Old Gw Account New to playing
I bought this game when it FIRST arrived in the stores . I now find myself tired of paying for games like WoW and A/O that people cheat insanely in and bot etcetera . I was wandering if this game shares the same featured problems or if any of you would mind sharing your piece of mind when it comes to the splendor this game offers . I also wandered if it has game mail system or if they're going to implement this feature etc. Anyone here mind telling me if ranger is still or was ever a good class ? Or should I be a warrior ? I am just wanting to get a small understanding of the game before I emerse myself in it . As I just returned to the world of GW . Also... What is our level cap per expansion/campaign ? and can u play all of them at once or are they carry overs from original ones. And do you get to use ur old char from original gw in factions/nightfall etc ? Pls be easy on me and do not flame as it has been a while since I have been here ..
- Cheats are almost inexistent, and third party program users are banned sooner or later.
- Bots are a problem, but only in certain outposts, and only in those. You can't see them everywhere. They are dealing with that problem currently and they are very concerned about it.
- There is no asynchronous mail system, althought there is a friendlist that help you keep track of friends, ignored players, last party members, last trades. I haven't heard about any mail feaure, altough it has been suggested many times.
- All classes are good if you know how to use them. GW is way more balanced than other games. There are professions that a re abit more tricky in some areas, but everything is possible with all of them.
- Level 20 is and will be always the max. But new skills that greatly imporbe build possibilities are there. The more campaigns you won, the more skills you have to combine.
- You can play three campaings separately (Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall) but the expansion (GW:EN) needs one of those three campaings. THe best option is havving all the three campaings and the expansion in one account.
- A single character from any campaing can get to all content of all the others, excluding some tutorials and newbie areas, like pre-Searing. Everything else is available for all characters, no matter where they come from.
In short, GW is the best game so far and you should buy and play all its content.
- Bots are a problem, but only in certain outposts, and only in those. You can't see them everywhere. They are dealing with that problem currently and they are very concerned about it.
- There is no asynchronous mail system, althought there is a friendlist that help you keep track of friends, ignored players, last party members, last trades. I haven't heard about any mail feaure, altough it has been suggested many times.
- All classes are good if you know how to use them. GW is way more balanced than other games. There are professions that a re abit more tricky in some areas, but everything is possible with all of them.
- Level 20 is and will be always the max. But new skills that greatly imporbe build possibilities are there. The more campaigns you won, the more skills you have to combine.
- You can play three campaings separately (Prophecies, Factions and Nightfall) but the expansion (GW:EN) needs one of those three campaings. THe best option is havving all the three campaings and the expansion in one account.
- A single character from any campaing can get to all content of all the others, excluding some tutorials and newbie areas, like pre-Searing. Everything else is available for all characters, no matter where they come from.
In short, GW is the best game so far and you should buy and play all its content.
What do you mean by "game mail system"?
IMO the ranger is a very nice proffession, I think it is generally excepted as good as are most proffessions.
The level cap is 20.
You can play all the campaigns at once, and move characters between continents providing you have arrived at a certain point a short way into your starting campaign.
I will also say that one of the best ways to learn and understand is through playing the game. have fun.
IMO the ranger is a very nice proffession, I think it is generally excepted as good as are most proffessions.
The level cap is 20.
You can play all the campaigns at once, and move characters between continents providing you have arrived at a certain point a short way into your starting campaign.
I will also say that one of the best ways to learn and understand is through playing the game. have fun.
coolness guys.. Thanks for the swift responses .
I am planning next paycheck to get factions and then nightfall soon. I So want that mission pack .. So I'm considering bumming the money from a friend for factions asap to qualify .. I was wandering if GW2 will be as good as I've seen this game be but have a higher lvl cap.. And Was I wrong that I read somewhere that you can carry over your old chars or one char to gw 2? And will gw2 carry a monthly scription ?
