Originally Posted by sindex
You need that long to react to that spell; a 2 second window? Now I can see why some people underappreciated some professions, like the mesmers. The timing to interrupt something, takes way too much concentration for some people. Talk about a slow reaction.
August 10th Skill Balance Balance.
Originally Posted by Kakumei
You'd have a point if I said "made it possible to disrupt", but I didn't. Two-second spells are vastly easier to disrupt than one-second.
Similarly why do you think they moved the ranger spirits from 5 sec rech to 3? at 5 they were ridiculously easy to disrupt and rituals dont have a way to get around it. They still probably wont see play at 3 sec cast, but its still much better than 5 sec.
Originally Posted by Midnight08
(ie: yawn, blink... oh, he's still casting the spell... i think i'll stop that now=P) Good mesmers even time their interrupts at the end of slower spells to further stall their opponent.
Originally Posted by ctbear
No you're not
There's a map called "Underworld" in HA FYI |
Originally Posted by Midnight08
I just did several missions with my Rit... exhaustion sucks with such a small energy pool.
Buff the total pool size if they want to introduce exhaustion.
If the rits still plague PVP, put a ban on all rit skills there.
Buff the total pool size if they want to introduce exhaustion.
If the rits still plague PVP, put a ban on all rit skills there.
Originally Posted by sindex
If he/she added that specific detail, maybe I would not have made that statement now would I? Since there is two different versions, then what makes this supposed arena more tough then the other PvP arenas?

Originally Posted by Miral
underworld is the first map of HA where you fight other players
![]() ![]() |
Originally Posted by sindex
Never paid attention to the first map in HA; since it’s easy to get around that with most PvP groups (at least the ones I have been in). Your right the difficulty level there is certainly not overkill, so I still don’t see the problem.
Originally Posted by Miral
underworld is the first map of HA where you fight other players
![]() ![]() |

Originally Posted by manitoba1073
Actually its the second trial if you count the AI's you have to fight first to get in.
![]() |

Yeah it really is a joke, but try asking to make it harder and see what happens.
Originally Posted by Miral
because stopping someone inside a spirit rift with gale is the ONLY TIME YOU EVER HAVE STRONG KNOCKDOWNS? O.o oh, and theres a bunch other skills that prevent em, too. ask runners about knockdown prevention
![]() |
Any decent spike team will repeatedly spike out your weakest link, or they'll fake spike and catch you off-guard. Like if they see someone with Balanced Stance, guess what? They'll just spike someone else. This is not to mention it's basically an unstoppable spike if it's on the Ghostly, who doesn't kite. If you think a simple KD prevention is going to stop Rift spike, I'm afraid you're dead wrong.
And about KDs in general, most of them come from melee characters, which can be prevented through Aegis, Guardian, SoD, block stances, blinds, etc. That's why people don't usually carry direct counters to KDs.
Originally Posted by sindex
Warrior Bill: Hey what is that floatie thing coming out of the ground?
Warrior Fred: Oh it’s a spirit rift from that Rit over yonder. Warrior Bill: Should we not move out of the way? Warrior Fred: Yeah, that would probably be a good ide--- HOLY SHIT A NECROMANCER!! What's this? I can't move! Ugh, I'm knocked down! Good thing my monk will protect me, oh RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO he cast Expunge on me, and Augury, and NOW HE'S EXPLODING OMG DEEP WOUND *SPLAT* |
Originally Posted by Phantom Gun
So please, try to be more constructive then that.
![]() |
And they say theres no AI's in PvP |
because when touchers came into existance, people took the time to come up with counters before begging for nerfs. |
When people complain about stuff in GvG and HA, do not assume people have not been "looking for counters." Chances are they know the counters, if there are any, and most of the time they're miffed because the counters are very narrow. Aegis, for example, gets owned by Mirror of Disenchantment. Shouts get owned by Vocal Minority.
