I though I'ld post some other stuff why not. All were made in an interval of a 9-15 months ago.
Posted in order of personal appreciation:
1: My whipgirl, she's my fav and she's the closest to what would be a viable prof.
2: My timemage, I love him, but he's sooo preposterously overpowered XD
3: Some kind of superele, I though just leaving him in the thrash cause one of his main tricks made him virtually invulnerable, I know there's a way too keep the concept without overpowering it, but I'm leaving that to you guys.
Lemme know if you plan to use anything :P
Oh, and again everything was left unedited
Some old crap
adam of phyrexia
adam of phyrexia
This started as an idea for making a prof using a whip and i think it turned out pretty decent . I'm not good with name so it's name in progress atm is 'summoner'
Anyway these are the four attributes it uses:
Hell Magic: under this attribute we find a variety of hexes, enchantments spells (mostly self directed) and direct dmg spells. Here are some skills to give you an idea:
Fiery column: Create a column of fire at target foes location (location cant be changed after the casting has begun) target foe is knocked down and is hit for X fire dmg and set on fire for X seconds.
Barbs of Torment: Target foe moves 25 percent slower for X seconds and suffers X dmg while moving (10-30 or something).
Pentagram of the Lich: AoE spell: Foes move 50 percent slower , each second you drain X health from each foe in the the area.
Coreography of Hate: Elite enchantment spell: You are set on fire for the duration of the spell, you move and attack 50 percent faster, all nearby foes are set on fire for X seconds, if you are wielding a melee weapon you hit for +X fire dmg and you're foes are set on fire for X seconds
Whip mastery: You know what we got here, higher attribute=more whip dmg, skills for whips and stances. Note: i intend the whip to be a overaly low dmg spiking melee weapon, its ranger is greater than that of conventional melee weapon but its shorter than a shortbow.
Lacerating Slash: causes bleeding (nothing original but all melee weaps should have it)
Dominations Grasp:hex spell: target foe can not move any further from you then whiping range, you can no longer use the whip and suffer -1 energy degen
Snake's Bite: Cause poison
Shatter Hope: Combo skill (combo skills are a sequence of skills with their own recharge and casting time and req energy ammount who once started will go on untill it runs out of energy or a skills hasnt recharged, in case of a failure the user will receive a penalty depending on the phase of the combo) 3 hit combo that interrupts, inflicts cripple and causes a deep wound+Xdmg
Whipplay: stance: block all (physical) projectiles travelling at normal speed
Lilith's Whip:elite enchantment: you suffer -X health degen, you steal X health with each slash
Summoning: combines elements of the nec MM and rit with whole new aspects to create a whole new way of minion gameplay. The minions this time are called demons (or something else, point is they look like demons) and have different behaviour and evejn skills. like the MM the summoner has a limit of minions depending on it's summoning lvl, but different demons take a different ammount of room. Most demons do not suffer health degen or die after time but have to be killed or be "de-summoned' by its caster.
demons can have four different kinds of intelligence:
-Dum: demons will harm anything except their caster and will not follow him/her.
-Low: demon will only attack foes, or help alies, it will follow it's caster when there are no foes around.
-Good:demon will attack the foes its caster is attacking and will follow him/her when (s)he's leaving the area.
-Superb: These demons have custimisable behaviour (skills menu)
some skills:
Summon scourge : (yes i stole the idea from starcraft) summons a small flying demon with good intelligence. they do not use much room and dont inflict a lot of dmg, but they explode when they die or are de-summoned.
summon Vile Blob: a demon with low intelligence, it absorbs all negative conditions and their duration from alies and can transfer them to foes.Its start with 1000 health and cant transfer health to allies, it does not naturaly regen. Vile blob's 3 skills use touch and he's immune to disease.
Summon Bad Karma: intelligence:0, this demon is imobile, it casts an AoE spell that slows ppl by 50 percent and causes disease (both foe and ally). Bad karma has 250 health and deals back all dmg it receives. it has a constant +3regen
Unholy Roar:spell: deal X dark dmg for each demon you control in the area
Lust: intelligence:superb: take's up a lot of room. a powerfull demon that casts hexes and can also inflict physical dmg.
I havn't found any good fourth attrib
Anyway, i hope this inspired someone and here"s a pic on how a fem summoner might look 8)
*edit , I love this pic, and it's perfect for this prof
Anyway these are the four attributes it uses:
Hell Magic: under this attribute we find a variety of hexes, enchantments spells (mostly self directed) and direct dmg spells. Here are some skills to give you an idea:
Fiery column: Create a column of fire at target foes location (location cant be changed after the casting has begun) target foe is knocked down and is hit for X fire dmg and set on fire for X seconds.
