A wierd drop........
Dragon Event redux
lol, I didn't know those thing in the Temple of Balthazar give drop oO
okie thx the explianation, but those thing u can smash also count as a Foe? i thought they just for test out build or some, and they dont even fight back, would that be another way to farm those tokens? just curiouse.
Marth Reynolds
lol straw dummys dropping em o.O
goes to get his torch
goes to get his torch
I think I'll go get some meteor showers ready.
What's next?
Farming the dummies for the survivor title?
What's next?
Farming the dummies for the survivor title?
I smell a bug.....
Victory Tokens are 'Event drops'.
They will drop from anything, absolutely eveything in PvE areas.
Although the isle of the nameless is in the PvP isles, it has still PvE rules.
You could also get Cupcakes from those dummies in Nightfall, for example.
They will drop from anything, absolutely eveything in PvE areas.
Although the isle of the nameless is in the PvP isles, it has still PvE rules.
You could also get Cupcakes from those dummies in Nightfall, for example.
Awesome now to over farm! weeehhheehehe
1 up and 2 down
I have seen a kurzick warrior drop a victory token in Fort Asenwood once.
Keep in mind that resurrected foes don't drop anything. So waiting for the dummies to get back up and killing them again won't do. You'll have to re-zone

Onarik Amrak
LoL, that's awesome.
6am3 Fana71c
Omg! Same happen to me today, but you opened the thread first lol. I was testing my axe build, and guess what: 60AL Dummy drops Victory Token! I was like: ZOMGWTFPWNAGEBBQ
We had one drop in middle of a gvg last night. was funny as shit. Both teams actually stopped for a minute and laughed at this.
exiled mat
1 zaishen elite match
1 iway oposing team
1 wolf that drops a Victory Token
1 REALLY messed up and crashed pvp server
I can't do anytime except for looking at who comes and goes online in the guild window
1 iway oposing team
1 wolf that drops a Victory Token
1 REALLY messed up and crashed pvp server
I can't do anytime except for looking at who comes and goes online in the guild window

Lord Xeshm
My friend got 2 Victory Tokens from the Kurzicks when we were playing Fort Aspenwood.
I got a victory token last night from one of them dummies too.
I never bothered to go back and see how often them dropped.
Do they drop often?
The first thing I thought when it happened was people farming training dummies. XD
I never bothered to go back and see how often them dropped.
Do they drop often?
The first thing I thought when it happened was people farming training dummies. XD
placebo overdose
"adjacent drops a victory token" lol i love that
I got one in gvg from an archer!
Woop Shotty
They're even dropping in Pre-Sear Ascalon... and it's quite out of place and annoying if you ask me.
Imagine if a Ghostly hero dropped one in HoH, how funny would THAT be?
l337 nuker
It's pretty normal, not a bug I suspect