And as for my ingame mailsystem question.. I considered that it would be a cool feature to have.. Like when EQ2 does special things.. Guild Chat char wiki etc for a buck a month for each feature.. It would give really good funding and help organize .. And most likely I would only use ingame email because it would help me obscure from viruses etc that you get from normal people...
Though Wouldn't it be cool if the game had a setup like FFXI or .//Hack where you could check your email and send email etc .. LIke a Pregame/Launcher Email client ... Allowing you to check your email etc before going ingame with a [email protected] tag that forwards to your real account.. Kindof like the forum here ?
Again.. Thanks for your quick responses and keep em coming... Also I was curious about the usefulness of joining a guild and what type of restrictions people are having on eachother like level or skill requirements to join ?

And as for my ingame mailsystem question.. I considered that it would be a cool feature to have.. Like when EQ2 does special things.. Guild Chat char wiki etc for a buck a month for each feature.. It would give really good funding and help organize .. And most likely I would only use ingame email because it would help me obscure from viruses etc that you get from normal people...
Though Wouldn't it be cool if the game had a setup like FFXI or .//Hack where you could check your email and send email etc .. LIke a Pregame/Launcher Email client ... Allowing you to check your email etc before going ingame with a [email protected] tag that forwards to your real account.. Kindof like the forum here ?
Again.. Thanks for your quick responses and keep em coming... Also I was curious about the usefulness of joining a guild and what type of restrictions people are having on eachother like level or skill requirements to join ?
You can't carry over characters from GW to GW2. If you have the expansion, then you can record certain achievements and items at the Hall of Monuments to get rewards in GW2 for doing so.
GW2 won't have a monthly subscription.
GW2 won't have a monthly subscription.
and as per restrictions for joining a guild, it all depends on the guild. Some have plenty some have none. Check the Guild Recruiting section here, it might help.
Good luck and have fun!!
Good luck and have fun!!
oh cool . Ok .. Umm well .. Meh . I am trying to kill some time so I guess it's time to step through the portal and go hunting a while to hit level 2 ..
Is it possible to passup things u can only do at certain levels ? Like lvl specific quests or items to pickup etc ? Just curious
Is it possible to passup things u can only do at certain levels ? Like lvl specific quests or items to pickup etc ? Just curious
I can't think of any content that can only be done at a certain level or lower. I don't believe there is any.
The only thing is once you enter the academy you can't go back to starting areas.
The only thing is once you enter the academy you can't go back to starting areas.
Originally Posted by Ximal
oh cool . Ok .. Umm well .. Meh . I am trying to kill some time so I guess it's time to step through the portal and go hunting a while to hit level 2 ..
Is it possible to passup things u can only do at certain levels ? Like lvl specific quests or items to pickup etc ? Just curious |
Simply put, regular quests are just supplemental story, whereas primary quests are necessary in the continuity of the storyline in the game. An interesting note to add to this is that in Prophecies (Tyria), you still can bypass the primary quests by just running to whatever mission(s) you want. In Factions this was completely prevented in every way (you can't get to later missions early... hell you can't even get to other zones early because of locked doors that only open after you've satisfied any quest requirements), and in Nightfall you can explore as far as your character was able to but the outposts wouldn't become primary missions until you satisfied earlier requirements (such as a quest that leads to that outpost. The outpost, until it is a mission, just appears as a regular outpost and starting the mission isn't an option).
And regarding the professions... there are ten throughout Guild Wars...
CORE - Available in all three campaigns (Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall)
Warrior - Big guys that take damage just as well as they dish it out. They specialize in hurting things with swords, axes and hammers
Ranger - These guys are your typical archer/support class. They'll carry bows, set traps, have pets, etc.
Monk - Monks can do three things: heal a player, prevent damage to a player or cause damage to an enemy. Usually, preventing damage is better than anything but a lot of people heal as well. Smiting monks just don't exist because when you see a monk, you expect the monk to heal. Let the warriors do the damage.