Barbs of Torment: Target foe moves 25 percent slower for X seconds and suffers X dmg while moving (10-30 or something).
Pentagram of the Lich: AoE spell: Foes move 50 percent slower , each second you drain X health from each foe in the the area.
Coreography of Hate: Elite enchantment spell: You are set on fire for the duration of the spell, you move and attack 50 percent faster, all nearby foes are set on fire for X seconds, if you are wielding a melee weapon you hit for +X fire dmg and you're foes are set on fire for X seconds
Whip mastery: You know what we got here, higher attribute=more whip dmg, skills for whips and stances. Note: i intend the whip to be a overaly low dmg spiking melee weapon, its ranger is greater than that of conventional melee weapon but its shorter than a shortbow.
Lacerating Slash: causes bleeding (nothing original but all melee weaps should have it)
Dominations Grasp:hex spell: target foe can not move any further from you then whiping range, you can no longer use the whip and suffer -1 energy degen
Snake's Bite: Cause poison
Shatter Hope: Combo skill (combo skills are a sequence of skills with their own recharge and casting time and req energy ammount who once started will go on untill it runs out of energy or a skills hasnt recharged, in case of a failure the user will receive a penalty depending on the phase of the combo) 3 hit combo that interrupts, inflicts cripple and causes a deep wound+Xdmg
Whipplay: stance: block all (physical) projectiles travelling at normal speed
Lilith's Whip:elite enchantment: you suffer -X health degen, you steal X health with each slash
Summoning: combines elements of the nec MM and rit with whole new aspects to create a whole new way of minion gameplay. The minions this time are called demons (or something else, point is they look like demons) and have different behaviour and evejn skills. like the MM the summoner has a limit of minions depending on it's summoning lvl, but different demons take a different ammount of room. Most demons do not suffer health degen or die after time but have to be killed or be "de-summoned' by its caster.
demons can have four different kinds of intelligence:
-Dum: demons will harm anything except their caster and will not follow him/her.
-Low: demon will only attack foes, or help alies, it will follow it's caster when there are no foes around.
-Good:demon will attack the foes its caster is attacking and will follow him/her when (s)he's leaving the area.
-Superb: These demons have custimisable behaviour (skills menu)
some skills:
Summon scourge : (yes i stole the idea from starcraft) summons a small flying demon with good intelligence. they do not use much room and dont inflict a lot of dmg, but they explode when they die or are de-summoned.
summon Vile Blob: a demon with low intelligence, it absorbs all negative conditions and their duration from alies and can transfer them to foes.Its start with 1000 health and cant transfer health to allies, it does not naturaly regen. Vile blob's 3 skills use touch and he's immune to disease.
Summon Bad Karma: intelligence:0, this demon is imobile, it casts an AoE spell that slows ppl by 50 percent and causes disease (both foe and ally). Bad karma has 250 health and deals back all dmg it receives. it has a constant +3regen
Unholy Roar:spell: deal X dark dmg for each demon you control in the area
Lust: intelligence:superb: take's up a lot of room. a powerfull demon that casts hexes and can also inflict physical dmg.
I havn't found any good fourth attrib
Anyway, i hope this inspired someone and here"s a pic on how a fem summoner might look 8)
*edit , I love this pic, and it's perfect for this prof
adam of phyrexia
Anyway here's another creation: The Timemage
This guy here will take skills you know as running skills, frenzy,or sin teleport spells to a whole new level of gameplay.
It's four attributes are Time magic, Dimension magic, staf mastery and prophecy, and i chose time as the primairie
First of all: staf mastery: The timemage profession has a unique type of staf which unlike conventional stafs can be used as a melee weapon in a kind of shaolin monk style. The + on this staf is that it inflicts more dmg (was thinking 25-29, not much for a two-handed, but it does more than dmg) the - points are it's inability to be used at range and that it gives a core +5 energy instead of +10.
The staf is a great weapon if you want to interrupt or kd a foe, but it's ability to inflict conditions is limited, nor does it inflict major dmg
BUT the staf has skills that power up considerably when used under certain conditions namely: a time staf attack and a dimension staf attack.
