Manifest Nightmares
En15 Ca2 Re25
Hex Spell. For 5...15 Seconds. For Each hexes suffered by target foe,
that Foes movement is reduced by 10% and suffers from 1- Degen
Shallow Grasp
En15 Ca1 Re45
Enchantment. For 10....30 Seconds. Whenever a target foe is adjucent to you, he suffers from cripple for 10 seconds and so do you.
[E] Defile Conditions
En10 Ca2 Re20
Enchantment. Sacrifice 20% Health. For 6..12 seconds. You are Imune to
Poison,Disease and bleeding. But whenever you suffer from other conditions. you will suffer 3- Degeneration
Skill Ideas: Necromancer