Necromancer - These guys are a casting class that specializes in cursing foes, manipulating the dead and just being an all-around pain in the ass. There's two very popular build types under this category: The Minion Master, a player class capable of maintaining a small army of undead minions and the SS, a build that uses a curses skill called Spiteful Spirit to punish a foe for attempting to do anything at all.
Mesmer - Mesmer's are like a prettier version of the necromancer. They don't deal with death, but they still use energy to punish their enemies. Mesmer's aren't too awesome in the roleplaying world simply because an SS is usually that much better, but mesmers are PVP superstars. Nothing beats getting an enemy monk to completely stop casting everything they have in their skillbar.
Elementalist - Another very popular type, the elementalist deals with air, water, fire and earth magic to support his or her team and to annihilate the enemy team with freezing skills, fire damage, and more. This class is a lot of fun if you like dropping meteors on people.
FACTIONS - These two classes are exclusive to the FACTIONS campaign. They can go anywhere as long as you hvae the chapter, but they can only be created under Factions.
Assassin - The best way to describe an assassin is to compare it to a warrior and make it more suspeptible to damage but also let it attack faster and deal more damage. Assassins use combo's to gain energy and deal an impressive amount of melee damage in a matter of seconds.
Ritualist - Another support class, Ritualists channel the energy of the dead to create spirits and support teammates through either prevention or healing. In some cases, having one rit and one monk in your group can be better than having two monks.
NIGHTFALL - These two classes can only be created in NIGHTFALL, but they can travel anywhere after a certain point.
Dervish - The Dervish is another melee class. They take more damage than the warrior, but they also hand out area-of-effect melee damage (meaning they hit more than one target at once). To compensate for this, a derv's attacks are slower than a warrior or assassin, but they do significantly more damage (example: A sword attack may hit for about 20-30 damage, while a scythe will hit for at least 50% more, not to mention it'll hit more than one person). They also have magic spells to support their attacks, and they can transform into any of the five gods of Tyria.
Paragon - Paragon's are another support class that uses chants to support their team and give their team buffs while also tossing spears around as their way of attacking. There isn't much healing on the Paragon class, but you typically wouldn't use a paragon to heal you in the first place.
Another thing worth noting: in Eye of the North, you're going to see players from all ten chapters of the game because all ten chapters have equal access to it.
be sure NOT to delete any chars you already have, before checking if they have any birthday presents
. (per year the char with /age you get a present)
I would hold off buying factions or nightfall untill you learn more about the game. Play through prophecies first.
I'd definitely have to agree with Gamblor; Prophecies, though it lacks a solid tutorial like Factions and Nightfall, is probably the best starter campaign. The main reason for that is that you can earn most of the skills through finishing quests. That makes it easier on the budget, though you earn more in Factions and NightFall, and you don't need to worry about wasting money on a skill that isn't as high functioning as others.
For a starter class, what I've found is that Warrior or Elementalist are probably two of the easier starter classes overall. They seem to be a bit more straightforward from the beginning. For Warrior, it's mainly due to the added armor making it less easy to die, though some people I know have had survivability issues, though that's mainly from wanting to go pure offense with no defense at all/armor that's too low for that area. With an Elementalist, you blast away at things :P. There is some E management involved, as well as learning which skills with scatter enemies, but it's not too bad overall. It's also easier for people who want to see the direct results of their efforts, as opposed to support roles where you can just get a rough feeling of how much is being contributed.
I haven't necessarily had a problem with other classes (other than Dervish, which I haven't yet played - out of character slots!), but with classes (Ranger and Mesmer are two of the best at it.) where interruption is a great skill, it's nice to have experience with which skills have a longer cast time and would be easier to interrupt.
With a Monk, unless you're interested in farming, you're most often expected to be using solely Healing Prayers or Protection Prayers, which sometimes gets a bit boring.