For example: stinger: hit the foe with 5 fast thrusts each inflicting xdmg, when attackspeed is over 133 percent stinger inflicts 10 thrusts( casting time remains the same) or
First strike: cannot be used at close range, (+ - 10 energy, 25regen time) kd the foe and inflict +Xdmg (x= + - 80), dmg is multiplied by your total speed atm.
Art of the void: inflict 2 slashing hits, when art of the void is used after a dimensionattack each blow inflict + X dmg and causes bleeding for X secs.
Timemaster: Elite stance: for X seconds you have an X percent chance of dodging melee and projectile attacks (where X your total speed -100) and your attacks inflict X more dmg (where X is total attackspeed -100 and is in percent, not absolute dmg) and cannot be blocked or evaded.
Sweep: melee attack, kd the foe
Well that should give you a pretty good idea about stafmastery, next is: TIME
Contains hex and enchantmentspells and also, just like dimension magic (which has more), arena spells: these spells affect everyone in the area and can be extremely powerfull if used with the right team or against the right foes, oh and they drain your energy to maintain. You alrdy know skills like kitah's burden and charge, of which time magic will have it's own versions, but here are some more interesting skills.
Freeze! :For X seconds target foe cannot move, use skills or regen and is immune to spells and attacks.
Rage of Eons: enchantment spell, target other ally moves 100 percent faster and attack 100 percent faster (has to be overpowered, but i dont care ^^)
Slow Sound: Arenaspell: All shouts take 2 times as long to cast and whenever someone activates or is target by a skill that gives+50 movement speed, all surrounding foes are kd and dazed for 3 seconds ( This may sound bizar so i'll explain, the reason that they're kd and dazed is because due to the slowness of sound they can easily break through it's wall)
Freeze Aether: hex spell: if target foe was casting a spell that spell is interrupted, all of that foe's spells are disabled for the duration of FA and do not recharge.
Aging: Elite hex spell: aging lasts 300 seconds (reduces with more attribute, 300=0 time magic) the first 30 seconds(same) aging does nothing, the foe suffers from an additional -1 health degen for every 30 seconds(same) that have past, after 60 secs(same) the foe suffers from weakness, after 120 secs(same) from cripple, from decease after 210 secs, after 300 secs the foe is hit for 1000 spiking dmg.
Revive: elite spell: target ally is revived with full energy and health (expect the recharge to suck on this one)
Delayed Pain: hex spell: while under the effect of DP target foe suffers no dmg, when DP ends the target is hit for the total ammount of dmg( spiked, armorbonus and prot spells prevent dmg from being absorbed by DP) the foe suffered under the effect of DP *1.5
Second Breath:elite spell: (sucky recharge) target ally has total energy restored and skills recharged. Second Breath is disabled for X seconds.
This is the timemage's main source of dmg, expect powerfull AoE spells for friend and foe and some cool teleportattacks.
Void Strike:dimension attack:teleport to target foe's position and deal+X dmg
Isolation: AoE (enchantment)spell: once cast Isolation becomes a maintainable enchantment but it doesnt have to be, while the enchantment is maintained isolation last 50 percent longer that's all, anyway: Once cast no ally or foe can leave the area, the same counts for projectiles and spells(including indirect ones like hexes).
Way of the Aether: Elite enchantment spell: for 8 seconds you're next 3 attackskills count as a dimensionattack (teleport you to the foe) and inflict+X dmg and target foe loses X energy.
Begone!: Teleport target foe to a random spot on the map
Voidblast:spell:target foe suffers X dmg and suffers from a random condition, if voidblast is used after a dimensionattack it deals an additional X dmg.
Inversion: Elite AoE spell:a surprisingly large area of effect, but only the ones near the center suffer dmg, which increases as you get closer to the center, all foes in the area are drawn towards the center, the strength of which depends on their distance from the center.( IDK if such a spell is possible without causing major lagg)
And Finaly Prophecy:
Every profession needs an attribute that helps you survive and keep your energy in check and that's just what prophecy is here to do.
Predictable: hex spell: you evade all direct attacks from target foe (duration=x)
Foresight: enchantment spell: (thinking of a -2 energy degen)as long as you maintain foresight you have a X percent chance of dodging melee and projectile attacks.
Will of the ancient: you gain Xenergyregen but skills recharge 33percent slower.
Wisdom of eons: elite enchantmentspell:you gain+X maximum energy but suffer -7 energy regen, this enchantment ends when you run out of energy.
pfew that's pretty much it, hope someone appreciates it , oh, and for color i was thinking dark blue and black, or something silvery.