Yet people don't like being forced to make sure one of their characters has VM or Mirror, for example: It limits their choices, and as team makeup gets more and more forced, things either become less flexible, or balanced team makeups become impossible. The latter was kind of the case after the Nightfall release when GvG was dominated by SP Eurospike and HA was dominated by Paragon teams and ftl's counter-Paragon Jagged Bones hex team (which coincidentally originated from the need to run VM).
The whole purpose of balance is to make sure that options are available, which is why crap that doesn't have enough general-purpose counters needs to come down.
Originally Posted by sindex
If he/she added that specific detail, maybe I would not have made that statement now would I? Since there is two different versions, then what makes this supposed arena more tough then the other PvP arenas?
The second link was to the PvE zone. The first link refers to the first HA map. As for why it's tougher than other PvP arenas.... because it's HA, you're facing full, organized 8v8 groups, often guild groups, often heavily-coordinated and with voice chat. It is one of the two most aggressive and competitive PvP formats. It is not a place for touch rangers.
Originally Posted by Riotgear
Fixed that for you.
I already answered that statement about be a well rounded team in PvP. It is more functional if you can find one.
BTW Miral the point about touch rangers is the fact that it gets used most of the time in certain areas of PvP. It’s the most over spent build in PvP, which should be shot down if A-net is willing to blast something like spirit spamming builds down (or other Rit builds).
Originally Posted by sindex
That’s the second time someone has pointed out Gale being the representation of another skill that is totally opposite from the other. Gale knocks people down, rift does not. Even enemy NPC get out of the way of rift before the thing can get up to where it needs to be. I mean the human reflex must be really bad for someone not to step a few feet away from rift.
EDIT: If you’re speaking of a knockdown to get the best result. Gale is defiantly not the way to go for a Rit. I need to see the Rit build where Gale is taken and wastes some energy via the exhaustion to use rift once. |
And, if they are a proper spike group, they rend/gaze RIGHT before all the stuff hits, so pre-protting has no use, and it'll be hard to catch a Spiritbond after the rend/gaze.
Now for my thoughts:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ALL YOU W/D STEADY NOOBS! Finally, they're gonna get owned by blind / hexes / stances.
/hail Anet
Originally Posted by sindex
Don't you dare fix my writing to support your agenda!!!
BTW Miral the point about touch rangers is the fact that it gets used most of the time in certain areas of PvP. It’s the most over spent build in PvP, which should be shot down if A-net is willing to blast something like spirit spamming builds down (or other Rit builds). |
Darkpower Alchemist
Besides the everpresent war of words, why did ANet even think to add exaustion to Ritualists? I find it interesting that their answer to fixing a PvP balance problem consists of making either the skill to be totally worthless all around, or doing something that discourages its use entirely.
Exaustion isn't the answer. Exaustion on a character with 40-55 max energy makes being a caster nearly ridiculous. Rits will be weilding swords soon, because their spells cause exaustion...highly exaggerated, but this update to rits just isn't a fair thing to do.
They are not elementalist where you can throw exaustion on spells that do heavy damage and cost alot of energy. I truely am bothered by this choice of action-Ritualists with exaustion...who was the genius who penned that into reality? Hell, who was the person at the table with that blasted cup of mocha frappachino latte who was high off of extra shots of caffeine who said, "We should add exaustion to the ritualist skills that everyone uses to spike with!" That's the guy you sit out on an anthill with honey on him/her bucked naked in the sun on the hottest day of the year.
You, sir or madam, are the weakest link!
Exaustion isn't the answer. Exaustion on a character with 40-55 max energy makes being a caster nearly ridiculous. Rits will be weilding swords soon, because their spells cause exaustion...highly exaggerated, but this update to rits just isn't a fair thing to do.