That leaves the Necromancer, which was my first profession. This was back when people didn't understand that a Minion Master, Spiteful Spirit, Feast of Corruption spiker, and several other niches that the Necromancer now fills, can greatly help them. "OMG useless necro" was fairly common >_>. So, I don't think that my earlier frustration with it are as valid anymore. It is a bit hard to play starting out, though, since you don't have access to several of the optimal skills for the endgame builds. That's true for most classes too, just that I seemed to have a harder time finding a good starter/midgame build with Necromancer.
For a starter class, what I've found is that Warrior or Elementalist are probably two of the easier starter classes overall. They seem to be a bit more straightforward from the beginning. For Warrior, it's mainly due to the added armor making it less easy to die, though some people I know have had survivability issues, though that's mainly from wanting to go pure offense with no defense at all/armor that's too low for that area. With an Elementalist, you blast away at things :P. There is some E management involved, as well as learning which skills with scatter enemies, but it's not too bad overall. It's also easier for people who want to see the direct results of their efforts, as opposed to support roles where you can just get a rough feeling of how much is being contributed.
I haven't necessarily had a problem with other classes (other than Dervish, which I haven't yet played - out of character slots!), but with classes (Ranger and Mesmer are two of the best at it.) where interruption is a great skill, it's nice to have experience with which skills have a longer cast time and would be easier to interrupt.
With a Monk, unless you're interested in farming, you're most often expected to be using solely Healing Prayers or Protection Prayers, which sometimes gets a bit boring.
That leaves the Necromancer, which was my first profession. This was back when people didn't understand that a Minion Master, Spiteful Spirit, Feast of Corruption spiker, and several other niches that the Necromancer now fills, can greatly help them. "OMG useless necro" was fairly common >_>. So, I don't think that my earlier frustration with it are as valid anymore. It is a bit hard to play starting out, though, since you don't have access to several of the optimal skills for the endgame builds. That's true for most classes too, just that I seemed to have a harder time finding a good starter/midgame build with Necromancer.
There are only a couple of quests in Ascalon and Nightfall that require levels.
All the others just require other quests or missions, either to gain access to that area or as prerequisite of the quest itself.
You may find all that data in the Official Wiki and Guild Wiki.
Most Prophecies missions can be skipped, but you have to make most mission in Factions and Nightfall to get access to last areas.
All the others just require other quests or missions, either to gain access to that area or as prerequisite of the quest itself.
You may find all that data in the Official Wiki and Guild Wiki.
Most Prophecies missions can be skipped, but you have to make most mission in Factions and Nightfall to get access to last areas.
why do i keep seeing the word "BUILDS" what's this mean ? heh.. I know.. I'm full of questions... so i am glad you guys are all so patient

A "build" is a word used for any set of skills on your skill bar.
If you join a PvP group, they may want you to play a certain build, or certain set of skills.
For example, you can run a "Thumper" build on your ranger which uses rangers increased attack speed skills with hammer skills from the warrior class. It has been used a lot in PvP.
Guildwiki has everything you need to know about everything.
If you join a PvP group, they may want you to play a certain build, or certain set of skills.
For example, you can run a "Thumper" build on your ranger which uses rangers increased attack speed skills with hammer skills from the warrior class. It has been used a lot in PvP.
Guildwiki has everything you need to know about everything.
One other question before i go to bed and sleep before work. Is there anything here like Thottbot.com for WoW ? Like I would assume that the wiki for GW is the same in essence as such. Or am I wrong ? And is there a plugin for firefox for GW WIki ?
gw.gamewikis.org and wiki.guildwars.com are the 2 best sites about stuff dealing with GW...the fist is the best for now but with official backing and dev contributions the wiki.guildwars.com is closing the gap fast.
Not sure as to a plugin..somehow i doubt it.
Not sure as to a plugin..somehow i doubt it.
Ah! And the most important thing!
Xenex Xclame
Yes Guild Wiki is "The place" for all your GW needs 
It is like thottbot , but i think its even better, i sometimes wish there was a site like wiki for WoW.