This guy here will take skills you know as running skills, frenzy,or sin teleport spells to a whole new level of gameplay.
It's four attributes are Time magic, Dimension magic, staf mastery and prophecy, and i chose time as the primairie
First of all: staf mastery: The timemage profession has a unique type of staf which unlike conventional stafs can be used as a melee weapon in a kind of shaolin monk style. The + on this staf is that it inflicts more dmg (was thinking 25-29, not much for a two-handed, but it does more than dmg) the - points are it's inability to be used at range and that it gives a core +5 energy instead of +10.
The staf is a great weapon if you want to interrupt or kd a foe, but it's ability to inflict conditions is limited, nor does it inflict major dmg
BUT the staf has skills that power up considerably when used under certain conditions namely: a time staf attack and a dimension staf attack.
For example: stinger: hit the foe with 5 fast thrusts each inflicting xdmg, when attackspeed is over 133 percent stinger inflicts 10 thrusts( casting time remains the same) or
First strike: cannot be used at close range, (+ - 10 energy, 25regen time) kd the foe and inflict +Xdmg (x= + - 80), dmg is multiplied by your total speed atm.
Art of the void: inflict 2 slashing hits, when art of the void is used after a dimensionattack each blow inflict + X dmg and causes bleeding for X secs.
Timemaster: Elite stance: for X seconds you have an X percent chance of dodging melee and projectile attacks (where X your total speed -100) and your attacks inflict X more dmg (where X is total attackspeed -100 and is in percent, not absolute dmg) and cannot be blocked or evaded.
Sweep: melee attack, kd the foe
Well that should give you a pretty good idea about stafmastery, next is: TIME
Contains hex and enchantmentspells and also, just like dimension magic (which has more), arena spells: these spells affect everyone in the area and can be extremely powerfull if used with the right team or against the right foes, oh and they drain your energy to maintain. You alrdy know skills like kitah's burden and charge, of which time magic will have it's own versions, but here are some more interesting skills.
Freeze! :For X seconds target foe cannot move, use skills or regen and is immune to spells and attacks.
Rage of Eons: enchantment spell, target other ally moves 100 percent faster and attack 100 percent faster (has to be overpowered, but i dont care ^^)
Slow Sound: Arenaspell: All shouts take 2 times as long to cast and whenever someone activates or is target by a skill that gives+50 movement speed, all surrounding foes are kd and dazed for 3 seconds ( This may sound bizar so i'll explain, the reason that they're kd and dazed is because due to the slowness of sound they can easily break through it's wall)
Freeze Aether: hex spell: if target foe was casting a spell that spell is interrupted, all of that foe's spells are disabled for the duration of FA and do not recharge.
Aging: Elite hex spell: aging lasts 300 seconds (reduces with more attribute, 300=0 time magic) the first 30 seconds(same) aging does nothing, the foe suffers from an additional -1 health degen for every 30 seconds(same) that have past, after 60 secs(same) the foe suffers from weakness, after 120 secs(same) from cripple, from decease after 210 secs, after 300 secs the foe is hit for 1000 spiking dmg.
Revive: elite spell: target ally is revived with full energy and health (expect the recharge to suck on this one)
Delayed Pain: hex spell: while under the effect of DP target foe suffers no dmg, when DP ends the target is hit for the total ammount of dmg( spiked, armorbonus and prot spells prevent dmg from being absorbed by DP) the foe suffered under the effect of DP *1.5
Second Breath:elite spell: (sucky recharge) target ally has total energy restored and skills recharged. Second Breath is disabled for X seconds.
This is the timemage's main source of dmg, expect powerfull AoE spells for friend and foe and some cool teleportattacks.
Void Strike:dimension attack:teleport to target foe's position and deal+X dmg
Isolation: AoE (enchantment)spell: once cast Isolation becomes a maintainable enchantment but it doesnt have to be, while the enchantment is maintained isolation last 50 percent longer that's all, anyway: Once cast no ally or foe can leave the area, the same counts for projectiles and spells(including indirect ones like hexes).
Way of the Aether: Elite enchantment spell: for 8 seconds you're next 3 attackskills count as a dimensionattack (teleport you to the foe) and inflict+X dmg and target foe loses X energy.
Begone!: Teleport target foe to a random spot on the map
Voidblast:spell:target foe suffers X dmg and suffers from a random condition, if voidblast is used after a dimensionattack it deals an additional X dmg.
