A weekend event suggestion
I dont know if this has ever been suggested, but I had an idea for a Cartographer title weekend event. Anet could make it so that the areas you still need to explore are highlighted on your map so people can work for maxing that title. There are services that do this kind of thing so it can be done, and cartographer seems to be one of the only titles that hasnt recieved help from a weekend event. Anet seems to want people to start maxing titles out so this would be helpful for that and for many people who are stuck very close to 100%.
YEY Cartographer /signed
Awaiting the i had to do it without help people to arrive
Awaiting the i had to do it without help people to arrive
Well... all the other 'filler' weekends are oriented to:
- Modifiy drop rates.
- Increase chances of something happening.
- Increase points gained in promotion/faction/point based titles.
Carthographer is a fixed achievement/based title.
- Modifiy drop rates.
- Increase chances of something happening.
- Increase points gained in promotion/faction/point based titles.
Carthographer is a fixed achievement/based title.