.
I dont understand why, because in other instances inside factions we have neutral re-points to teleport to, or you would respawn just outside the outpost.
But in unwaking waters, if you the opposing faction and you die, you are returned to the outpost when you entire team dies (in normal mode).
This isnt right, because it goes against every other existing rule throughout the entire game in normal mode. Its the only area I know of where this happens. In any other instance inside factions, you also have the chance to kill the priests, gaurds and merchants to take control of the res point.
But because its at the very end of the instance, you cant.
The result makes it an absolute pain if you are the opposing faction and...
1) Elite skill capping.
2) Exploring.
3) Or doing anything else casual.
...even hard mode gives you several attempts until you get to -60dp, and this isnt an elite zone. So why have it like this?
Move the rest point to directly outside The Harvest Temple, please!!
There just isnt any reason to have this instance be so harsh if your in the opposing faction. Its not an elite zone or a mission.
But if your faction doesnt, it means once you die you are automatically kicked out of the instance.
I dont understand why, because in other instances inside factions we have neutral re-points to teleport to, or you would respawn just outside the outpost.
But in unwaking waters, if you the opposing faction and you die, you are returned to the outpost when you entire team dies (in normal mode).
This isnt right, because it goes against every other existing rule throughout the entire game in normal mode. Its the only area I know of where this happens. In any other instance inside factions, you also have the chance to kill the priests, gaurds and merchants to take control of the res point.
But because its at the very end of the instance, you cant.
The result makes it an absolute pain if you are the opposing faction and...
1) Elite skill capping.
2) Exploring.
3) Or doing anything else casual.
...even hard mode gives you several attempts until you get to -60dp, and this isnt an elite zone. So why have it like this?
Move the rest point to directly outside The Harvest Temple, please!!
There just isnt any reason to have this instance be so harsh if your in the opposing faction. Its not an elite zone or a mission.
You do know you can bribe (For 50 gold) or kill the people tending the shrine to get it to work, don't you?
Originally Posted by R1p70r
You do know you can bribe (For 50 gold) or kill the people tending the shrine to get it to work, don't you?
"The shrine is at the end of the path"
..that is my entire point.
The instance moves counter-clockwise in a path like a wirlpool of crystalised water. The shrine is at the end of that path, not the start.
You cant get access to the shrine to either kill the people at it, or bribe them until you have actually moved through the entire instance.
So if say the luxons have control, and your Kuzack and you die in that instance you are kicked out.
There is no reason for it and it makes the area alot more frustrating and unlike any other instance in all 3 campaigns. Every other instance has more then one res-point and atleast one that is neutril, or your are ressed outside the outpost. But not here.
I'm needing to cap a skill from a creature which is near the end of that path aswell, and everytime I try I get overwhelmed by the stupidly packed mobs in that area. I wouldnt mind if I could ress and keep trying, but you only get one chance if your in the opposing faction.
There are 3, maybe 4 groups of Shiroken that you have to kill to reach the rez shrine. If you are doing this in Normal Mode, and getting killed that fast, then you need to re-evaluate your builds/heroes/hench. The rez shrine is about 1/4 of the way to the end of the map. I have done this zone with lots of characters for skill capping, so I know the path well. The rez shrine is not at the end.
You have several options.
1) wait til your faction has control of the zone
2) take someone with you that is of the faction that has control of the zone
3) get a better team and reach the rez shrine to bribe or kill the Priest
4) ignore it, as you don't HAVE to do this zone
You have several options.
1) wait til your faction has control of the zone
2) take someone with you that is of the faction that has control of the zone
3) get a better team and reach the rez shrine to bribe or kill the Priest
4) ignore it, as you don't HAVE to do this zone
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
You have several options.
1) wait til your faction has control of the zone 2) take someone with you that is of the faction that has control of the zone 3) get a better team and reach the rez shrine to bribe or kill the Priest 4) ignore it, as you don't HAVE to do this zone |
You can imagine how frustrating that is, so ignoring that zone isnt an option.
I know the area can be moved through becaue I've done it when exploring, but in principle that zone doesnt make sense with the ress-shrine where it is.