Inversion: Elite AoE spell:a surprisingly large area of effect, but only the ones near the center suffer dmg, which increases as you get closer to the center, all foes in the area are drawn towards the center, the strength of which depends on their distance from the center.( IDK if such a spell is possible without causing major lagg)
And Finaly Prophecy:
Every profession needs an attribute that helps you survive and keep your energy in check and that's just what prophecy is here to do.
Predictable: hex spell: you evade all direct attacks from target foe (duration=x)
Foresight: enchantment spell: (thinking of a -2 energy degen)as long as you maintain foresight you have a X percent chance of dodging melee and projectile attacks.
Will of the ancient: you gain Xenergyregen but skills recharge 33percent slower.
Wisdom of eons: elite enchantmentspell:you gain+X maximum energy but suffer -7 energy regen, this enchantment ends when you run out of energy.
pfew that's pretty much it, hope someone appreciates it , oh, and for color i was thinking dark blue and black, or something silvery.
adam of phyrexia
Well it's been a while but here's another one of my prof, it was inspired by fury's prof so he does deserve some of the credit :-]
This prof which i've dubbed Avon has the unique ability to assist his party with powerful nukes and suporting spells while he himself remains at a save distance.
I know this provides problems with PVE gameplay, but it's nothing an AI update cant fix.
Now: how does the Avon cast these high range spells?
He does this by creating an astral projection of himself, there is more than one projection each with their modifications but 1 thing count for all and that is that they're invulnerable.
Most projections (thinking of calling them avatars or incarnations) can fly (height will increase as the height of the terrain increases) and move at fenomal speed which will are described by a lvl 1-7 where 1 is 100 percent of the normal speed.
The Avon isnt forced however to deploy these projections, although some skills will not be usable without one, most of his spells work just as well at normal range, BUT the Avon is slow in casting and moving so this might be illrecommended.
I would also like to add that the distance at which a spell can be cast differs from incarnation to incarantion. As you fly further and further away from your body the cost of your spells will increase (This phenomenon will be know as stress), now this additional cost does not differ from spell to spell, which is why you better use high cost spells at high-range and if your stress equals the total ammount of energy you have left the projection will automaticaly end and you will receive a dazed penalty depending on the ammount of stress (you can end a projection at any time of your choosing, watching your total and stress will be important if you want to be a powerful Avon), nevertheless a high energytotal is vital to an Avon.
Which brings me to his weapon, The Kelpa:
A kelpa is a large ring or several rings floating around it's users waist possible with blades or flails attached. This weapon allows the Avon to use its astral projection (without a kelpa you can not use these skills!) and also gives him/her an enermous ammount of energy (30-40 max), its innate downside is that it slows its wearer down (wearing a kelpa you'll move at 60-80 percent of your speed).
Now how does the kelpa work? normaly the kelpa is inanimate but each time you use magic the kelpa will charge depending on the energy used for that spell. That charge is indicated in points (lets say 1 point each 5 energy) and just like adrenaline they will dissapear if you dont use any spells for a while.
The maximum ammount of points depends on the kelpa and depending on the ammount of points the kelpas additional effects will be activated, these effects can vary from blocking projectiles or magic to health regen and more. Example: a kelpa shaped like a circlesaw will start inflicting slashing dmg and causing bleeding to all adjacent foes if it gets charged. As you can tell choosing the right kelpa for your build is crucial.
Anyway, lets move on to some sample skills
Kelpa magic: These skills are activated using the kelpa points i mentioned earlier. Oh and i might need to explain a new skilltype: Sendskills: Untill these skills have been completed you will no longer benefit from the kelpas effects (energy included).
Powerfrenzy: Lose all kelpa points, for X seconds per point lost this way the kelpa will be fully charged and its effects doubled. You cannot gain additional points during powerfrenzy
Release: all adjacent foes are hit for X holy dmg.
The Forger: sendstance: Your next direct dmg spell does +X dmg
The Tormenter: hex send skill: for 7 seconds target foe suffers X holy dmg each second.
The Warden: elite hex send skill: for X seconds all of that foes projectile and direct dmg attacks are blocked.
Power to the Master: Lose al kelpa points you gain 2 energy for every point lost this way.
Heaven Allegiance: Gain power from the gods of the heavens: generaly intended as a partysupportive attribute, lots of barraging nukes and supportive spells. Also i'll explain a second new type of skill: chargespells: these are special nukes that last longer or do more dmg if you dont move after you cast the nuke, you will lose additional energy if you do so.
