Some suggestions would be (not originally my idea of course) :
Ancestor's Rage
Revert to original 10e 3/4c 8s
Change functionality to : Enchantment spell. Target ally is enchanted with ancestor's rage. After 2 seconds, all foes adjacent to that ally is struck for 30-110 lightning damage.
"Enchantment prevents spamming on a single target for spike while still balancing the power of the spell."
Wielder's Strike
Change functionality to : Increased energy to 10. Target foe is struck for 15...51 lightning damage. Lose one weapon spell. If a weapon spell is lost this way, target foe is struck for an additional 15..51 lightning damage.
"Increase energy cost and lost of weapon spell when cast to reduce sustainability of the spell as spike skill."
Spirit Rift
Revert to casting time of 1 second.
"1 seconds cast and 3 seconds for skill to activate is more than enough to get away from the damage. Snaring is a teamwork coordination, relies more than 1 person to execute thus is not an excuse to nerf this"
Spirit Burn
Target foe is struck for 5...60 lightning damage. If any Spirits are within earshot, target foe is set on fire for 3..5 seconds.
"Still maintain same power as before but loses effectiveness greatly if spammed on single target since burning condition cannot be stacked."
Other spells are just a victim of exhaustion thrown in. Since it would not "make sense" to throw in exhaustion for just 1-2 skills so they just throw in other skills to make it seem like a general concept for the ritualist class WHICH WASN'T DESIGNED TO HANDLE EXHAUSTION IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Please post some of your ideas and suggestions so that ANET may see the light. Thanks.