wait a minute, to be fair, they don't really run as much as jog. and at that, they aren't reallly jogging that far. how long does it take to jog from ascalon to sardelac, 2.5 mins? how far is that in real distance? if an average human can jog at around 2 miles an hour or so, than that puts the distance at around 450 feet, right? i mean, our game isn't played on continents so much as large islands, really.
and the fat epidemic isn't relegated soley to America... geeze
ok, so this is a fantasy game, well, lets look there some too. Tolkien invented modern fantasy, i think we can all agree on that. didn't the Fellowship of the Ring run for days without stopping, that group including an overweight Dwarf and 3 Hobbits. who is to say that fantasy precludes obese fitness. anyway, Clinton used to jog several miles a day, and he was pretty chubby then.
what i was getting at is that horizontal proportions should be selectable as much as vertical is during character design. i think the diversity would be great.
Having fat characters will defintely not be good as it reinforces the sterotypes that gamers are unathletic fat nerds, even though there is a segment of gamers who CLEARLY dont fit that that mold.
stereotype - schmereotype.... you know, stereotypes exist for a reason... but, i disagree that it reinforces any stereotypes. i am 37, 6'0", 180, and not obese. i carry about 12% body fat. my calorie output is 3000+ daily or so, and my input is close to that, allowing me to maintain my physical stature.
that being said, who cares? i mean, most of the female characters are played by males, right? isn't that reinforcing a stereotype of sorts; one in which young men like to look at scantily clad young women? we could second guess the psychology of gamers all day and hit or miss all day too. so its irrelevant to this topic.
if anything, not being able to create rotund characters is a form of elitism that has existed in the comic book world since the late '70s. (the original Captain America had a paunch, so did Shazam, they were prior to the 1970's)
i really didn't intend for this discussion to get quite so serious, btw. my apologies. i just thought it would be fun to play a overweight Hammer Warrior.