Punish: this skill can only be used in astral form: target foe suffers X lightning dmg (this is a fast spammable spell)
Tornado: chargespell: (btw, avon nukes have a larger diameter than the ele ones): summon a Tornado which inflict X dmg and removes one stance each second ,this tornado will move in a random direction, charging it will increase duration.
Projection of Virtue: projectionspell, speed 2, energy degen 6, whenever you cast a spell all allies surrounding Projection of Virtue will loose 1 condition.
Star barrage:chargespell: For X seconds foes in this area suffer 30 holy dmg each second, charging will increase duration. This spell can only be used in astral form.
Heaven's Blessing: all allies in the area have X health healed.
Windblast:This spell has half the normal range, target foe is hit for X dmg and i knocked down, this spell cannot be used in astral form.
Solar Rage: elite arena spell: Fire spells cost 25 percent less energy to cast, all allies using fire dmg hit for an additional X dmg, dmg from cold sources is halved: Charge ffect, you lose 4 energy each second, once you've sacrifced an additional 20 energy: for 10 seconds foes in the area suffer X dmg per second and are set on fire for 1 second.
Starlight: elite spell: all foes in the area are blinded for X second and suffer 50 holy dmg.
Summon Thanatos:elite projection spell: project yourself as the angel of death ,speed2, energy degen 5. Summon Thanatos is replaced with Thanatos' Hunger: for 10 seconds you steal X health and 1 energy from each foe in the area. Thanatos' Hunger ends if you move.
Astral Missile: projectionspell: speed 7, the next time you use a spell you deal X dmg to all adjacent foes, astral missile ends and you are dazed for 3 seconds.
Holy Decendance: teleportspell, this spell can only be used in astral form, teleport to incarnations position, all nearby allies are healed for X.
Chaos allegiance: Pledge allegiance to the god of chaos to receive these spell of total carnage that can turn a battle around in one sweep.
Manic form:enchantment spell: For X seconds each time get hit you teleport to a random location you lose X energy and adjacent foes suffer X chaos dmg.
Chaos Core: charging spell: target foe is hit for X chaos dmg and suffers from deep wound for 3 seconds: charge, you lose 3 energy each second, after 3 second target foe suffers X+ dmg.
Rain of Terror: charge spell: fire a series of chaoslightning in target foes direction, all other foe in that line of site are hit for X chaos dmg.
Mark of the Servant: rune spell (rune spells are glyphs that also work on other allies): you suffer -X dmg from chaos sources, the next time you cast a spell that targets a foe Mark of the Servant ends and you gain X energy.
Despair's arrival: elite teleport spell: teleport to target incarnation's position, all foes in the area lose X energy
Horror of Chaos: elite projection spell: this astral form canot fly, speed 6,degen7 Champion of Chaos is replaced with Teeth of Chaos: touch skill, target foe loses X energy.
Rage of the Dark Prince: elite spell: sacrifice X percent health, this spell can only be cast in astral form, you summon X orbs who each spike for 2 dmg and target random orbs in the area of the astral projection, these orbs are created at your body, you must charge this spell for 2 energy each second or the orbs will die out (when the orbs reach the area and cannot find a foe they will remain there untill you stop charging)
Death ball: ( The slowest and most powerfull nuke in the game), at target foes or yours, or astral projection's position, you will summon a ball that inflicts X chaos dmg each second(fire rain diameter) (5 seconds after initial summon), charge effect: lose 4 energy each second, If you lose 40 energy this way, death ball will explode inflicting X+ dmg for 5 seconds (large area).
Human Allegiance: see for yourself :-)
Scout: projection spell: energy degen 4, scout form is invisible, speed 5.
Summon Blades: target foe and all foes from an angle of 30 degrees are hit for X slashing dmg, this spell cannot be used in astral form.
Spinning Doom, this spell can only be cast in astral form, X balls of light will randomly be shot at the ground, all foes hit suffer 3 dmg.
Avatar of Fallen Soldies: elite projection spell: all warriors and sins move 25 percent faster and attack 15 percent faster in the vicinity of the avatar, speed 3, degen 6
Power of Union: AoEspell, each ally in this area suffers -2 energy degen, you gain +2 energy regen for each ally in the area, this spell can not be cast in astral form.
Fear's Scream: This spell can only be cast in astral form, all foes in the area lose X hits of adrenaline.
