hero r4 atm LF HA(gvg:optional) guild



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2007


changin every day...


basic info:
ING: Atem R
Age:13(yes Im young)
-have all 3 campaings
-r4 hero atm(and growing)
-650k BF(or so)
-top 600guild exp(hehe not a big fancy rank,but we pwed)
-have vent&ts + mic

Im looking for a mostly HA guild to join.Gvg-ing is ok,I love it too,but Its not a muss.I can play any ha build thats runing now but prefer: ele,dervish,ranger.I play daily and Im active.B4 you invite me pls write here some basic info about your guild: name,tag,rank minimum,activity,are you in an aliance,member number and thats about it.Pls leave your ING so If I like it I can easily concat you. the end.