Ugh...bad lag
Since the last update 8/3/07 I've had 8 (007) disconnects, and terrible LAG issues in game with all facets (PvP:HA, RA, TA) (PvE.)
I've read through and preformed everything mentioned in the sticky to a T. I was doing most of that stuff before GW even came out, so I do most of it regularly (Defrag once a week or after a big update in GW)
Not sure what to make of this LAG since last night, but it's not good, can't even play right now it's that bad
I've read through and preformed everything mentioned in the sticky to a T. I was doing most of that stuff before GW even came out, so I do most of it regularly (Defrag once a week or after a big update in GW)
Not sure what to make of this LAG since last night, but it's not good, can't even play right now it's that bad
Reinstalling might help, if all else fails.
agreed, this is worse than before they started screwing with the servers to figure out the original problem.
err=7 every 10 minutes or so. Sometimes lets me reconnect and sometimes it just boots me straight out to the log in screen.
err=7 every 10 minutes or so. Sometimes lets me reconnect and sometimes it just boots me straight out to the log in screen.
All my guildies are er7'ing too.
i have several guildies getting DC'd right at the same time; we're all on TS and we're like "Hey, ... im casting a spell but nothings happening. Ya I 007'd too..." i have several pugs on my friend list who are getting these 007 spikes at the same time. One similarity between all of us: we all live in NY state. But i have 1 guildie who's in NY state not far from me who's not getting any lag whatsoever. This has been a problem for at least the last 'maintenance times' or two. Any other NYer's or nearby states getting these disconnections? (EDIT: OMG AP; rofl)
Ok, I'm deducing that the problem lies mainly in the New York area... though I heard of one West Coast case, and my friend from Toronto has the same problem... but my NJ friend does not lag at all like us NYers are.
I've had the same lag. I don't think it's isolated to just the east coast. I talk to people from coast to coast, Canada, Europe, and New Zealand on teamspeak. Strangely enough we get more lag on the American servers than on the international. Some times it's the other way around. However, all of us seem to get it almost at the same time. We even went as far as starting a pool. Once someone starts talking of lag, the bets are on as to whom will be the next person to get disconnected from the server and how many attempt to reconnect it takes before the server will let them back on. The winner gets 5k of gold from each of us that bets. I've lost 20k so far.
I live in NW Arkansas and I've been having problems all weekend. I normally have around 150ms ping. Last two days it has been jumping sporadically up to 2000 or more. Totally unplayable. I'm doing a -diag right now. I'm hoping it will get me some answers!
EDIT: -diag show packet loss at PlayNC's end. I would suggest everyone doing -diag and looking for the same or sending it off the Anet for them to look at.
EDIT: -diag show packet loss at PlayNC's end. I would suggest everyone doing -diag and looking for the same or sending it off the Anet for them to look at.
Alot of people are getting this , lets be more constructive, give your location. Ontario , canada
I say this because i've noticed its more common for east coasters.
I say this because i've noticed its more common for east coasters.
I'm having it and i'm in southampton, england
Houston, TX is lagging. So is Dallas from what a guildy of mine is saying as well. Perhaps the GW servers just need a giant reboot and power cycle of the network connections. Who cares if people complain about not being able to log onto a server for a few hours. Some of those people need to take a break for a day anyways. If it solves the problem, the end result would be well worth it. I would love to see a in-game message come up saying "You Have Been Playing For 4 Days. Please, Get A Life!"
only happend to me once, and the whole town i was in errored out
A a friend of mine and I are having the same sort of issue, both of us are getting kicked off at the same time usually.
In Redwood City, CA
In Redwood City, CA
My Green Storage
Arizona is lagging.
The strange thing is it happens most of the time at midnight - 3am
Thinking about it, I say to myself (Leaving out the swearing), America is sleeping.
Europe is going to work/school (-7GMT), so what the hell is lagging the servers?!?
I also say to myself:
Lag like this and they're planning on releasing a game in 3 weeks?
Good Luck Servers, you're gonna need it lol
The strange thing is it happens most of the time at midnight - 3am
Thinking about it, I say to myself (Leaving out the swearing), America is sleeping.
Europe is going to work/school (-7GMT), so what the hell is lagging the servers?!?
I also say to myself:
Lag like this and they're planning on releasing a game in 3 weeks?
Good Luck Servers, you're gonna need it lol
Rajau Ga Waura
Both my brother and I are having this problem too, but we get it at different times. It's common for us during the evening hours though.
Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
It's been dreadful for me since last night (about 28 hours ago), and I have also made sure that the gw.dat file is not fragmented.
Got a screenshot from one of the worst times at
Never seen anything like that - average ping time 92 seconds?
Sent -diag log into ArenaNet - can't run more than about 10 steps without halting for several seconds, game is completely unplayable. Was looking forward to the Dragon Arena this weekend
I really hope the GWEN preview event is not marred by the same problems.
Am in Australia, on the European servers.
Edit: Using the NetworkDiag.log file as a guide, I've got more detailed network stats from the path.
It's looking like there's 2 problems for me - one server in Taiwan and another server in Germany are losing packets: [] lost 61/100 pathping packets [] lost 48/100 pathping packets
Would explain why the connection is so bad
Got a screenshot from one of the worst times at
Never seen anything like that - average ping time 92 seconds?
Sent -diag log into ArenaNet - can't run more than about 10 steps without halting for several seconds, game is completely unplayable. Was looking forward to the Dragon Arena this weekend
I really hope the GWEN preview event is not marred by the same problems.
Am in Australia, on the European servers.
Edit: Using the NetworkDiag.log file as a guide, I've got more detailed network stats from the path.
It's looking like there's 2 problems for me - one server in Taiwan and another server in Germany are losing packets: [] lost 61/100 pathping packets [] lost 48/100 pathping packets
Would explain why the connection is so bad