Immage of the Messiah: elite projection spell: speed 3, degen 8, Whenever a foe or ally in the area attacks or use a skill that target a foe, that foe or ally suffers X holy dmg.
Man that took forever xD, but then again it always does, hope you like this one :-).
Liked this pic because of the coloring, and that it can be interpreted as a dreaming girl summoning a dark angel.
Had planned to use this on my runologist, but i liked it too much to throw it away, btw this is Sydney from Vagrant story
This prof which i've dubbed Avon has the unique ability to assist his party with powerful nukes and suporting spells while he himself remains at a save distance.
I know this provides problems with PVE gameplay, but it's nothing an AI update cant fix.
Now: how does the Avon cast these high range spells?
He does this by creating an astral projection of himself, there is more than one projection each with their modifications but 1 thing count for all and that is that they're invulnerable.
Most projections (thinking of calling them avatars or incarnations) can fly (height will increase as the height of the terrain increases) and move at fenomal speed which will are described by a lvl 1-7 where 1 is 100 percent of the normal speed.
The Avon isnt forced however to deploy these projections, although some skills will not be usable without one, most of his spells work just as well at normal range, BUT the Avon is slow in casting and moving so this might be illrecommended.
I would also like to add that the distance at which a spell can be cast differs from incarnation to incarantion. As you fly further and further away from your body the cost of your spells will increase (This phenomenon will be know as stress), now this additional cost does not differ from spell to spell, which is why you better use high cost spells at high-range and if your stress equals the total ammount of energy you have left the projection will automaticaly end and you will receive a dazed penalty depending on the ammount of stress (you can end a projection at any time of your choosing, watching your total and stress will be important if you want to be a powerful Avon), nevertheless a high energytotal is vital to an Avon.
Which brings me to his weapon, The Kelpa:
A kelpa is a large ring or several rings floating around it's users waist possible with blades or flails attached. This weapon allows the Avon to use its astral projection (without a kelpa you can not use these skills!) and also gives him/her an enermous ammount of energy (30-40 max), its innate downside is that it slows its wearer down (wearing a kelpa you'll move at 60-80 percent of your speed).
Now how does the kelpa work? normaly the kelpa is inanimate but each time you use magic the kelpa will charge depending on the energy used for that spell. That charge is indicated in points (lets say 1 point each 5 energy) and just like adrenaline they will dissapear if you dont use any spells for a while.
The maximum ammount of points depends on the kelpa and depending on the ammount of points the kelpas additional effects will be activated, these effects can vary from blocking projectiles or magic to health regen and more. Example: a kelpa shaped like a circlesaw will start inflicting slashing dmg and causing bleeding to all adjacent foes if it gets charged. As you can tell choosing the right kelpa for your build is crucial.
Anyway, lets move on to some sample skills
Kelpa magic: These skills are activated using the kelpa points i mentioned earlier. Oh and i might need to explain a new skilltype: Sendskills: Untill these skills have been completed you will no longer benefit from the kelpas effects (energy included).
Powerfrenzy: Lose all kelpa points, for X seconds per point lost this way the kelpa will be fully charged and its effects doubled. You cannot gain additional points during powerfrenzy
Release: all adjacent foes are hit for X holy dmg.
The Forger: sendstance: Your next direct dmg spell does +X dmg
The Tormenter: hex send skill: for 7 seconds target foe suffers X holy dmg each second.
The Warden: elite hex send skill: for X seconds all of that foes projectile and direct dmg attacks are blocked.
Power to the Master: Lose al kelpa points you gain 2 energy for every point lost this way.
Heaven Allegiance: Gain power from the gods of the heavens: generaly intended as a partysupportive attribute, lots of barraging nukes and supportive spells. Also i'll explain a second new type of skill: chargespells: these are special nukes that last longer or do more dmg if you dont move after you cast the nuke, you will lose additional energy if you do so.
Punish: this skill can only be used in astral form: target foe suffers X lightning dmg (this is a fast spammable spell)
Tornado: chargespell: (btw, avon nukes have a larger diameter than the ele ones): summon a Tornado which inflict X dmg and removes one stance each second ,this tornado will move in a random direction, charging it will increase duration.
Projection of Virtue: projectionspell, speed 2, energy degen 6, whenever you cast a spell all allies surrounding Projection of Virtue will loose 1 condition.
Star barrage:chargespell: For X seconds foes in this area suffer 30 holy dmg each second, charging will increase duration. This spell can only be used in astral form.
Heaven's Blessing: all allies in the area have X health healed.