They are not elementalist where you can throw exaustion on spells that do heavy damage and cost alot of energy. I truely am bothered by this choice of action-Ritualists with exaustion...who was the genius who penned that into reality? Hell, who was the person at the table with that blasted cup of mocha frappachino latte who was high off of extra shots of caffeine who said, "We should add exaustion to the ritualist skills that everyone uses to spike with!" That's the guy you sit out on an anthill with honey on him/her bucked naked in the sun on the hottest day of the year.
You, sir or madam, are the weakest link!
I vote this thread be closed because it's full of fail.
Divinus Stella
Just goes to show how many useless ritualists are running around in pve, wielders strike and ancestors rage have never been good in pve, if you play a ritualist just to spam spirit rift then you should consider making an elementalist.
Ancestor's Rage was ok in PVE really. Wielder's was pretty horrible.
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
Yeah it really is a joke, but try asking to make it harder and see what happens.

Originally Posted by Riotgear
Have you played recently? Touch rangers have mostly disappeared from the scrubfest areas they used to be common in. The only place they're even remotely common in still is FA because they cut through gate NPC prot. Everywhere else, they've been mostly replaced with Shadow Prison assassins, a significantly more effective build that button-mashers can still run. |
Well then let me pose these questions then.
So what is the difference with everything you just mentioned, and the idea of another type of spiker? Give it be mesmer, ele, and so on with the different spike builds. Why is the Rit being singled out? Is it because it’s easier to spike with the Rit in PvP then any of the other professions? If that what was true: how many Rit spiker teams take HA (since that’s what you’re pointing too) then well organized teams?
By the by the tunnel vision that HA, is the only true PvP out there is pretty comical. You speak about one type of PvP, and that’s your argument? Come on that means GW revolves around HA, from that type of view. GW is not about one thing and one thing only; it’s about many different aspects that make it such a wonderful game it is now.
Originally Posted by sindex
So let me get this straight, what you are basically getting at is the idea that there is a super team build out there; that consists of slow movement hexes, knockdowns, and Rit spikes?
The way it works is:
N/A calls a target. 5 Ritualists cast Spirit Rift on it. N/A uses the following skills: Deadly Paradox, Shadow Prison, Augury of Death, Iron Palm, Expunge Enchantments. Ritualists cast Ancestor's Rage on the N/A. The target is knocked down, prot is removed, they're hit by 5 packets of 137-ish lightning damage from each Ancestor's Rage and 5 packets of 142-ish lightning damage from the Spirit Rifts. Augury of Death triggers if any of those drops them below 50%, causing Deep Wound.
So you take 1395 lightning damage and suffer from Deep Wound. Did I mention you die? Did I mention that this is all AOE too, meaning it can potentially do it to multiple targets?
The earlier variant involves just packing 8 rits with Vital Weapon on them all casting Spirit Burn and Wielder's Strike on somebody.
Why is the Rit being singled out? Is it because it’s easier to spike with the Rit in PvP then any of the other professions? |
If that what was true: how many Rit spiker teams take HA (since that’s what you’re pointing too) then well organized teams? |
By the by the tunnel vision that HA, is the only true PvP out there is pretty comical. You speak about one type of PvP, and that’s your argument? Come on that means GW revolves around HA, from that type of view. GW is not about one thing and one thing only; it’s about many different aspects that make it such a wonderful game it is now. |
Originally Posted by Riotgear
Did I mention you die?
Originally Posted by Miral
wasn't the original argument about touchers not lasting there or something? because when touchers came into existance, people took the time to come up with counters before begging for nerfs. and touchers are so easily countered its pathetic... and even more pathetic when a team can't counter a toucher lol
Oh yeah, Riot. Now you add the idea of GvG which you never mentioned it before, until now. Which made some of my arguments pointless because you fixed it around HA, and had nothing to do with GvG; so there really was no point. When I was talking about PvP, I was fully rounding the idea which included other parts of PvP; then just HA itself.
Going back to the main point some of the skills were not effectively handled in these nerfs. Some of the actions taken against the Rit skills were placed to organize a fair structure. Nevertheless simple changes could have been made via either sacrifice of health instead of Exhaustion, making weapon spells or binding rituals interruptible, would have much easier on the Rit.
