Any documented sightings of the level 12 emote yet?
It's been more than 6 weeks since it was added, but not a single screenhot or video has surfaced so far. All I've seen are statements usually along the lines of "A guildmate of mine saw a Korean flashing a dragon/phoenix/whatever emote, but it was too quick to take a screenshot". Sorry, hearsay does not count as evidence. Provide screenie/video or STFU.

Lulu said the level 12 emote is a phoenix, and many people seem to believe him, although he only provided a verbal description, no further evidence. Based on this, it was even added to the GWG rank guide. A bit hasty, if you ask me. Sorry, as long as I haven't seen a video or screenshot that is not obviously edited I have to assume that nobody is level 12 yet.