To have an area where you have to treverse the entire instance before you can take control of the shrine makes no sense. The shrines are meant to be in areas that are instantly accessed and then taken control over.
I know its not a huge deal and i'll probably get the skill tomorrow either with guildies or a luxon, but I can imagine it frustrating alot of less experienced players.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
To have an area where you have to treverse the entire instance before you can take control of the shrine makes no sense.
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
Check your map again. The rez shrine is NOT at the end. It is after 3-4 groups, approximately 1/4 of the way through the map. If you can't get past 3-4 groups, in NORMAL mode, you need help with your build, hero/hench selection, and combat tactics.
Undivine said what I was going to. Every other non-elite explorable area has a rez shrine right near the entrance that activates more or less the moment you arrive. You never have to fight to reach the first shrine. It's not a question of whether or not OP's skilled enough to live that long, it's just that the shrine isn't there, and there's no good reason.
Although under normal circumstances I don't have much trouble, I'm /signing this because my GW-fu is weak and reaching the shrine's quite a pain in HM. :P
Or I'll at least /sign for them to explain why just that one shrine's set up like that. When I noticed it my first time through, I wondered if there was some sort of storyline reason for it.
Although under normal circumstances I don't have much trouble, I'm /signing this because my GW-fu is weak and reaching the shrine's quite a pain in HM. :P
Or I'll at least /sign for them to explain why just that one shrine's set up like that. When I noticed it my first time through, I wondered if there was some sort of storyline reason for it.
There isn't a way to move the shrine. You want the shrine at the entrance to Harvest Temple. The entrance area is on a narrow stairs. Rez shrines need more space than what is available there, plus NPCs. The closest it could be moved would be the bottom of the stairs, but even then, it would need some distance away to prevent a barrier to players and monsters.
Since it seems you want a rez shrine that does not need any fighting to have access to, it would appear the only option is to move the monster spawn points. This makes a MAJOR change in how this zone is handled, and I don't like that kind of change.
There is no NEED for a change. A change like Fish is asking for is not possible without redoing the ENTIRE zone. That entails changes to Cartography, monster spawns, and NPC locales. The rez shrine can be reached without significant trouble, and I'd prefer Anet spend time fixing things that NEED to be fixed, or working on GW:EN and GW2.
Since it seems you want a rez shrine that does not need any fighting to have access to, it would appear the only option is to move the monster spawn points. This makes a MAJOR change in how this zone is handled, and I don't like that kind of change.
There is no NEED for a change. A change like Fish is asking for is not possible without redoing the ENTIRE zone. That entails changes to Cartography, monster spawns, and NPC locales. The rez shrine can be reached without significant trouble, and I'd prefer Anet spend time fixing things that NEED to be fixed, or working on GW:EN and GW2.
the Puppeteer
pfft - just have a good team.
You can easily kill the monsters outside with heros/henchies
You can easily kill the monsters outside with heros/henchies
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
There isn't a way to move the shrine. You want the shrine at the entrance to Harvest Temple. The entrance area is on a narrow stairs. Rez shrines need more space than what is available there, plus NPCs. The closest it could be moved would be the bottom of the stairs, but even then, it would need some distance away to prevent a barrier to players and monsters.
Since it seems you want a rez shrine that does not need any fighting to have access to, it would appear the only option is to move the monster spawn points. This makes a MAJOR change in how this zone is handled, and I don't like that kind of change. There is no NEED for a change. A change like Fish is asking for is not possible without redoing the ENTIRE zone. That entails changes to Cartography, monster spawns, and NPC locales. The rez shrine can be reached without significant trouble, and I'd prefer Anet spend time fixing things that NEED to be fixed, or working on GW:EN and GW2. |
In areas in Tyria there are instances where res-shrine dont exist near outposts, and when you die you're not kicked out or took to the nearest one. Instead you are automatically resurrected directly outside the portal to the outpost.
Ressurrected at the point where you entered the instance. It happens at a certain location in the desert.
So why does that not happen in Unwaking waters?