Alas the hit that Rit’s got was a pretty hard one. Will they probably recover? Sure. Are there certain combinations of Rit builds that are no longer playable? You bet. Will I stop playing Guild Wars for this like someone else pointed out in the past? That is the most ridiculous question; of course I will still be playing. I am still looking forward to many different things to come. However I am done with this topic since to many points got jumbled up. I think I will try to adapt to the problem now, because that is what some true player does.
--- Thank you all, it’s been a real pleasure, until next time.
I have been playing my RT for over a year now. The ritualist isn't a class that was originally designed to have exhaustion build onto them. My belief is that its their way of "ad hoc" balance to solve the ritspike to get it out of the way first. More of an action first think later thing. Now why dont they just revent the key rit spike skills damage or recharge back to before the major channeling buff during February?
Somethings i strongly dont agree :
Spirit Rift = 2 seconds recharge? This doesn't make sense since the skill takes an additional 3 seconds to activate you need to time it very well. If a team or an individual coordinates their effort well they should be rewarded not nerf for god's sake. I have been rarely hit by spirit rift unless the enemy timed it well while i was casting spell. If thats the case, then I would say that caster or team has "done a good job mate" not cry for nerf.
Ancestor's Rage : Again same as spirit rift, you need to time the cast so that your teammate is ADJACENT to the enemy so you need to monitor the battlefield and coordinate your effort to time its cast. Teamwork and coordination should be rewarded. If this skill really needs balancing maybe tone down the damage a bit?
What I believe are the key rit spike skills, spirit burn and wielder's strike. Make spirit burn cause conditional burning for 3..5 seconds if within earshot of spirit. That way you can't spike with it and the burning can be removed, thus scaling it down. Wielder's strike, maybe make it lose a weapon spell when case and/or up its energy cost and recharge. Please note that the above balance suggestions are not my original ideas tho I have read them from somewhere
Talking about 8 man team, the RT is a versatile class thus making them able to team together and synergize. If that makes them too powerful then ANET should really look again into the concept of RT class and what they really want. Right now I like them as a versatile class and most of their skills are conditional making them fun to use while maintaining balance. The imbalance only comes from having multiple same classes on a team leading to massive spikes.
Conclusion : Disappointed at this update. Hope they will find a better solution soon.
Somethings i strongly dont agree :
Spirit Rift = 2 seconds recharge? This doesn't make sense since the skill takes an additional 3 seconds to activate you need to time it very well. If a team or an individual coordinates their effort well they should be rewarded not nerf for god's sake. I have been rarely hit by spirit rift unless the enemy timed it well while i was casting spell. If thats the case, then I would say that caster or team has "done a good job mate" not cry for nerf.
Ancestor's Rage : Again same as spirit rift, you need to time the cast so that your teammate is ADJACENT to the enemy so you need to monitor the battlefield and coordinate your effort to time its cast. Teamwork and coordination should be rewarded. If this skill really needs balancing maybe tone down the damage a bit?
What I believe are the key rit spike skills, spirit burn and wielder's strike. Make spirit burn cause conditional burning for 3..5 seconds if within earshot of spirit. That way you can't spike with it and the burning can be removed, thus scaling it down. Wielder's strike, maybe make it lose a weapon spell when case and/or up its energy cost and recharge. Please note that the above balance suggestions are not my original ideas tho I have read them from somewhere
Talking about 8 man team, the RT is a versatile class thus making them able to team together and synergize. If that makes them too powerful then ANET should really look again into the concept of RT class and what they really want. Right now I like them as a versatile class and most of their skills are conditional making them fun to use while maintaining balance. The imbalance only comes from having multiple same classes on a team leading to massive spikes.
Conclusion : Disappointed at this update. Hope they will find a better solution soon.
