Hi there all
I was mulling over a few ideas yesterday that would be interesting to implement into our wonderful world.
Firstly, how about a title for runners, particularly the Droks run. I'm not sure how feasible this would be to implement, but would benefit those who need a run to Droks. While running a few people yesterday from Beacons, a few said that even people who advertise themselves as "pro" couldn't even make it halfway across Lornars. What do you think about this idea?
Also, concerning heroes, wouldn't it be cool if we had the option of heroes wearing guild capes.
Your comments, suggestions or perhaps even more funky ideas are welcomed.
Many thanks
A few funky ideas
Well the idea is nice but I don't think it would ever catch on. I would have thought ANet wouldn't have endorsed being ran through the game...then again...they could have stopped it if they'd wanted.
What's to stop someone buying Sprint and Enraging Charge and running around the Sunqua Vale for hours on end to make theiir title go up?
It annoys me the way people advertise themselves as "Pros" for the Droks run. My brother wanted a run to Droks and I decided to see the quality of the runners these days so I went along for the ride, even though I'd got to Droks before...it was only costing 2k. So the DUAL WAMMOS set off...sorry, "Pro" Dual Wammos. I ran along beside them...they both died at the encounter with the first wurm. Then they started shouting at me, blaming me for ruining their run. I kept on going (I was using a D/A) and they kept cursing me the whole time, despite my brother questioning the wammos on how I managed "ruin their run" when I'm managing to do it and they aren't. As I ran through the portal into Deadnought's Drift all but one left. The one that stayed got the prize of a free Beaver-style run to Droks.
What's to stop someone buying Sprint and Enraging Charge and running around the Sunqua Vale for hours on end to make theiir title go up?
It annoys me the way people advertise themselves as "Pros" for the Droks run. My brother wanted a run to Droks and I decided to see the quality of the runners these days so I went along for the ride, even though I'd got to Droks before...it was only costing 2k. So the DUAL WAMMOS set off...sorry, "Pro" Dual Wammos. I ran along beside them...they both died at the encounter with the first wurm. Then they started shouting at me, blaming me for ruining their run. I kept on going (I was using a D/A) and they kept cursing me the whole time, despite my brother questioning the wammos on how I managed "ruin their run" when I'm managing to do it and they aren't. As I ran through the portal into Deadnought's Drift all but one left. The one that stayed got the prize of a free Beaver-style run to Droks.

My Green Storage
I absolutely LOVE when they announce in Beacons:
Only to find out they barely get by the ice imps and they ask you to "get aggro so "we can run by!!!" lol
Oh those crazy dual runners ... so pro .. they need someone to help them.
GG pro dual runners!
A lot of the time, you can usually weed out the crappy runners to the ones that can do it.
Now a days, look for D/A.
Secondly look at how they write they're advertisement.
If it's all junk like "rnnin dorks - 8k - gurenteede sucess!!"
Laugh at them.
If it's clean and to the point:
"Pro running to Droks - 3k - 2k @ Snakes - 1k at Rankor - Self Invite"
You can usually depend on them making it.
As for the title, I doubt ANET likes runners.
They added different spawns in the Droks run which killed the Wammo run and slowed success down a bit.
Of course people adjusted and now go D/A.
Also doubt ANET would implement a title just for a Droks run.
Nevermind the fact it'd be a bit tough to designate when it's a Droks run, and as Celestial mentioned, when it's a Sunqua Vale run.
I absolutely LOVE when they announce in Beacons:
Only to find out they barely get by the ice imps and they ask you to "get aggro so "we can run by!!!" lol
Oh those crazy dual runners ... so pro .. they need someone to help them.
GG pro dual runners!
A lot of the time, you can usually weed out the crappy runners to the ones that can do it.
Now a days, look for D/A.
Secondly look at how they write they're advertisement.
If it's all junk like "rnnin dorks - 8k - gurenteede sucess!!"
Laugh at them.
If it's clean and to the point:
"Pro running to Droks - 3k - 2k @ Snakes - 1k at Rankor - Self Invite"
You can usually depend on them making it.
As for the title, I doubt ANET likes runners.
They added different spawns in the Droks run which killed the Wammo run and slowed success down a bit.
Of course people adjusted and now go D/A.
Also doubt ANET would implement a title just for a Droks run.
Nevermind the fact it'd be a bit tough to designate when it's a Droks run, and as Celestial mentioned, when it's a Sunqua Vale run.
The Lurch
I think the Forum Mods will yell at you for this thread. This prolly falls under "random idea thread" which they dont like.
Even if they dont close it, /notsigned to either. The running title wont happen because Anet hates runners...imo.
And heros wearing guild capes is just kinda dumb.
Even if they dont close it, /notsigned to either. The running title wont happen because Anet hates runners...imo.
And heros wearing guild capes is just kinda dumb.
1. Already suggested. Runnin is NOT supported by Anet.
2. Already suggested. It has been already answered that 'They work for you, not for your guild'.
3. Rules say something abut Random and Repeated Suggestions...
2. Already suggested. It has been already answered that 'They work for you, not for your guild'.
3. Rules say something abut Random and Repeated Suggestions...
Sli Ander
If you wanted to keep the running title idea, just do it like a Vanquishing spin. Title could be based off of number of areas cleared by going from one entrance to the furthest exit without killing anything. Still wouldn't mean that you could clear the Droks(maybe scale on difficulty if you want something to do that) but it would be interesting.
But that's just my two cents
But that's just my two cents