This is why Im saying this is the only area in all 3 campaigns where this doesnt happen and Anet should stick to a standardised ress mechanism.
All I would ask is that if your part of the opposing faction, and your team dies in unwaking water, you be ressurected directly outside the portal where you entered the instance
Its a system that already exists in the game, so why not use it?
Otherwise we have a completely unique area in all 3 games, where the ress mechanism doesnt abide from the normal system.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
In areas in Tyria there are instances where res-shrine dont exist near outposts, and when you die you're not kicked out or took to the nearest one. Instead you are automatically resurrected directly outside the portal to the outpost.
Ressurrected at the point where you entered the instance. It happens at a certain location in the desert. |
Personally, I think you ask for changes simply because you fail to find ways to play the game as it is designed.

Originally Posted by MagmaRed
Which zone(s) would these be? I can't think of a single area in the game, even the desert, that offers a rez outside a city instead of a rez shrine. Please tell me which zones offer rez outside a city instead of a rez shrine, as I am starting to thing you are making things up to make your self more worthy of a change.
Personally, I think you ask for changes simply because you fail to find ways to play the game as it is designed. ![]() |
Another area is Diviner's Ascent. Enter it from Elona Reach and die. You're rezzed outside Elona Reach. Again, no rez shrine is there. I highly doubt that these are the only 2 areas in the game that are like that either. These are just the ones that I can name quickly without having access to the game at the moment.
Originally Posted by MagmaRed
Which zone(s) would these be? I can't think of a single area in the game, even the desert, that offers a rez outside a city instead of a rez shrine. Please tell me which zones offer rez outside a city instead of a rez shrine, as I am starting to thing you are making things up to make your self more worthy of a change.
Personally, I think you ask for changes simply because you fail to find ways to play the game as it is designed. ![]() |
I actually just tested now, to check it still happens and it does!
Go try it yourself. As for whether that is the ONLY one, Im not sure but I dbout it is. Its obviously a system which Anet used originally and probably implimented throughout prophercies and maybe in certain locations in factions and nightfall.
Now if you want to question my ability to play the game I can throw maxed titles at you like all protectors, 2 guardians, all 100% exploration, 2 elite skill hunters and both SS and LB max.
But im not asking for this because Im apparently unable to play the game. I am asking for this, because Anet is fundimentally going against a ress mechanism that exists in other campaigns.
This idea that if...
1) there are no ressed points in range or
2) you cant use the shrine in range
...should result in being ressed directly outside the oupost is normal. It was set down in prophercies as made evident! So why in unwaking waters, is the system completely turned on its head and chuck you out instead (assuming you dont have control of the shrine)?
Granted I realise now the shrine in unwaking waters isnt as far from the enter point as I thought, but its still quite a distance. But its the principle of it.
I feel this mechanism which is in unwaking waters, adds an unnecessary frustration for newbie or experienced players. Its an extra difficulty that just isnt needed. Im not asking for a res-point to be moved or a new one added, im just asking they impliment this same system into unwaking waters so your not kicked out the instance.
Never realized the res shrine outside Unwaking was a issue till now. Anyways another area is outside Lions Gate. You die and bam you res outside the portal. It does seem odd for A-Net to get lazy and add a res shrine PAST several mobs of enemies. It's like the whole issue with the bounties in NF. With the more important ones in or past the group of the enemies that NEED the bounty itself. Silly A-Net and their laziness.
Originally Posted by Killmur
Never realized the res shrine outside Unwaking was a issue till now. Anyways another area is outside Lions Gate. You die and bam you res outside the portal. It does seem odd for A-Net to get lazy and add a res shrine PAST several mobs of enemies. It's like the whole issue with the bounties in NF. With the more important ones in or past the group of the enemies that NEED the bounty itself. Silly A-Net and their laziness.
But i personally dont see whats the big deal with that.
As for Unwaking, the fact that its the deepest into the Luxon/Kurzick territory battles is probably the reason that theres no neutral res shrine there.
But ressing outside the portal when you die doesnt sound like a big deal, so i agree.