The key to Guild Wars are the Guilds, there are thousands of Guilds amongst the servers, and each of us may have been in any number of these, before we arrived at our current Guild.
There are many reasons to join a new guild; you have had arguments with Guild members, you disagree with their views, you do not like the way you are being treated, or you want something more.
The truth is, no Guild can be perfect, there will always be something that goes wrong no matter how far down the line it is. The only thing we can do is just enjoy the now, the brief times in between the chaos when we can just play and have a laugh, have a bit of fun without getting pulled down into the problems of whats going on.
I did think that perhaps a guild not exactly led, but merely spoken for, by a council would be the best bet, with 'leadership', which would actually be more like a Voice, speaking for the guild, being handed over every so often as to ensure no arguments. But for some people, this may not be enough. Ask yourself why you are playing, is it to have fun, enjoy a few laughs with friends, or is it to be the best, to have power, and control what is happening around you.
Sadly, if you are here for the latter, you will never be happy on the game, as people rarely like to be controlled, so you will have to learn to accept what cards you are dealt, go with what life throws at you, and enjoy the times you have without responsibility. Believe you me, I have seen the pitfalls of leadership, and how it can almost kill a person, the stress and anxiety of situations, even the most trivial, putting someone in hospital.
Personally, I am willing to try and create a guild that is looked after, with its members cared for by each other if enough people are willing to stand with me. It would be a Guild made by friends, for friends and merely for fun, not through any misguided attempt to convert others to their way of thinking. We must be loyal friends if we want to stay together and not let petty rivalries and disagreements come between us.
So I put it to you, would you be willing to aid in a Guild that ensures people are having fun, and stepping in with a friendly smile and an open ear if others began to argue, to stop any trouble before it starts?
I would hope you are, but each person must choose their own path, so it is entirely up to you. However, should you wish to embark on such a journey, speak with me, we may yet have thoughts on how to improve such a project, and I would be glad to hear such thoughts.
Forsaken Requiem [hope] forging a future