Hi, we are currently seeking Guilds for our GvG alliance.
Our Guild: Outrageously Good Lookin Blokes [Ozzy]
~Be top 1000 or at least be a reform of a top 1000 or close to 1000
~Be willing to do scrimmages every now and then
~GvG around 6pm-12pm GMT + 10
~Take and give constructive criticism after rated/unrated match's
~Be kurzick(Kinda need to be to join the alliance :S)
What you will get:
~A fun laid back alliance to have laughs with
~Guests for gvg's when needed
~Guilds to scrimmage to Test Builds
To apply/or ask some questions please post here(Note: you dont have to register to post)
If you require any more information feel free to PM one of these people:
~Zelic The Healer
~Rin The Healer
~Coota For The Chix
Seeking GvG guilds for an alliance