Originally Posted by transparo
Spirit Rift = 2 seconds recharge? This doesn't make sense since the skill takes an additional 3 seconds to activate you need to time it very well. If a team or an individual coordinates their effort well they should be rewarded not nerf for god's sake. I have been rarely hit by spirit rift unless the enemy timed it well while i was casting spell. If thats the case, then I would say that caster or team has "done a good job mate" not cry for nerf.
Ancestor's Rage : Again same as spirit rift, you need to time the cast so that your teammate is ADJACENT to the enemy so you need to monitor the battlefield and coordinate your effort to time its cast. Teamwork and coordination should be rewarded. If this skill really needs balancing maybe tone down the damage a bit? |
Diddy bow
Wanderlust nerf and Golden Phoenix Strike Buff make this update win. 
Point blank accually looks worth using too =D.

Point blank accually looks worth using too =D.
Originally Posted by sindex
Oh yeah, Riot. Now you add the idea of GvG which you never mentioned it before, until now. Which made some of my arguments pointless because you fixed it around HA, and had nothing to do with GvG; so there really was no point. When I was talking about PvP, I was fully rounding the idea which included other parts of PvP; then just HA itself.
Nevertheless simple changes could have been made via either sacrifice of health instead of Exhaustion, making weapon spells or binding rituals interruptible, would have much easier on the Rit. |
With this rit spike the chances of actually catching the spike can be so small that at times its not possible, some stay dry from it if they are lucky but others feel the pain. And some poor baby
may die before the sin even gets an attack off on them. The strange thing about rit spike is it's been nerfed before - it killed some guilds off who relied on it, and the school books did suggest it can't be here again. But now with people using things like Shadow Prison makes you wonder where it went. Even with the nerf I sort of forecast falling to this build yesterday, even if you see the spirit rifts by zooming your camera out saying you can escape it is a lie, because you're snared.
With the rit spikes commonly being 2 of the 3 teams in halls it really made my team happy livin' at the Golden Gates to be honest.
When it got nerfed the first time I didn't actually see it for quite a long time after that, and when I saw some bad guild running it, was like history quickly crashing through your veins - they were pretty much using it to make your rank fall back down again, and it worked, they tanked so many guilds with it.
As far as this thread goes, and the other similar threads, the flaming needs to stop, it's worse than swearing, worse than calling names. BUT ARGH! saying this build was not overpowered! Saying it publicly is insane! I also think no one wants to hear about it now, because a lot of people really wished real hard it would go away somehow. And actually playing one of these rit spikes made even the best of friends fight.... or as far as friends go in Guild Wars, they probably didn't know each other in the light.
I think so many people ran it because of the dirty secrets of the HoH economy, you can make a lot of gold there, and with this build you target someone and turn that body into DP. That easily.
Ok that's enough... hard enough typing just that much.
With this rit spike the chances of actually catching the spike can be so small that at times its not possible, some stay dry from it if they are lucky but others feel the pain. And some poor baby

With the rit spikes commonly being 2 of the 3 teams in halls it really made my team happy livin' at the Golden Gates to be honest.
When it got nerfed the first time I didn't actually see it for quite a long time after that, and when I saw some bad guild running it, was like history quickly crashing through your veins - they were pretty much using it to make your rank fall back down again, and it worked, they tanked so many guilds with it.
As far as this thread goes, and the other similar threads, the flaming needs to stop, it's worse than swearing, worse than calling names. BUT ARGH! saying this build was not overpowered! Saying it publicly is insane! I also think no one wants to hear about it now, because a lot of people really wished real hard it would go away somehow. And actually playing one of these rit spikes made even the best of friends fight.... or as far as friends go in Guild Wars, they probably didn't know each other in the light.
I think so many people ran it because of the dirty secrets of the HoH economy, you can make a lot of gold there, and with this build you target someone and turn that body into DP. That easily.
Ok that's enough... hard enough typing just that much.
As this thread is going nowhere, and is full of flaming and whining..
Thread Closed.
Thread Closed.