Windblast:This spell has half the normal range, target foe is hit for X dmg and i knocked down, this spell cannot be used in astral form.
Solar Rage: elite arena spell: Fire spells cost 25 percent less energy to cast, all allies using fire dmg hit for an additional X dmg, dmg from cold sources is halved: Charge ffect, you lose 4 energy each second, once you've sacrifced an additional 20 energy: for 10 seconds foes in the area suffer X dmg per second and are set on fire for 1 second.
Starlight: elite spell: all foes in the area are blinded for X second and suffer 50 holy dmg.
Summon Thanatos:elite projection spell: project yourself as the angel of death ,speed2, energy degen 5. Summon Thanatos is replaced with Thanatos' Hunger: for 10 seconds you steal X health and 1 energy from each foe in the area. Thanatos' Hunger ends if you move.
Astral Missile: projectionspell: speed 7, the next time you use a spell you deal X dmg to all adjacent foes, astral missile ends and you are dazed for 3 seconds.
Holy Decendance: teleportspell, this spell can only be used in astral form, teleport to incarnations position, all nearby allies are healed for X.
Chaos allegiance: Pledge allegiance to the god of chaos to receive these spell of total carnage that can turn a battle around in one sweep.
Manic form:enchantment spell: For X seconds each time get hit you teleport to a random location you lose X energy and adjacent foes suffer X chaos dmg.
Chaos Core: charging spell: target foe is hit for X chaos dmg and suffers from deep wound for 3 seconds: charge, you lose 3 energy each second, after 3 second target foe suffers X+ dmg.
Rain of Terror: charge spell: fire a series of chaoslightning in target foes direction, all other foe in that line of site are hit for X chaos dmg.
Mark of the Servant: rune spell (rune spells are glyphs that also work on other allies): you suffer -X dmg from chaos sources, the next time you cast a spell that targets a foe Mark of the Servant ends and you gain X energy.
Despair's arrival: elite teleport spell: teleport to target incarnation's position, all foes in the area lose X energy
Horror of Chaos: elite projection spell: this astral form canot fly, speed 6,degen7 Champion of Chaos is replaced with Teeth of Chaos: touch skill, target foe loses X energy.
Rage of the Dark Prince: elite spell: sacrifice X percent health, this spell can only be cast in astral form, you summon X orbs who each spike for 2 dmg and target random orbs in the area of the astral projection, these orbs are created at your body, you must charge this spell for 2 energy each second or the orbs will die out (when the orbs reach the area and cannot find a foe they will remain there untill you stop charging)
Death ball: ( The slowest and most powerfull nuke in the game), at target foes or yours, or astral projection's position, you will summon a ball that inflicts X chaos dmg each second(fire rain diameter) (5 seconds after initial summon), charge effect: lose 4 energy each second, If you lose 40 energy this way, death ball will explode inflicting X+ dmg for 5 seconds (large area).
Human Allegiance: see for yourself :-)
Scout: projection spell: energy degen 4, scout form is invisible, speed 5.
Summon Blades: target foe and all foes from an angle of 30 degrees are hit for X slashing dmg, this spell cannot be used in astral form.
Spinning Doom, this spell can only be cast in astral form, X balls of light will randomly be shot at the ground, all foes hit suffer 3 dmg.
Avatar of Fallen Soldies: elite projection spell: all warriors and sins move 25 percent faster and attack 15 percent faster in the vicinity of the avatar, speed 3, degen 6
Power of Union: AoEspell, each ally in this area suffers -2 energy degen, you gain +2 energy regen for each ally in the area, this spell can not be cast in astral form.
Fear's Scream: This spell can only be cast in astral form, all foes in the area lose X hits of adrenaline.
Immage of the Messiah: elite projection spell: speed 3, degen 8, Whenever a foe or ally in the area attacks or use a skill that target a foe, that foe or ally suffers X holy dmg.
Man that took forever xD, but then again it always does, hope you like this one :-).
Liked this pic because of the coloring, and that it can be interpreted as a dreaming girl summoning a dark angel.
Had planned to use this on my runologist, but i liked it too much to throw it away, btw this is Sydney from Vagrant story
blackest monk
i rather like the idea of a whip. It would be pretty fun.
adam of phyrexia
a reply at last ^^
Paragraphs? I'm not even gonna bother reading something so lengthy and cropped...
Please clean it up a bit so people will actually want to read it.
Please clean it up a bit so people will actually want to read it.