The only thing i can think of that wiki doesn't offer that thottbot does is the prices stuff are worth on auction, obviously because GW doesn't have an auction house and things are sold directly from one player to another , this is not possible.
For talk about a quest or item like you have on thottbot about posters saying where a item is located, you should look on the discussion pages or the item/quest you are looking or info for.

It is like thottbot , but i think its even better, i sometimes wish there was a site like wiki for WoW.
The only thing i can think of that wiki doesn't offer that thottbot does is the prices stuff are worth on auction, obviously because GW doesn't have an auction house and things are sold directly from one player to another , this is not possible.
For talk about a quest or item like you have on thottbot about posters saying where a item is located, you should look on the discussion pages or the item/quest you are looking or info for.
Government Flu
Since most above posters have already answered your questions, I'll do so in a noir manner.
Bots have taken over three major outposts in Prophecies and two in Factions. They have razed one city and have turned several other towns into cyber slums, where they turn tricks for 5g a pop. No one ever goes there, although those that accidentally wander through end up being disconnected for several hours.
The ranger was never a good class. Their bows aren't notched with any string, so they just throw their one arrow at enemies for a total of 0-1 damage. Guild Wars has officially stated that the Ranger class is a novelty put in place for mere amusement.
The level cap per game is as follows:
Prophecies: level 20, but only after a 300 hour commitment. You must get to the maximum level in the tutorial area, because this is the only place where leveling up is allowed ever since the Server Crash of 1998.
Factions: Level 100. An average player will reach this level in about 2 hours.
Nightfall: Varies. In Nightfall, players can not only choose their storyline, but also their level. However, it is a guessing game against the AI, so if you pick a number between 1 and 100 but it's off by more than 10 points, you're forced to play the game as a level 1 mesmer.
Transferring characters across the expansions is possible, but ever since the 2000 update, this is done in real time. You must pay 100k for a small boat to take you into the new continent and then basically spend about two to three months watching your character sail through the seas. Upon finishing the trip however, you earn the title “I’m Still Playing Guild Wars”.
I hope this helps.
I also wandered if it has game mail system or if they're going to implement this feature etc. Anyone here mind telling me if ranger is still or was ever a good class ? Or should I be a warrior ? I am just wanting to get a small understanding of the game before I emerse myself in it . As I just returned to the world of GW . Also... What is our level cap per expansion/campaign ? and can u play all of them at once or are they carry overs from original ones. And do you get to use ur old char from original gw in factions/nightfall etc ? Pls be easy on me and do not flame as it has been a while since I have been here .. |
The ranger was never a good class. Their bows aren't notched with any string, so they just throw their one arrow at enemies for a total of 0-1 damage. Guild Wars has officially stated that the Ranger class is a novelty put in place for mere amusement.
The level cap per game is as follows:
Prophecies: level 20, but only after a 300 hour commitment. You must get to the maximum level in the tutorial area, because this is the only place where leveling up is allowed ever since the Server Crash of 1998.
Factions: Level 100. An average player will reach this level in about 2 hours.
Nightfall: Varies. In Nightfall, players can not only choose their storyline, but also their level. However, it is a guessing game against the AI, so if you pick a number between 1 and 100 but it's off by more than 10 points, you're forced to play the game as a level 1 mesmer.
Transferring characters across the expansions is possible, but ever since the 2000 update, this is done in real time. You must pay 100k for a small boat to take you into the new continent and then basically spend about two to three months watching your character sail through the seas. Upon finishing the trip however, you earn the title “I’m Still Playing Guild Wars”.
I hope this helps.
Protoform X
If you plan on buying Factions, you may wanna get it from zipzoomfly.com. They have it brand new for $20, free shipping. That is if you live in the US anyway. Not sure about how they handle other countries.
Originally Posted by Ximal
One other question before i go to bed and sleep before work. Is there anything here like Thottbot.com for WoW ? Like I would assume that the wiki for GW is the same in essence as such. Or am I wrong ? And is there a plugin for firefox for GW WIki ?